The Return of the Dragon: 11-Spray/7-Spray Log (Sponsored)



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First off, a quick thanks to henryv for selecting me to run this. :afro: This will be the first product I’ve logged in quite a while on this board. A little background on me:


266 lbs

Age: 33

Stats: 575ish/455/655 PRs, current maybe 500/425ish/615ish

- Squat is down significantly because of a 2010 injury, after which I didn’t squat for quite some time (10 months). In fact, I only started squatting again within the last few weeks; I had used machines in the interim. Other lifts decreased because I have been slowly dieting since January 3.

BF: ?? Mid-teens… but still too fat. As described above, I have been sloooowwwwly dieting for almost 2 months. January was more of a recomp effort, very small caloric deficit M – F, maintenance Saturday, and surplus/refeed watching football on Sundays. February has been similar, but a larger deficit, now M – Sat, and only a slight surplus on Sunday refeeds, as well as adding in a small amount of cardio. This method has taken me from 284 lbs on New Year’s Day, to 266 as of this morning, so 18 lbs over 8 weeks.


I have a hard time even calling this a cycle, as 11-KT is supposed to be so mild on the HPTA, but here they are:

1) Drop another 10+ lbs, with help in midsection.

- Yes, this is aggressive. I will be attempting to shed 10 or more lbs using 11-Spray over 4 weeks, hoping the great majority of it is fat. This is 2.5 lbs per week, too high a rate to not expect muscle loss… but that’s where the spray comes in. I also understand the cortisol-suppressing properties of 11-KT will aid in midsection fat loss. This, of course, is good news.

2) Maintain strength.

- If I can accelerate the rate at which I lose fat, while halting the slow slide of my big 3 numbers (always happens when I diet), I will be as happy as a pig in ****.


Where 7-spray fits in

The tentative plan is to use the 7-spray in PCT next time I’m on, which, if all goes well, will be after the 11-Spray. This is subject to change – I may end up running them back-to-back - so my plans for the 7-spray will be finalized as the first stage of this log winds down.


Will be more or less daily. I won’t be updating on Sundays for sure, but other than that I should be posting pretty much daily. As far as pics, I plan to do beginning (going up tomorrow), middle (2 weeks in), and end.

Diet & Training

Will be detailed in the log, but due to work this time of the year (accountant), I only lift 3x a week right now, so this split is not my normal split. Cardio will also be detailed when done as well (currently 2-3x per week, may increase).


Will be about 50 sprays/day, which appears to work out to roughly the suggested 240 mg/day. This should run me 30 days. Sprays will be applied post-shower, sometimes in AM, sometimes in PM, sometimes both (if dividing daily dose).

That should do it for the basic outline. Starting pics up tomorrow, and I kicked it off with a partial application this morning, so first post covering 02/25 will be up tomorrow too.



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Day 1

Day 1: February 25

Dosing: 50 sprays post-shower, split 20 AM, 30 PM.

Workout: None, off day.

Cardio: 30 minute fasted AM cardio on the elliptical. 11-Spray was applied after this.

Thoughts: Nothing much to report, it's just Day 1. Will take a few pics this afternoon and tonight, when I can get in front of a mirror.

- Dragon


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Sub'd. Will be starting this in a couple months. Looking forward to the log. Good luck!


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Down for a Dragon log. I miss your past logs with all the details!


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^^^Wow those pics came out big.

@Silver: Good to see you here man! How have you been? I'm afraid this is my busy season, so this won't be quite as detailed as the previous logs, lol.


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Day 2: February 26

Dosing: 50 sprays post-shower, all PM.

Workout: Shoulders and arms.

I won't be listing every set I do like as it just takes too much time, but I think a brief breakdown of movements and top work sets is in order.

A) Close-grip bench: worked up to 315 for reps.

B) Hammer Strength 1-arm Dips: worked up to 3 plates + 35 lb chains

C) Rope Extensions: worked up to 200 lbs (stack) for lots

A) Barbell curls: worked up to 135

B) DB Board curls: worked up to 50s

C) Cable "Superman" curls: Worked up to 70 each side

D) Concentration Curls: burn-out

A) SHIPs: wut 275 (equivalent on the Smith, i.e. 2 plates and a 25 per side)

B) Cable lateral raises/Real delt flyes: lots of reps.

It was an OK workout. Had one of those great days in the gym last week when doing shoulders/arms, so I didn't expect to have another. Had another shoulder movement on the schedule that I skipped as the R one was a little balky after the last set of SHIPs. Unusual for me, will keep an eye on it.

Cardio: None.

Thoughts: Again, nothing much to report. I would expect to start noticing the effects of the product as I get into week 2.

- Dragon


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Day 3: February 27

Dosing: 50 sprays post-shower, all PM.

Workout: Off day.

Cardio: None specifically, but I was outside most of the day running around with the kids.

Thoughts: Same as before: I would expect to start noticing the effects of the product as I get into week 2.

- Dragon


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Day 4: February 28​

Dosing: 50 sprays post-shower, all AM.

Workout: Off day.

Cardio: 30 minutes fasted AM cardio on the elliptical.

Diet: 1,753 kcals, 65g fat, 94g carbs, 195g protein. Awful diet today, I didn't come close to my 300g daily protein goal. On the bright side, that is a significant deficit, and I am dieting.

Thoughts: I was still sweating a bit after my AM shower. I remember thinking that I hope it doesn't interfere with the absorption. In hindsight, I think that's pretty ridiculous. Training tomorrow, so hitting my diet goals will be automatic.

- Dragon


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Hmm, I just realized I've forgotten to log my diet. I'm not going to tell you every damn thing I eat, but a kcal total and macro breakdown should be helpful.

Previous post edited, and this will continue going forward.


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Hmmm, I haven't seen the write ups on this yet, i may have forgotten though if i did being that I have not really been active since November.

What exactly is either of these sprays? Pat makes it right?


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11-spray is 11-ketotestosterone. If I remember correctly, and I could be wrong, it's what 11-OXO converts to. So with the spray you get better absorption and no need for any conversion. I just ordered some, will be running it in about two months.


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^^^ Correct. Mild anabolic, great cortisol blocker. Ideal for dieting, IMO.


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Are you doing a PCT for the 11 spray?


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Day 5: March 1​

Dosing: 50 sprays post-shower, all AM post-workout.

Workout: Chest/back

Bench: worked up to 355 for reps (5 total sets)
DB Incline: 110s for high reps, straight sets (4 total sets)

Lat pulls: worked up to 250 for reps (5 sets)
Seated row (straight bar): worked up to 280 for reps (4 sets)

- Workout was pretty good, although I kept it to 2 exercises due to time contraints. I was very rushed this morning, which probably contributed to me pulling/injuring my R trap somehow. I still don't know how it happened, but it's sore as hell today. Squats tomorrow may be a challenge; at least it's not deadlift day. Will also probably canel trap exercises (i.e. shrugs). Overall though, decent day. Could it be the 11-kt starting to work?

Cardio: None, but all sets above done superset fashion, with minimal rest. Was soaked and sucking wind by the end.

Diet: 2,680 kcals, 81g fat, 178g carbs, 296g protein. Hit my protein goal, and only 106 of the 296 g were from powders.

Thoughts: Good day in the gym, good day diet-wise, all would have been great if not for the ****ing trap. Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

- Dragon


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Are you doing a PCT for the 11 spray?
No. I will either hit up a cycle directly after the 11-spray (which would continue the cut for 3-4 weeks, then ease back into higher calories for the last 6 weeks of the run) or, if I am not satisfied with my weight loss, continue to diet and use the 7-spray with a test booster. The cycle would then come after the 7-spray run.

11-kt is supposed to be pretty mild on the HPTA, I don't feel a traditional SERM PCT is warranted.


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Im following. big weights man. sucks you have an issue only 5 days in. good luck


  • RockStar
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Nice, I'm running this same combo (as you know).

I look forward to following your results as were running our's a little different.


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Day 6: March 2

Dosing: 50 sprays post-shower, all AM post-workout.

- One note: I've more or less stopped counting sprays, as I'm now just trying to cover my torso, upper arms, upper legs, and tops of feet. I've counted using this method, and I end up between 50 and 60 sprays.

Workout: Off day.

Cardio: None.

Diet: 2,424 kcals, 100g fat, 107g carbs, 239g protein. Reasonable diet, and only 50 g of protein from powders. Good deficit day.

Thoughts: Trap was real sore today, had doubts about even RDLs for Thursday's workout.

- Dragon


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Day 6: March 3

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower, all AM post-workout (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Legs/Traps

Squat: worked up to 365 for high reps (double-digit reps), followed by immediate strip sets with 315 and 225. 5 total sets.
Cybex Calf Raises: Worked to 160 for double-digit reps.
RDLs: Worked up to 315 for 8-10 (depending on sets). 4 total sets.
Leg Extensions: Stack for d-d reps
Leg Curls: Worked to 120 for 8-10, depending.

Shrugs: kept it real light, using perfect form and slow rep tempo. 4 sets, worked up to only 315.

- Workout was mostly solid, the pump in my quads after the second back-off set was ridiculous. This may be b/c of the type of training (high reps followed by real high reps lol), the fact that I am quite out of shape squatting, the 11-spray kicking in a bit, or a combination of all 3. I think the latter sounds best, TBH.

I was also pleasantly surprised by how well my trap felt when I woke up Thursday morning, b/c it was hurting all throughout the previous day. Don't know if cortisol suppression has anything to do with aiding healing, but I was able to do some super slow, super light shrugs, just to get the kinks out, and they were pain-free. RDLs were also kept slightly lighter than usual to avoid aggravating trap.

Cardio: None, but all sets save squats were done as supersets, and rest breaks were kept short. Was drenched and spent at the end. Cardio weight training FTW!

Diet: 3,087 kcals, 103g fat, 250g carbs, 286g protein. When I first looked at this, my thought was funny how calories go up almost inadvertantly after a tough leg session. Then I realized I broke my diet and ate a bag of microwave popcorn while I watched a movie last night, and that accounted for 450 kcals and 50+ g carbs. **** was good, too. Oh well, back on it tomorrow, and I was still in a deficit.

Thoughts: Good day in the gym, reasonably good day diet-wise, and the trap is feeling better. Pumps might be setting on, and I seem to be visually leaning up a little. I'm pleased with progress so far.

- Dragon


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Day 7: March 4

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower, all AM post-cardio (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet). I think it's more than 50 sprays.

Workout: Off day.

Cardio: 30 minutes fasted AM cardio on elliptical.

Diet: 1,916 kcals, 78g fat, 93g carbs, 200g protein. Solid deficit, ideally I'd like protein higher, but hoping the 11-spray can help me hold muscle.

Thoughts: It might be placebo, but I'm starting to think I'm getting some mild pumps from this stuff. You know on-cycle how your arms pump up from just shaving or something similar? I think I may be seeing a very little bit of that. Or my delts were just unusually tired.

- Dragon


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Day 9: March 5

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower, all AM (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Arms/Shoulders

DB Neutral-Grip Press: 120s for for high reps (double-digit reps). 4 sets
1-arm Hammer Strength Dips: Worked to 320 for reps. 3 sets.
Overhead Rope Extensions: Worked up to 190 (stack) for reps. Elbows didn't like it, triceps did. 2 total sets.
Rope Extensions: Worked up to 140 for high (double-digit) reps. 2 sets.

DB Curls: Worked up to 65s for reps. 4 sets.
DB Board Curls: Worked to 55s for reps. 3 sets.
Cable Hammer Curls: 80-90 for reps. 2 sets.
1-arm "Superman" Curls: 60 for high reps. 2 sets.
Preacher Curls (top 2/3): 35s (I think) for high reps (finisher). 1 set.

DB Press: 80s for reps, 4 sets, followed by strip set with 60s.
DB Laterals: 30-35 for high reps. 3 sets.
DB Rear Delts: 25-30 for high reps. 3 sets.

- Great workout on Saturday! Pumps were good, not spectacular, but strength was very solid, much better than last week's arms/shoulder session. Exactly what I was looking for as I deit. I pounded out all my arm work, felt very strong. I got so caught up training arms with a buddy of mine that I completely forgot to work in my shoulders, and trained them at the end. I was going to go light on them anyway (due to trap), and sure enough my stability was compromised, and relatively light weight on shoulder press was harder than it should have been, but otherwise everything was great. My trap is feeling much better and should not impact any future workouts (or so I hope). I definitely think the 11-spray is hitting now.

Cardio: None. Some super-setting and shorter breaks in second half of session, but not throughout (a buddy of mine I hadn't seen in a while was training at the same time and I spent way too much time bull****ting).

Diet: 2,975 kcals, 85g fat, 260g carbs, 287g protein. Another solid day here, trying to keep it right around 3k on lifitng days for the time being. Virtually all carbs were consumed within a 6-hour window before/during/after the workout. Happy with this.

Thoughts: A week and a day in, and I believe I'm starting to see some results. I will get a weigh-in done Tuesday AM and see where I stand.

- Dragon


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^^^ Yeah, messed up my day count above. The last post is accurate, March 5 is Day 9.


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Day 10: March 6

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower, all PM in the mid-afternoon (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Off day.

Cardio: Some light jogging outside. Also, does yard work count? I got tired.

Diet: Unknown. I avoid the computer like a plague on Sundays, and this serves as my re-feed/leptin/cheat day of sorts. I will guesstimate that my kcal intake was around 5,000, and carb-heavy. For those that think this may stall progress, I balance it out on Mondays, as you'll see.

Thoughts: So far so good. I think I am starting to see some effects, and workouts have been very good. I'm hoping the next 2-3 weeks will really tell the tale as kclas drop even more on non-liftig days.

- Dragon


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Day 11: March 7

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower, all AM post-cardio(enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Off day.

Cardio: 30 minutes fasted AM cardio on elliptical.

Diet: 1,148 kcals, 52g fat, 45g carbs, 120g protein. :yikes: Wait, there is a method to the madness. The day after a refeed/cheat day, and being 2 days removed from a lifting session, I believe super-low kcals and fasting can be used without much risk of muscle loss. The leptin recharge from Sunday should keep the metabolism humming, with fat being the preferred fuel source. Plus, it's only 1 day. I fasted until dinner at 8 PM, and basically ate one biggish meal and had a pre-bed shake - that's it. This will be the continued protocol for all Mondays if Sunday kclas exceed maintenance (and they will, unless I stall losing weight).

NEW CATEGORY - Weight: 262 lbs, weighed immediately upon waking Monday AM post-piss. So, down 4 lbs after the refeed, and strength holding up. I will be weighing myself now every Monday and Friday so we get a consistent pattern.

Thoughts: Pleased to see a tangible weight loss happening here, and strength on Saturday was real solid. Looking forward to really putting this stuff to the test in the coming weeks.

- Dragon


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Day 12: March 8​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower, all AM post-workout (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Chest/Back Width

Hammer Strength Bench: worked to 450 for reps, plus a back-off set. 5 total sets.
DB Incline: 110s for high reps. 3 sets.
Cybex Chest Press: worked to 200 (stack) for high reps. 2 sets.

Wide-grip Pull-ups: Bodyweight for high reps. 3 sets.
Neutral-grip Pull-ups: BW for high reps. 2 sets.
Lat Pulls: worked to 250 for reps. 3 sets.
Face Pulls: worked to 190 for high reps. 2 sets.

- I was pretty tired coming in to this workout due to lack of sleep for various reasons, so I started with a machine (HS Bench). I very rarely do this and kind of frown upon it. However, despite my fatigue, the session went very well. Strength seems to be 100% maintaining, maybe even ever-so-slightly ticking back up. Either way, this is what I wanted out of 11-spray.

Cardio: None.

Diet: 3,041 kcals, 110g fat, 230g carbs, 274g protein.

Weight: 262 lbs. Next weigh-in 03/11.

Thoughts: Really liking this run so far. Absolutely zero sides to speak of, as expected.

- Dragon


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Day 13: March 9​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower in the AM (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Off day.

Cardio: None.

Diet: 800-1200 kcals, 30g fat, 80g carbs, 125g protein.
I didn't get my food in FitDay this day, so the above is an estimate. It was similar to Monday.

Weight: 262 lbs. Next weigh-in 03/11.

Thoughts: I think I'm going to really test this stuff out and stay with the calorie waving approach. Higher on lifting days, maintenance+ on Sunday refeeds, and super low on M, W, and F. I was planning on calorie waving anyway, but I'm noticing visible changes and my strength has been maintained, so why not push the envelope a little? We'll see how it goes.

- Dragon


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Day 14: March 10​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower, all AM post-workout (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Legs/traps/Deadlift Day

Deadlift: worked up to 545 for reps. 4 total sets.

Leg Press: worked to 830 for high reps, plus a back-off set. 5 total sets.
Leg Extension: worked to 200 for high reps. 3 sets.
Leg Curls: worked to 120 for high reps. 3 sets.

Barbell Shrugs: worked up to 495 for reps, plus a back-off set. 4 total sets.

- Pretty solid workout. I was pleased with 545x4, although there very likely wasn't another in the tank. Hit a sick pump in my quads after the back-off set, which was 15 reps fairly heavy following 10 reps very heavy. At this point, I do think the pumps are definitely enhanced with the 11-spray.

Cardio: None.

Diet: 3,002 kcals, 11g fat, 183g carbs, 294g protein. Right on point.

Weight: 262 lbs. Next weigh-in 03/11.

Thoughts: Another good workout. It's rare for me to have good aorkout after good workout; I do think it's the 11-KT helping. One other thing to note: I smashed the **** out of my index finger between 2 plates when I was unloading the leg press. I mean, I samshed it; all black and blue today, and swollen all day yesterday. This after last Thursday's trap tweak (which feels fine now BTW). This 11-spray is damn solid, but it's also cursed.

- Dragon


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Thats awesome if the calorie wave works for dropping bf and maintaining strength! keep killing it


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Nice to hear you're having good work outs. I can't wait for my 11kt spray to arrive


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Day 15: March 11​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower in the AM (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Off day.

Cardio: 30 minutes fasted AM cardio on the elliptical.

Diet: 1,670 kcals, 69g fat, 85g carbs, 168g protein.
If I'm going to go low cals on off days, protein intake is going to be lower than optimal. Hoever, with no sign of significantly decreased strength, I will keep this plan in effect until I show signs of muscle loss.

Weight: 261 lbs. Still falling. Next weigh-in 03/14.

Thoughts: Not much else to report. The plan will be to continue the calorie waving approach, and I will reign in my refeed days too, as I'm showing no signs of muscle loss, even being 1,000+ kclas under maintenance on the off days. So, if muscle loss doesn't appear to be an issue, why not go lower? I'll find out soon enough.

- Dragon


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Day 16: March 12​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower in the AM (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Delts/Arms

Rack Lockouts (about 4-5 inches off chest):
worked up to 385 for reps. 5 sets.
1-arm OH Cable Tricep Extension: worked to 120 for reps. 3 sets.
Rope Tricep Extensions: 150 for reps. 3 sets.

Barbell Curls
: worked up to 135 for reps. 5 sets.
DB Board Curls: worked to 55s for reps. 2 sets.
DB Hammer curls: 65s for reps. 2 sets.
Cable Concentration Curls: 80(?) for reps. 2 sets.

Shoulders/DeltsStanding OH Press (Military Press): worked to 185 for high reps. 5 sets.
DB Lateral Raises: worked to 35s for high reps. 3 sets.
Cable Rear Delt Flyes: 60 for high reps. 3 sets.

- Pretty happy with bis and tris. Strength continues to show no signs of any major slipping. OH Press was the only movement I wasn't happy with, but that's mostly because I haven't done these in months. I had strained something in my trap (again) going very heavy on these some months back, and had avoided them since. I figured it was time to get them back in the mix, although working to only 185 was a little depressing. Arms had a ridiculous pump after the last sets on extensions/concentration curls. These were done superset fashion with no rest. Pumps are definitely enhanced with the 11-spray.

Cardio: None.

Diet: 2,800-3,000 kcals, 100g fat, 190g carbs, 290g protein.
I had about 1700 kcals and 190 g protein logged in Fitday before I left work (which included some food I hadn't eaten, but did post-workout). he rest is an estimate, but I'm pretty good at figuring this stuff by now so I'm confident I fell in that range, with a margin of error of maybe 100-200 kcals.

Weight: 261 lbs. Next weigh-in 03/14.

Thoughts: This was supposed to be the mid-point for new pictures, but I have decided to hold off on thos until the end. I believe I have made some visible progress, so I'm hoping for that "dramatuc effect" set of new pics when the run ends in 2 more weeks. Till then, I'll keep plugging away.

- Dragon


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Day 17: March 13​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower in the PM (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet). Didn't get a shower in Sunday AM, this application wad done around 8:00 PM.

Workout: Off day.

Cardio: None, but was outside and active most of the day.

Diet: 2,500-3,000 kcals, 125g fat, 250g carbs, 200g protein.
As always, Sunday's intake is an estimate, but I can say with absolute certainty that total intake was maintenance or below. I definitely did not exceed 3,000 kcals. This is in keeping with the plan to stay at maintenance kcals on my leptin/refeed days.

Weight: 261 lbs. Next weigh-in 03/14.

Thoughts: I think I'll have enough spray to run a full 28 days, but the bottle is a little less than half-full. My applications have been more than 50 sprays, so I may run a day short, but maybe not.

- Dragon


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Day 18: March 14​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower in the AM post-cardio (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Off day.

Cardio: 30 minutes fasted AM cardio on the elliptical.

Diet: 1,730 kcals, 65g fat, 93g carbs, 185g protein.
Kept kcals a bit higher the previous Monday b/c Sunday's intake did not exceed maintenance.

Weight: 260.5 lbs. Another 1/2 lb since Friday AM, even after Sunday's higher intake. Still moving in the right direction. Next weigh-in 03/18.

Thoughts: I've seen some other guys logging this reporting acne. I have seen none, and as I reported earlier, absolutely no side effects to speak of. I'm actually quite surprised to hear anyone getting acne on a product like this, as the androgenicity of 11-KT is very mild; so mild, in fact, shutdown is not an issue. How anyone is getting acne on this is beyond me. Maybe they're super-sensitive to androgens?

- Dragon


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Looking good so far Dragon. I can't wait to run mine. I plan on running it for the last 4 weeks of a 12-week cut. My supps will looks as follows:

WK 1-4: Recompadrol, Alpha T2, Shift, Green Tea
WK 5-8: Recompadrol, Androlean, Green Tea
WK 9-12: Recompadrol, 11 Spray, Green Team

I'm thinking of using the 11 Spray as an agent to sort of bring some strength back and keep unwanted weight off while gradually increasing my cals back to normal after the previous 8 week cut. From your experiences so far, do you think it would work well in that regard?


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how is the fat loss going?


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Looking good so far Dragon. I can't wait to run mine. I plan on running it for the last 4 weeks of a 12-week cut. My supps will looks as follows:

WK 1-4: Recompadrol, Alpha T2, Shift, Green Tea
WK 5-8: Recompadrol, Androlean, Green Tea
WK 9-12: Recompadrol, 11 Spray, Green Team

I'm thinking of using the 11 Spray as an agent to sort of bring some strength back and keep unwanted weight off while gradually increasing my cals back to normal after the previous 8 week cut. From your experiences so far, do you think it would work well in that regard?
I think it would work very well there, as long as calories do come up that last week. I'm no expert on all these products, but don't Alpha T-2 and Shift both contain T2? If so, I'd suggest running the Shift weeks 5-8.


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how is the fat loss going?
Going well, I hope my "after" pics end up with me visibly leaner.

I'll get caught up to date in the log sometime tonight, just don't have time ATM.


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I think it would work very well there, as long as calories do come up that last week. I'm no expert on all these products, but don't Alpha T-2 and Shift both contain T2? If so, I'd suggest running the Shift weeks 5-8.
Yes they both contain T2. I was going to use the shift before bed, AT2 in the mornings, and a single cap of each in the afternoon. Actually, running them like this will give me 6 weeks, I was going to finish this off while halfway through my AndroLean. I'm thinking, as long as my diet is dialed in (which I certainly plan on it being) this should be very successful. I'm really hoping the 11spray will shine while slowly upping the cals and keeping off any significant fat gain. I'm thinking it will...

Looking forward to some updates.


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Day 19: March 15​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-workout in the AM (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Chest/Back

worked up to 355 for reps, plus 1 back-off set. 5 total sets.
Hammer Strength Incline: worked to 5 pps for reps. 3 sets.
DB Bench: 100s for high reps. 3 sets.

Bent Rows
: worked up to 315 for reps. 4 total sets.
Neutral-Grip Chins: BW for high reps. 2 sets.
Lat Pulls: worked to 250 for resp. 2 sets.
Seated Row: 200 for high reps. 3 sets.

- Same final weight in bench as last time, and same reps, which to me is victory considering I'm dieting. In fact, the last rep was much smoother this time than last time. This is strong evidence that muscle loss is basically nil so far. Rows were only OK, but like my squatting, this is more because I've done them less frequently than usual during my busy season, so the movement patternn is not as fresh. Chins and Lat pulls were solid, and I kept very strict form on seated rows, and really pumped up my back, which is always a great feeling. HS incline was good too, and to finish my chest I did light DB work for high reps, and had a great pump too.

Cardio: None.

Diet: 2,860 kcals, 101g fat, 186g carbs, 296g protein.
This was just about a perfect diet day for me. Great macro split, solid deficit, all clean and only 100 g of 300 g protein intake from powders.

Weight: 260.5 lbs a/o last weigh-in. Next weigh-in 03/18.

Thoughts: So far, the 11-spray is doing exactly what I wanted it to do: allowing me to hold on to LBM and strength while dieting down.

- Dragon


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Day 20: March 16​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower in the AM (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Legs/Traps

worked up to 405 for reps, plus 1 brutal ATG back-off set for high reps. 5 total sets.
Cybex Hack Squat: 200 for high reps. 2 sets.
SLDL: worked to 315 for reps. 3 sets.
Hammer Strength Calves: 115 for high reps. 3 sets.
Leg Curls: worked to 120 for reps. 3 sets.
Leg Extensions: worked to 180 for high reps. 3 sets.

Barbell Shrugs
: worked up to 545 for reps. 4 total sets.

- Because of a schedule conflict, I ended up having to hit legs Wednesday night rather than Thursday morning as scheduled. It ended up being an awesome session. I obliterated my legs; this was the first time I'd had 405 on my back in a loooong time, and while it felt like a ton on bricks, I managed 8 clean, deep reps my last set. I then immediately stripped to 275 and did 15 ATG reps until I thought I'd pass out. The burn was intense, and the pump was ridiculous. SLDL done very strict, no knee bend at all (else they'd be RDLs), so hammies were hit hard. Hack squats were very tough after the squatting, went very heavy on calves, and finsihed it with 3 continuous supersets of leg curls/extensions. Legs were fried. Also had no complications with my trap whatsoever, and went up to 545 on shrugs with no issues, so my traps hit hard too. Great workout for me.

Cardio: None.

Diet: 2,500-3,000 kcals estimated, 100g fat, 200g carbs, 250g protein.
Estimated because I didn't get all my foods in Fitday the next day, and I've forgotten what else I ate that day.

Weight: 260.5 lbs a/o last weigh-in. Next weigh-in 03/18.

Thoughts: Squatting has actually improved on this run. While that has more to do with muscle memory and getting back to doing the movement regularly after a long layoff, it is also strong evidence that muscle loss has been minimal, if a factor at all. I don't think I'd be adding weight if muscle loss were a major factor.

- Dragon


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Day 21: March 17​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower in the AM (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Off day

Cardio: None.

Diet: 1,884 kcals estimated, 69g fat, 125g carbs, 191g protein.

Weight: 260.5 lbs a/o last weigh-in. Next weigh-in 03/18.

Thoughts: Legs were sore from the previous day's workout, but by Friday were in good shape. 11-KT seems to be helping recovery somewhat.

- Dragon


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Day 22: March 18​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower in the AM after cardio (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Off day

Cardio: Fasted AM cardio was 12 minutes walk/jog with resistance, 22 minutes on elliptical.

Diet: 1,539 kcals, 53g fat, 104g carbs, 159g protein.
This seems a little low, and was done with some guesstimates as to macro split on my main meal(s) of the day, 2 bowls of chili. I think I could safely say that fat and protein could be 20 and 25-30 g higher than they are, respectively, which would put my total calories for the day at 1,839.

Weight: 260.5 lbs weighed in Friday morning. Hmmmm. This is the exact same weight as Monday, so either I've stalled just a tad in the fat loss department, or I'm seeing some recomp effect from the 11-spray. I'd like to think it's the latter, but I'm not looking to recomp, I want to cut. Calories are already very low on non-WO days, and my counts are pretty accurate (as I've said, I'll assume a margin of error of as much as 200-300 kcals, but much more than that, no way). However, I do know fat loss is not linear, so I'll stay the course for now, weigh in on Monday and Wednesday next week, and if the scale hasn't decreased by then, I may make some changes. That may be moot as far as this log is concerned (11-spray should be empty by next Fri-Sat), but still. Next weigh-in 03/21.

Thoughts: I'm a little perplexed by staying the same weight to the ounce over 5 days, but no panic yet. We'll see what happens over the next 5 days.

- Dragon


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Day 23: March 19​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower in the AM (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Arms/Delts

Close-grip Bench:
worked up to 315 for reps, plus 1 back-off set for high reps. 4 total sets.
Neutral Grip DB Press: 120s for reps. 2 sets.
OH Cable Extensions: worked to 170 for reps. 2 sets.
V-bar PD: 200 for reps. 1 set.
Rope PD: 140 for reps. 1 set.

Barbell Curls
: worked up to 135 for reps, plus 1 back-ff set. 4 total sets.
Barbell Preacher Curls: worked to 95 for high reps. 2 sets.
Rope Hammer Curls: worked to 160 for high reps. 2 sets.
DB concentration Curls: 50s for high reps. 2 sets.

DB Military
: worked to 90s for reps, plus back-off set. 4 total sets.
DB Lateral Raises: worked up to 40s for reps. 3 sets.
Cybex Real Delt Flyes: worked up to 190 for reps. 3 sets.

- This ended up being the first "not great" workout I think I've had since I started 11-spray. Strength was down a tad, CGB was more of a grind than last time I did it, really the same for all tricep movements. Shoulder work was a mixed bag; lateral raises and flyes were OK, but DB work was harder than it should have been. Biceps seemed unaffected, though, so I'm chalking this one up to a bit of an off-day in the gym, or some residual fatigue in my triceps/front delts.

Cardio: None.

Diet: 2,673 kcals, 85g fat, 185g carbs, 278g protein.

Weight: 260.5 lbs a/o last weigh-in. Next weigh-in 03/21.

Thoughts: First so-so workout in a while, and weight loss seems to have stalled just a tad. Not what I wanted as I enter the final week, but I think it's all part of the process. You can't always have a great workout, and fat loss is not linear. I will let the mirror be the judge of how I'm doing, and so far, I think progress is still being made, although a lb of fat lost or gained is impossible to tell. I will feel better when I see the scale # declining again.

- Dragon


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Day 24: March 20​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower in the PM (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Off day

Cardio: None per se, but spent the whole day doing yardwork, so definitely burned some cals.

Diet: 5,000 kcals, ?g fat, ?g carbs, ?g protein.
OK, so while I was planning on bumping kcals for my refeed/leptin day, I did not consciously plan this. There was a family party Sunday afternoon, and the food choices considted of pizza, homemade ravioli, garlic knots, salad, and birthday cake. So yeah, pretty much starchy carb hell. To make matters worse, I went over there fasted and hungry, as they usually have steak at these things. So needless to say, I ate a slice and a 1/2 of pizza, two servings of delicious ravioli, and hoped most of the carbs would go to replenishing glycogen (more on this next update). The 5,000 kcals is an estimate, but I was certainly well above maintenance, even with the yard work.

Weight: 260 lbs. I weighed myself Sunday morning, just 'cause I'm antsy about this, and I was down 1/2 a lb. Doesn't mean much, but a step in the right direction. Next weigh-in 03/21.

Thoughts: The metabolism definitely got a shot in the arm with all those carns today, so hopefully this will get me going again. Sometimes you have to eat to lose.

- Dragon


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Day 25: March 21​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays post-shower in the AM (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Off day

Cardio: None. My fault, I overslept and did not have time to hit the elliptical this morning. However, if metabolism slowdown was my problem, more catabolic cardio probably wouldn't help.

Diet: 1,120 kcals, 40g fat, 66g carbs, 144g protein.
This is my response to pizza and ravioli. Come on metabolism!

Weight: 262 lbs. Yikes! When I first saw the number, I instantly thought to myself, "It is physiologically impossible for me to have gained 2 lbs of fat in 1 day. I would have needed to be 7,000 kcals over maintenance, so total intake of nearly 10,000 kcals. So calm down." After my self-pep talk, I went about my business, and when I looked at myself in the mirror, I noticed something pretty cool: I looked good, almost pumped, visible vascularity in arms and delts, and I didn't look fatter at ll. Putting 2 and 2 together, it seems my lowish-carb diet left me somewhat glycogen depleted, and eating all those fast carbs topped off the tank, so to speak. My weight gain was water sucked up into the muscles with the carbs. The accidental over-refeed had been a success; although, if it truly was a success, I should end up lighter by the end of the week as strict dieting resumes (and more on this later as well). Next weigh-in 03/25.

Thoughts: Pretty much summed up above. I had a good feeling things were back on track.

- Dragon


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Day 26: March 22​

Dosing: 50-odd sprays in the AM after post-workout shower (enough to cover torso, upper arms/legs, and feet).

Workout: Chest/Back Width

DB Incline:
120s for reps. 4 total sets.
DB Bench: 110s for high reps. 3 sets.
Hammer Strength Decline: worked to 410 for high reps. 3 sets.

Weighted Pull-Ups
: worked up to BW+25 for high reps, various grips. 4 total sets.
Lat Pulls: worked to 250 for reps. 3 sets.
Face Pulls: worked to 190 for high reps. 3 sets.

- Reasonably good workout here. 120s on incline were pretty heavy though, and I have to go back and check my old log book to see what normal #s were on these. I think I was still fairly solid though. Pull-ups were real solid, partly because my BW has come down, but still. All in all, a decent workout.


Diet: 2,789 kcals, 79g fat, 229g carbs, 295g protein.
Solid diet day.

Weight: 262 lbs a/o last weigh-in. Pretty confident 2-3 lbs of this is some excess water weight. We'll see where I end up next weigh-in. Next weigh-in 03/25.

Thoughts: I'm typing this on Saturday, 03/26, so I know I owe this log some pics, as I finished the 11-spray yesterday. I'll try and get those done this weekend, as well as catch up the final 3 days of the log, just been slammed at work lately (as always this time of year).

- Dragon
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