New profile posts

  • Pornorican brundel Pornorican wrote on brundel's profile.

I forgot to add I am 35 years of age. 5"10 200lbs. Bigger build type of body. Just want to make sure no pct. can I take for 8 weeks till we go? I've read a bunch of your threads but I wanted your response to my own circumstance.

  • Pornorican brundel Pornorican wrote on brundel's profile.

Hey Brundel,

I have a question about Formeron. My buddy bought 4 bottles and gave me two of them. I've been a little hesitant because I have never used any type if steroid before! Anyways to make along story short I am getting ready for my buddies bachelor party in August! I work out alot 5 days a week at a minimum! Can't seem to get the top layer off that I want! My boy said that this stuff will do the trick. I would be using Formeron by itself! Could you give me your thoughts to ease the mind! I would AppreciAte it!!
  • readonly joeand readonly wrote on joeand's profile.

I never took it. I've used ep-stane from that user and it's legit. I bet the hdrol is fine. good luck
  • Xpress FatalFunnel Xpress wrote on FatalFunnel's profile.

Hey man, I live in mcallen tx and wanted to know how your gyno surgery has held up since getting it done in 2010. I saw u had it done with dr moncada. Do you recommend him ? Are you free of puffy nipples ? I have minor gyno and some puffy nipples and was interested in contacting dr moncada seeing how it was only 1500 dollars. Please give me some insight, hope your chest is still great an i hope mine can get there as well.
Cong ty cong ty noi that san xuat va lap dat do go noi that cap. Xem them tai: cong ty noi that
  • TheMovement

    TheMovement Jsam9846 TheMovement wrote on Jsam9846's profile.

Man do you even lift!
  • joeand readonly joeand wrote on readonly's profile.


I also ordered the h drol from steal nation. Did you ever take it? Is it bunk or good? From what I have read, it is just a h drol clone but still gets same results
What's up bro, I'm starting to get the hang of this site.
  • TheMovement

    TheMovement Jsam9846 TheMovement wrote on Jsam9846's profile.

Yo Man!!!
  • TheMovement

    TheMovement Myokemist TheMovement wrote on Myokemist's profile.

Any news on the Burn24 winners? Seems a few threads were made and Custom has been busy im sure
  • Jagsfreak warbird01 Jagsfreak wrote on warbird01's profile.

Hey could you help me out with the proper dosage of my cycle I'm looking to do now that you showed me what to get for my pct! I just need help with we're to get the nolva! Thanks
  • TheMovement

    TheMovement 804 TheMovement wrote on 804's profile.

YYYoooo I can post videos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • DipStrong

    DipStrong TheMovement DipStrong wrote on TheMovement's profile.

Thanks man, I'll definitley keep that in mind! Thanks for all the help!
  • TheMovement

    TheMovement DipStrong TheMovement wrote on DipStrong's profile.

Check out other folks workout logs and see what you can add or subtract from your own to help progress your own. Anytime ya got a ? fire away. I dont know it all but have a great network that does lol.
  • staydown11 musclefool staydown11 wrote on musclefool's profile.

Hey dude! I joined this site just so I could pm you and ask your help.... I came across your log on dmz and it was awesome. I was wondering if you could help me with mine, It'll be my first cycle and I don't know how to get everything and where from etc. I'm sure you're busy but if you could lay things out for me I would owe you huge. Let me know if you can advise. Thanks brother!!

  • TheMovement

    TheMovement Distilled Water TheMovement wrote on Distilled Water's profile.

Will we receive a conformation email regarding the Prime promo?
  • cas1981 vassille cas1981 wrote on vassille's profile.

Hey I saw your response on this thread and its a similar issue that I'm having. Would it be ok if I asked you a question?
  • TheMovement

    TheMovement howwedo107 TheMovement wrote on howwedo107's profile.

Hope ya are feeling better man!
  • mcc23 mr.cooper69 mcc23 wrote on mr.cooper69's profile.

Hey man your inbox is full.. Been trying to message you for the past week.....
  • mike0589

    mike0589 SwolenONE mike0589 wrote on SwolenONE's profile.

Whats up? It's Mike from

I did a log on your Accelerant.
  • mike0589

    mike0589 mr.cooper69 mike0589 wrote on mr.cooper69's profile.

I was wondering if you could take a look at the thread about oral AAS and grapefruit juice?

Lead -> Supplement science thread, by the way. Thanks
  • BrownBoi

    BrownBoi Dwight Schrute BrownBoi wrote on Dwight Schrute's profile.

Hey man. First off let me say thanks for the awesome info regarding IGF-1. You pretty much have all the info a newbie like me needs. I actually printed your original post out to follow so I could mix the AA and pep. I was wondering if you could elaborate on few more topics tho.

1. How do you know if your IGF-1 is working?
- I bought mine from great white peptides and mixed it and everything just like u said. Some people say if u inject an hour before u should feel such intense pumps that you can't workout but I haven't noticed that.

2. Do you need to refrigerate your IGF-1 after mixing with AA?
- I've heard differing opinions on this.

3. Do you know if the IGF will last if you mix it first with your AA then store it with the BA already added? Or will that destroy it?

Thanks man I really appreciate it!

  • TheMovement

    TheMovement cubsfan815 TheMovement wrote on cubsfan815's profile.

Hope ya making progress fella!
  • campcoll88 Sourdough campcoll88 wrote on Sourdough's profile.

Did you ever run Kymera? Was it legit or just some caffeine? Cant PM due to lack of post
Thanks man! If you are on check out my current log there on f3 nutrition

forum.bodybuilding. com. /showthread.php?t=153668921&pagenumber=]This is going to suck...but in a good way! xfit10 and F3 Nutrtion take on CrossFit - Forums
  • TheMovement

    TheMovement Xfit10 TheMovement wrote on Xfit10's profile.

Keep up the hard work man!
  • ProteinJunkie daft205 ProteinJunkie wrote on daft205's profile.

Your inbox is full, bro. Hit me up when you are good so we can talk a bottle of Prolactrone.
  • CJ_Xfit89 Tovok123 wrote on CJ_Xfit89's profile.

  • T-Bone

    T-Bone mr.cooper69 T-Bone wrote on mr.cooper69's profile.

Could you help me out by answering my pm about carnitines/RK?
  • Mack411

    Mack411 DangerDave Mack411 wrote on DangerDave's profile.

Clear inbox!
  • NomZ

    NomZ Sean1332 NomZ wrote on Sean1332's profile.

PM box full:

Awesome man.

Got any vids? Total and lifts?
  • raulob72 Epolis13 raulob72 wrote on Epolis13's profile.

love your pic!!
  • jcwhiteside96

    jcwhiteside96 Boson3 jcwhiteside96 wrote on Boson3's profile.

Hey Boson3,
I read in one of the threads that you will be doing PhenomHCL's recommended Height growth stack. When are you starting? Can you keep me updated on your progress?
Hello to everyone I'm looking for responses from experienced users who have actually completed a 4 week cylce of emonster. Im considering the PH myself, and have done tons of research. I have a lot of friends who've taken it and are fine but would like to hear a few more testimonies. Of course i've already gathered my safe stack and pct.
  • CopyCat

    CopyCat Highlanda01602 CopyCat wrote on Highlanda01602's profile.

Yeah man, still hanging around AM. Deployed right now out here in Afghanistan. Heading home in a few wks.