DJbombsquad, Why do you not eat meat when your goal is to build muscle?



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points taken (...steps down off high horse) :bandit:

to be honest, I wouldn't have much knowledge on practices in Australia. I'm a New Zealander - uncle was a farmer, and I used to work on farms as a student. We used silage or hay as a winter feed supplement - not grain.

A mate of mine is a vet - fisting large animals is his speciality :thumbsup:


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A mate of mine is a vet - fisting large animals is his speciality
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt (actually it was free since it got **** all over it).

Workout shirt, right?


  • Established
Haha! Well this thread sure has taken some interesting twists and turns.

Lets see now . . . Meat - Religion - slaughterhouses - PETA - Rib Recipes - the bovine diet - fisting - free tshirts

Wow! :bandit:


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Haha! Well this thread sure has taken some interesting twists and turns.

Lets see now . . . Meat - Religion - slaughterhouses - PETA - Rib Recipes - the bovine diet - fisting - free tshirts

Wow! :bandit:
And now it's full circle:


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where is bunit when you need him?
OMG DJ looks just like him! I haven't seen that movie in a while! I used to work for my uncle on his ranch. There is nothing like throwing a log chain around a dying cows neck to drag him to the pasture across the road. Pneumonia used to get a batch of our cattle every summer. It sucked big time as I don't agree with killing animals, but stuff like that desensitizes you to those silly pictures you posted. You are advertising that type of thing by posting them.

I love meat, and eat meat on a daily basis (no homo). No way would I even think about cutting it out of my diet.
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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I am a jew. as a follower of the religion, i can tell you that there is a large sect of jews that believe in this life style. There is also a larger sect that believe that g-d gave us the right to eat all of his creatures. All i have to say is that, i once believed that you could not not get a sufficient enough of muscle building proteins and fats from DJ's style of diet, but i have been proven wrong. I have a friend who chooses this style of diet and is quite jacked. Look at the fighter mac danzic, he is a vegetarian and is very large, also.

I love meat and could never give it up. If dj wants to be vegetarian, then let him. dont hate or bother him for his view. embrace his view and let him be. No need to create ill will. I hope non of you feel i am hating on you, because I am not. I hope my word are taken in and at least considered. "Life is too short"

"One love",


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If dj wants to be vegetarian, then let him. dont hate or bother him for his view. embrace his view and let him be. No need to create ill will. I hope non of you feel i am hating on you, because I am not. I hope my word are taken in and at least considered. "Life is too short"

"One love",
I don't think anyone 'hates' on him for his POV, theyr'e simply calling him out as DJ's posts are often non-sensical, irrelevant and contradictory . .

A simple "I don't eat meat and I don't have to justify the reason why to you fuckers" would have ended this thread 6 pages ago . .

...instead he set himself up for a public mock-a-thon, which obviously AMers obliged.. . End of Story :fart:
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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I don't think anyone 'hates' on him for his POV, theyr'e simply calling him out as DJ's posts are often non-sensical, irrelevant and contradictory . .

A simple "I don't eat meat and I don't have to justify the reason why to you fuckers" would have ended this thread 6 pages ago . .

...instead he set himself up for a public mock-a-thon, which obviously AMers obliged.. . End of Story :fart:
ok.... I guess, I need to read further... cause I am missing something. I shall ask my boy GMG whats up also.


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I don't think anyone 'hates' on him for his POV, theyr'e simply calling him out as DJ's posts are often non-sensical, irrelevant and contradictory . .

A simple "I don't eat meat and I don't have to justify the reason why to you fuckers" would have ended this thread 6 pages ago . .

...instead he set himself up for a public mock-a-thon, which obviously AMers obliged.. . End of Story :fart:
indeed. Jake is right. A simple, I dont want to eat meat and I don't need to justify **** to you *******s would have been suffice.


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This whole thing started on DJ's AMS video log where DJ posted videos of himself working out with terrible form... so we got on his case about it, and we got the usual non-sensical reasons he didn't lift right, from his shirt not letting him be flexible to god knows what else. Someone posted about him not eating meat, but then he posted about eating eggs... but only if they were in cake or if someone else bought them... I don't even remember really, but we got on his case about the fact that he wouldn't eat meat but would do steroids... Anyway, a few people called him a few names (which I will admit wasn't necessary) and his buddy Smeaton Yea taddled on us for busting his balls about contradicting himself, and the mods told us to quit it. We did. Before the dust settled though, DJ said that if we wanted to know about his "vegitarianism" we should start another thread. Which PistonPump did, to the hilarity of all of us. So, we asked a simple question and DJ opened the floodgate for chastisement by cutting and pasting a bunch of one sided Old Testament passages from some obviously Jewish vegan site and a bunch of PETA propaganda videos. He then got ripped to shreds by the general common sense of the masses. Self Pwnage at it's finest.
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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This whole thing started on DJ's AMS video log where DJ posted videos of himself working out with terrible form... so we got on his case about it, and we got the usual non-sensical reasons he didn't lift right, from his shirt not letting him be flexible to god knows what else. Someone posted about him not eating meat, but then he posted about eating eggs... but only if they were in cake or if someone else bought them... I don't even remember really, but we got on his case about the fact that he wouldn't eat meat but would do steroids... Anyway, a few people called him a few names (which I will admit wasn't necessary) and his buddy Smeaton Yea taddled on us for busting his balls about contradicting himself, and the mods told us to quit it. We did. Before the dust settled though, DJ said that if we wanted to know about his "vegitarianism" we should start another thread. Which PistonPump did, to the hilarity of all of us. So, we asked a simple question and DJ opened the floodgate for chastisement by cutting and pasting a bunch of one sided Old Testament passages from some obviously Jewish vegan site and a bunch of PETA propaganda videos. He then got ripped to shreds by the general common sense of the masses. Self Pwnage at it's finest.
ok, i c...

people, were calling him names?


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Pretty funny that I came across this thread while I munch on 2lbs of top sirloin.

No way I read all 9 pages but my opinion is:

I love meat and I'm not going to stop. My body crazes red meat. If I go for longer than 2 weeks without it my body lets me know and it has always done this.

Those videoes are disturbing and I couldn't watch them the whole way through but I'm still not going to stop eating meat. I will advocate for more humane treatment of animals however. I think humans have become intelligent enough to figure out other ways of raising and killing animals which are to be used for food. Personally, I don't think the food sector should be used to make money (yes this is wishful thinking I know).

As far as religion is concerned everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. However I won't discuss religion with many people due to most people's inability to properly argue their side of the argument and their inability not to attack the other person's beliefs (this includes me).

All I ever hear from people are half-truths, white lies, and silent hypocrisy so I've pretty much lost all interest in hearing other people's viewpoints and beliefs.


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Yeah I'm on the cave man diet ... (only meat)


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This whole thing started on DJ's AMS video log where DJ posted videos of himself working out with terrible form... so we got on his case about it, and we got the usual non-sensical reasons he didn't lift right, from his shirt not letting him be flexible to god knows what else. Someone posted about him not eating meat, but then he posted about eating eggs... but only if they were in cake or if someone else bought them... I don't even remember really, but we got on his case about the fact that he wouldn't eat meat but would do steroids... Anyway, a few people called him a few names (which I will admit wasn't necessary) and his buddy Smeaton Yea taddled on us for busting his balls about contradicting himself, and the mods told us to quit it. We did. Before the dust settled though, DJ said that if we wanted to know about his "vegitarianism" we should start another thread. Which PistonPump did, to the hilarity of all of us. So, we asked a simple question and DJ opened the floodgate for chastisement by cutting and pasting a bunch of one sided Old Testament passages from some obviously Jewish vegan site and a bunch of PETA propaganda videos. He then got ripped to shreds by the general common sense of the masses. Self Pwnage at it's finest.
well done :clap2:

As big brother and former classmate of Dj's, smeaton yea added in a neg rep "DJ is smart at martial arts and has been doing it since he was a young laddy" :bruce2: HiiiiiiYah!


New member
I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I do eat unfertilized eggs as well as dairy products because the animal was not harmed(or shouldn't have been). I believe that if it's wrong to harm a human and certain animals such as dogs and cats(common household pets) it's also equally wrong to tie up a cow or pig(who also have a CNS), cut its throat and let it bleed out so someone can later consume it. What's the difference between killing an animal for food, entertainment, clothing, etc and killing a human for these exact same purposes? Just our morals. When we know we are fully capable of living solely on plants without the need to harm an animal, why do we still continue kill them? Greed and selfishness(basic human nature I assume). Manufactured livestock is also causing something like 30% of the green gases which damages our planet, significantly. Kudos to you Djbombsquad. It's definitely a worthy sacrifice and cause. Saves a life and our planet! Also, before someone asks, "What's the big deal? It's already dead." That is true. However, when you purchase these products that are "already dead" you're directly funding the manufacturers, slaughter houses, and retailers. /rant off.


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buddy, eating flesh is how we evolved (if you believe such radical ideas) - that's the reason why you can reason, savvy?

would you consider to let all the live stock of the world go free to wander the earth? . . . :bandit: . . . . what effect would that have on the planet?


New member
"buddy, eating flesh is how we evolved (if you believe is such radical ideas) - that's the reason why you can reason, savvy?"

If the mass production of livestock was eliminated, there wouldn't be a need to "let all the live stock of the world go free to wander the earth". Gradually, the number of livestock would reduce. This would undoubtedly result in a positive effect on our planet.


  • Established
"buddy, eating flesh is how we evolved (if you believe is such radical ideas) - that's the reason why you can reason, savvy?"

If the mass production of livestock was eliminated, there wouldn't be a need to "let all the live stock of the world go free to wander the earth". Gradually, the number of livestock would reduce. This would undoubtedly result in a positive effect on our planet.
would we then put them in zoo's? what would happen to the communities that rely on meat as part of their dietary sustainence? (poor spelling I know) Fly in grain? Force them to eat mungbeans?


New member
Manufactured livestock is also causing something like 30% of the green gases which damages our planet, significantly.
Oh really?

Looks like you have purchased a huge helping of hype, might be time to go return some of it.

If the mass production of livestock was eliminated, there wouldn't be a need to "let all the live stock of the world go free to wander the earth". Gradually, the number of livestock would reduce. This would undoubtedly result in a positive effect on our planet.
You say that now but eliminating concentrated animal production would only result in less concentrated animal production. The decrease in concentration would ultimately put MUCH more land into production and would likely cause even greater environmental degradation/disruption. This would be the case even if world meat consumption were reduced and that isn't going to happen anytime soon.


New member
"would we then put them in zoo's?"
Why would we need to do that? They aren't going to harm anyone. There is plenty of open grazing land for them to live on.

"what would happen to the communities that rely on meat as part of their dietary sustainence? (poor spelling I know) Fly in grain? Force them to eat mungbeans?"
If there is a situation where it's absolutely necessary to kill to survive I have no issues with that. I am referring to those who do have the ability to live solely off plants. I'm very realistic and fair with my stance on this subject. Some people need economic help from the government. Does that mean everyone should? Of course not. If you absolutely need it, then it's there for you. Oh, and what's wrong with eating mungbeans :)?


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oh, I like vegetarian and vegan options from time to time - don't get me wrong, but I choose to remain in the food chain - albiet the top if possible.


New member
Oh really?

Looks like you have purchased a huge helping of hype, might be time to go return some of it.
Oh really? So, are recent proposals for placing a tax on livestock due to this exact reason also a huge helping of hype?


New member
oh, I like vegetarian and vegan options from time to time - don't get me wrong, but I choose to remain in the food chain - albiet the top if possible.
Amen to that Jakellpet!!! I think it's time to let this thing die and put it 6 feet under. This thread 2 days ago: :dead: This thread today: :poke:



New member
Oh really? So, are recent proposals for placing a tax on livestock due to this exact reason also a huge helping of hype?
As of 2004 these numbers had not even been monitored let alone quantified by any agency in the US (EPA namely). Any tax at this point is only a very distant "proposal" because 1) as stated above the emissions levels have not been quantified in most cases and 2) the gov't isn't going to interfere with one of the few industries in the county that isn't tanking right now. IT WILL NEVER EVER HAPPEN. We can't even properly regulate CO2 emissions from known, quantifiable sources such as power plants and cars. Cows, Pigs, Chickens...remember that thing I said about hype earlier?

This still doesn't address the 30% claim.


  • Established
Amen to that Jakellpet!!! I think it's time to let this thing die and put it 6 feet under. This thread 2 days ago: :dead: This thread today: :poke:

please! please let it die! :fingersx:then we can feed off it's juicy flesh! um-yum-yum :dead:


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DJ doesnt eat meat because he can grow on veggies and his roomies eggs while AMS, or other companies, supply the hormones to do the dirty work.

Any time your goals are to bulk but dont involve meat or substantial vegetable protein, full workouts, full ROM and some grammar...... You arent really that serious about it and your free supps should go to me.


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DJ doesnt eat meat because he can grow on veggies and his roomies eggs while AMS, or other companies, supply the hormones to do the dirty work.

Any time your goals are to bulk but dont involve meat or substantial vegetable protein, full workouts, full ROM and some grammar...... You arent really that serious about it and your free supps should go to me.
:clap2: :goodpost:


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DJ doesnt eat meat because he can grow on veggies and his roomies eggs while AMS, or other companies, supply the hormones to do the dirty work.

Any time your goals are to bulk but dont involve meat or substantial vegetable protein, full workouts, full ROM and some grammar...... You arent really that serious about it and your free supps should go to me.
dude' your wrong!

He gained 15 pounds of lean muscle off p-slin. Don't you remember the video!

The video never lies. :lmao:

It wasn't the epistane that put on mass, it was the >:[ PSLIN!


New member
As of 2004 these numbers had not even been monitored let alone quantified by any agency in the US (EPA namely). Any tax at this point is only a very distant "proposal" because 1) as stated above the emissions levels have not been quantified in most cases and 2) the gov't isn't going to interfere with one of the few industries in the county that isn't tanking right now. IT WILL NEVER EVER HAPPEN. We can't even properly regulate CO2 emissions from known, quantifiable sources such as power plants and cars. Cows, Pigs, Chickens...remember that thing I said about hype earlier?

This still doesn't address the 30% claim.
The studies on livestock green gas emissions are still relatively new. As research continues it will be inevitable that government regulations will be placed on livestock. History can show you that...cigarettes? The difficulty in regulating green gas emissions of livestock would be different from power plants/automobiles/planes/etc. Cows live for approx. 1-2 years before they are sent off to slaughter houses, while people still drive around in cars from the early 1900's. The value of individual livestock is also significantly less compared to cars/planes/buses/power plants/etc. The problem with regulation may lie in its quantity. And expect that "30% claim" to continue to rise as livestock production does until something is finally done.


  • Established
The studies on livestock green gas emissions are still relatively new. As research continues it will be inevitable that government regulations will be placed on livestock. History can show you that...cigarettes? The difficulty in regulating green gas emissions of livestock would be different from power plants/automobiles/planes/etc. Cows live for approx. 1-2 years before they are sent off to slaughter houses, while people still drive around in cars from the early 1900's. The value of individual livestock is also significantly less compared to cars/planes/buses/power plants/etc. The problem with regulation may lie in its quantity. And expect that "30% claim" to continue to rise as livestock production does until something is finally done.
about as much chance as happening as a total ban on alcohol and tobacco sales :bandit:


Never enough
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What's the difference between killing an animal for food, entertainment, clothing, etc and killing a human for these exact same purposes? Just our morals.
the difference is that they are not conscious, rational creatures.

When we know we are fully capable of living solely on plants without the need to harm an animal, why do we still continue kill them?
Look at your teeth. they are the teeth of a carnivore. your mouth and your digestive tract was meant to eat meat.


  • Established
the difference is that they are not conscious, rational creatures.

Look at your teeth. they are the teeth of a carnivore. your mouth and your digestive tract was meant to eat meat.
hopefully him and DJ wont breed


New member
The studies on livestock green gas emissions are still relatively new. As research continues it will be inevitable that government regulations will be placed on livestock. History can show you that...cigarettes? The difficulty in regulating green gas emissions of livestock would be different from power plants/automobiles/planes/etc. Cows live for approx. 1-2 years before they are sent off to slaughter houses, while people still drive around in cars from the early 1900's. The value of individual livestock is also significantly less compared to cars/planes/buses/power plants/etc. The problem with regulation may lie in its quantity. And expect that "30% claim" to continue to rise as livestock production does until something is finally done.

I am not sure you even understand the "problem" you are talking about at this point, typical. Regulations are a completely different animal than a tax, numerous regulations on livestock production exist now and will continue to evolve as the need arises. As of now there are no meaningful regulations on livestock "emissions." A tax is not going to happen.

I can't even address the rest of your post due to incoherence and lack of relevance. Car regulation is/will be easy, regulate new cars based upon emissions. Livestock not so easy. Lifespan and value are irrelevant.

"Vegetarians and their stinky farts are responsible for 10% of the greenhouse gasses emitted each year." This statement is as reputable as the 30% claim you have repeatedly failed to support.

Ok, this thing needs to die...:lmao:
Last edited:


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but it just won't, will it? it's like a religious thread. . .


New member

I am not sure you even understand the "problem" you are talking about at this point, typical. Regulations are a completely different animal than a tax, numerous regulations on livestock production exist now and will continue to evolve as the need arises. As of now there are no meaningful regulations on livestock "emissions." A tax is not going to happen.

I can't even address the rest of your post due to incoherence and lack of relevance. Car regulation is/will be easy, regulate new cars based upon emissions. Livestock not so easy. Lifespan and value are irrelevant.

"Vegetarians and their stinky farts are responsible for 10% of the greenhouse gasses emitted each year." This statement is as reputable as the 30% claim you have repeatedly failed to support.

Ok, this thing needs to die...:lmao:
I was just following your last post sentence by sentence. You are the one who decided on bringing up the car/power plant thing, i was merely stating the two aren't comparable. "As of now there are no meaningful regulations on livestock "emissions." A tax is not going to happen." But, as I said before with studies continuing(Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences just received $590k for research on this subject) and a rise in awareness it will soon be inevitable. If they capable of lowering green gas emissions produced by livestock maybe not, but if there isn't a sufficient change it's doubtful that it will be ignored. "This statement is as reputable as the 30% claim you have repeatedly failed to support." hxxp:// hxxp:// The 18% claims were made back in 2006. It's gone up since then. If you aren't content with these 2 sites, I suggest looking a little. There's even books out now if you're that interested. Oh and you've done the exact same, supplied a whole lot of your opinions without any factual evidence.


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I was just following your last post sentence by sentence. You are the one who decided on bringing up the car/power plant thing, i was merely stating the two aren't comparable. "As of now there are no meaningful regulations on livestock "emissions." A tax is not going to happen." But, as I said before with studies continuing(Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences just received $590k for research on this subject) and a rise in awareness it will soon be inevitable. If they capable of lowering green gas emissions produced by livestock maybe not, but if there isn't a sufficient change it's doubtful that it will be ignored. "This statement is as reputable as the 30% claim you have repeatedly failed to support." hxxp:// hxxp:// The 18% claims were made back in 2006. It's gone up since then. If you aren't content with these 2 sites, I suggest looking a little. There's even books out now if you're that interested. Oh and you've done the exact same, supplied a whole lot of your opinions without any factual evidence.

You aren't going to get any love from a bodybuilding website spouting off vegan/vegitarian propaganda. Might as well just stop now and let this thread die.


New member

You aren't going to get any love from a bodybuilding website spouting off vegan/vegitarian propaganda. Might as well just stop now and let this thread die.
You do realize this thread wasn't necessary in the first place. People have certain beliefs, and you guys decided to call someone out on theirs and **** on them because there different than yours. That's a big steaming pile of bullshit. I don't have a problem with people who eat meat(imo you do what you want, but my conscience doesn't allow me to eat it), I originally stated why I choose not to eat it and gave some decent reasons why its a good choice to make, instead of respecting and accepting them and moving on people decided to question and demean them, and I felt the need to try and defend myself(not sure why it turned into a debate about livestock green gas emissions...). Sorry I made a silly assumption thinking there was a shared level of respect here between forum members. I'll stop now.


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dude, you're suffering from lack of iron. Wipe your eyes and have a steak sandwich. :bandit:


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I would not gain ANYTHING without meat in my diet. That is an essential part to everything.

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