Yet another H-Drol cycle post . . review if you want but TY to all . .

Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
BTW I miss my caff tabs and coffee pre-workout and my energy drink on weekend??

I tell u for like 2 weeks I was so lazy in the morning. The only thing that woke me up was the fact that I was pissed about no caff tab????

Caff has always done it for me and on the rare times I used Jack 3D it was crazy. I only used one scoop but geez! I would bounce off the walls.

So they say about a month after the cycle u go into the dumps and get lazy. I'll bring out good old Jack with my caff tabs and should rock the world.

If nothing else I'll b like that commercial where the Ultimate Warrior bursts threw the wall and yells "did I hear someone say they were hungry?" hmm? Did I just date myself??grr! Should have used the cat commercial where they shake the bag of treats and the cat come running through the wall.

Not much going on just a typical weekend of over eating with the GF and kids. OMG the blueberry cheesecake last night was amazing.

Checked BP and it was up just a tab from my normal 120/80 so it was 128/82. I'm sure it was just because I was hungry as I forgot to bring food when we went shopping. However, if need b I'll add some extra hawthorn berry to my supports next week.

No Mr. Winky ???issues either last night?hit a few home runs with the GF one off the couch watching Resident Evil After Life then another later on. It was slow at first but OMG!! When the cannon fired dear mother of God?????I almost had a heart attack!! My girl was like, u ok? I was like SHHH! I'm in my happy place???

Ok well back to my bulking mini cycle for the weekend. BBQ chicken later. Yum yum got ya get sum GF just woke up lol!!!!! And u thought I was talking about the chicken??
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Well just a quick update before I head off to bed . . . so today's weigh in was up yet again so I'm sitting at a nice and pumped 165.8 and starting to lean out and get a bit more vascular. I checked my BP a few times and it was up 131/84 so just to make sure it goes back down or if nothing else stays were it is I'll be adding 2 caps (total) of Hawthorn Berry to my normal support feedings a day and I'll check it in a few days. . . I feel fine so overall I'm not concerned or worried. . . Looking forward to starting Week #3 tomorrow and this is the week its supposed to kick in so lets see what happens.
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Well so far Week 3 is going well . . had a slight strength increase on bench yesterday but nothing to write home about but I got an extra 5 reps over 3 sets on bench so I was happy but OMG if I thought the pumps were good last week then this week its freaky crazy.

The people at work are really starting to wonder what I'm doing or on . . like I said before being short we look bigger than we actually are and a good solid 9 pounds in 3 weeks is well . . hard to hide in my work uniform but I must say Sunday when I was out shopping I just looked good! lol

My GF complained that my chest is like stone now and hurts her back when we spoon lol . . I just said wait till end of cycle.

So I had to add some hawthorn berry to my supports as my BP is still up in and around 133/85 HOWEVER!!!! and I can't believe this after all my research I did but I think I needed to pick up HB extract NOT just the berry . . .. grrr! I have posted another thread to get some clarification on this but for now I am using it till I find out otherwise. . . so if anyone reading this thread knows the answer please let me know. . . I'm using Now HB along with as listed above Cycle Assist witch has HB Extract.

So other than that nothing bad to report.

It was a hard day of back but overall a good workout. . . Like I said I'm not getting any strength off this cycle yet but mass is what I wanted and so far its what I'm getting . . .now I'm sure its just water weight but I look good and solid and not smooth and bloated so eh who knows maybe its actual mass only time will tell my goal is 7 pounds that I walk away with.

Thanks to any and all who read my thread
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member

OK My computer is slowly dying so I have not been on here to update but my new one comes on Monday, thank God.

So here is the latest update for all following.

My weight is still sitting at 165 so I'm happy . . strength is still zip increase but man do I look massive so I am super happy.

NOW the only side to speak of is the elevated BP . . still in and around 135/89 first thing in the morning so I'm not very happy about that. I increase my HB but starting today I'll split it up throughout the day taking one with my PH then my normal supports 5 hours later so this will give me 4 does of BP lowering agents throughout the day . . If I have to cut my cycle because of my BP I will NOT be happy at all (lol who would?) as the cycle is going amazing!!!

As for my sex drive the big test will be this weekend as the boys will be doing over time as its my 2 year anniversary and the kids are gone so God help me if he doesn't do the do as my GF will kill me!!! . . I think I'll take some meca, zinc and who knows what else to make sure lol

CORRECTION my new computer just arrived . . will hook that up over the weekend . . life is getting better even if my BP is up ):

No other side or anything else to report . . well off to do some legs . . changing my leg routine a bit and doing a high rep program for a bit.

Thanks to everyone that reads and responds



OK My computer is slowly dying so I have not been on here to update but my new one comes on Monday, thank God.

So here is the latest update for all following.

My weight is still sitting at 165 so I'm happy . . strength is still zip increase but man do I look massive so I am super happy.

NOW the only side to speak of is the elevated BP . . still in and around 135/89 first thing in the morning so I'm not very happy about that. I increase my HB but starting today I'll split it up throughout the day taking one with my PH then my normal supports 5 hours later so this will give me 4 does of BP lowering agents throughout the day . . If I have to cut my cycle because of my BP I will NOT be happy at all (lol who would?) as the cycle is going amazing!!!

As for my sex drive the big test will be this weekend as the boys will be doing over time as its my 2 year anniversary and the kids are gone so God help me if he doesn't do the do as my GF will kill me!!! . . I think I'll take some meca, zinc and who knows what else to make sure lol

CORRECTION my new computer just arrived . . will hook that up over the weekend . . life is getting better even if my BP is up ):

No other side or anything else to report . . well off to do some legs . . changing my leg routine a bit and doing a high rep program for a bit.

Thanks to everyone that reads and responds
BP at 135/89 is not high bro. Yeah, it's teetering on the high end, but really it's not that bad. I would just finish the cycle regardless. BP will return to normal anyways upon cessation of use
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Yeah I know just a little freaky as its never been up.

I really wanted to up it to 100 the last 2 weeks but I think if it doesn't drop by splitting the HB throughout the day I'll stay at 75 and make adjustments next cycle

But other than that. It's great. EVERYONE is talking at work. Slowly running out of excuses lol so I lie and say I have a competition coming up lol

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member

That's right people today's official weight is up 9 pounds and my night time weight is 7 pounds on top of that so 165.6 morning / 172 at night!!!

Still ZIP for strength increase but the pumps get freakier everyday . . . so looking forward to chest today.

The only side like I said is my elevated BP but I feel much better since I started splitting the does up throughout the day. . will check it again tomorrow and I'll wait and relax 5 minutes before I take the reading.

No morning wood to really speak of but I started taking Meca and zinc so lets see if that helps. . .anniversary this weekend so he will be pulling OT so anything and everything will help lol

Diet as you can see is going great. Might do a dirty bulk next week just to shake things up then back to my clean diet. Craving some hamburgers lol.

I still feel very calm on cycle . . I usually have a short fuse but now, not so much.

Oh and my BF is still exactly the same for those thinking the weight is fat . . nope! I'm all jacked up and looking good . . I'm telling people at work now I have a competition it shuts them up but man are they talking . . I feel uncomfortable in my shirts so I think I'll pick up a large as my normal medium is well . . just to tight.

Well time to wash up and hit the gym . . have a great weekend all and remember EAT!!! I treat the weekend like a carb up lol
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
As for my big anniversary weekend and calling on the boys to do some major overtime next cycle I'll pick up some dermacrine to help them out.

But for now I'll try the above and hope for the best.

If not anyone want to step up and pitch hit for Mass Monkey if needed? (totally joking and having fun) but she is 5'4" Latina 104 pounds and totally crazy in the poll position lol

Have a great weekend everyone.

My thread

My jokes and my humor lol!!!!

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Week #4 Let the magic begin . . .

So this is when the magic is supposed to begin so God help me because so far the journey has been outstanding!!!! I hit 10 pounds today and so far the BF is staying about the same . . smoothed out by days end but this is to be expected from all the cals and water I take in during the day.

So I have NO complaints thus far for the MASS I was seeking . . so if anymore magic is to come then I guess this will be the week it happens for strength . . I honestly doubt I'll gain much more IF ANY over the next 3 weeks . . I mean really its ONLY H-Drol people but so far say what you will but the proof is in the pudding . . now I know I will lose some of it during the PCT but for now I'm enjoying the MASS.

Now if anyone actually reads my silly posts and is following my big weekend well . . it went to total crap!!! Got into it with the GF at dinner of all places over family BS and OMG it went from there and well if I wasn't in the mood you would never know becasue the meca I started taking was telling me I was ready willing and able . . again say what you will but I have not had morning wood in about 2 weeks and well swing! and my balls feel bigger so eh I think its doing something so I'll be taking 3 caps a day . . if nothing else it makes me mentally feel better lol

So like I said the weekend was total crap, whatever could go wrong did go wrong so I'm actually glad to see Monday come.

I'll be reducing my carbs a bit this week and doing a bit of a dirty protein bulk just to shake it up a bit.

BP is still about the same but I feel better by splitting it up throughout the day.

Went to dinner with the family tonight . . UGH! there was another disaster but OMG they were like WTF! you look huge . . I just said lol new diet.

Well that is about it . . off to bed then chest tomorrow so all should be good.
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
WELL LETS TRY THIS AGAIN . . . .Week #4 has not started off so good . . .huge family issue over the weekend and then a huge issue with the GF and well its all out war over here . . then I was up till 5:30 AM setting up my new computer so I could actually do something online so Monday was spent sleeping . . but I did get up . . look at my gym, yawn then flop back out and slept like a log.

I tell you mental BS has to be the hardest thing to try and work through . . it SUCKS!!!

So today I don't feel much better and with all the BS I think my BP is up . . grrrr! but I will do my warm up, hit some cardio then do chest . . I could vent more but it would just be more crap coming out of my mouth lol . . have a great day everyone.
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
OK time to do an update . . . well the chest workout on Tuesday was amazing freaky pumps and tons of energy however like I said above the family issues came at Mass Monkey from all sides and well people sometimes we must deal with life and put it on the front burner for a bit. . . its mentally exhausting but today I did the do and had a back workout. . . not the best workout but considering my mind was still down a bit I was happy. . . I was going to do my deadlifts at the end for a change but by the time I got there I was beat and my back was just to pumped and tight so back to doing deads at the beginning like always.

Well this has NOT been the best week as you can tell but as much as we would like to think we are machines we are not . . maybe if I was still living with mommy and daddy it would be different OR getting ready for a big competition I would have pushed it a bit harder this week but for now I did the do, it got done and I'm happy . . and I still have 2 full weeks on cycle.

Still sitting at 10 pounds morning weight so I'm happy with that. . . funny I even looked pumped this week even though I was slacking a bit this helped my mental game. . . I think I'll do some extra workouts on the weekend to make up the ones I missed this week then back to my normal schedule on Monday and back on track.

My goal for this cycle as crazy as it sounds was 12 pounds on and walk away with 7 so I'm only 2 pounds away from my goal and still 2 weeks so only a pound a week this is doable.

As for sides still none to really speak of and I really can't comment on my BP lol as its up do to stress

Well time to eat . . . so off I go


Well-known member
OK time to do an update . . . well the chest workout on Tuesday was amazing freaky pumps and tons of energy however like I said above the family issues came at Mass Monkey from all sides and well people sometimes we must deal with life and put it on the front burner for a bit. . . its mentally exhausting but today I did the do and had a back workout. . . not the best workout but considering my mind was still down a bit I was happy. . . I was going to do my deadlifts at the end for a change but by the time I got there I was beat and my back was just to pumped and tight so back to doing deads at the beginning like always.

Well this has NOT been the best week as you can tell but as much as we would like to think we are machines we are not . . maybe if I was still living with mommy and daddy it would be different OR getting ready for a big competition I would have pushed it a bit harder this week but for now I did the do, it got done and I'm happy . . and I still have 2 full weeks on cycle.

Still sitting at 10 pounds morning weight so I'm happy with that. . . funny I even looked pumped this week even though I was slacking a bit this helped my mental game. . . I think I'll do some extra workouts on the weekend to make up the ones I missed this week then back to my normal schedule on Monday and back on track.

My goal for this cycle as crazy as it sounds was 12 pounds on and walk away with 7 so I'm only 2 pounds away from my goal and still 2 weeks so only a pound a week this is doable.

As for sides still none to really speak of and I really can't comment on my BP lol as its up do to stress

Well time to eat . . . so off I go
Sorry for the life problems bro. Enjoying the log and your progress. Keep it up
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Hey Bud . . Welcom . . eh no worries just down a bit this week . . been at the iron game more years than I care to count and I know when I have to relax a bit on the intensity and channel my energy elsewhere for a few days to avoid injury . . I always check my ego at the door to my gym and then all goes well . . . I'm pretty hard on myself at the best of times when it comes to my training and competitions so when I slack off (sort of) I view it as just extra rest to recover . . it also makes me hungrier the next week. . .

I was thinking of bumping it up to 100 mg next week but again more is not always better so for now I'm sticking with 75 as the gains are still going great. . and well at 166 I don't think much more is needed . . like I said in the opening post . . I was at this weight for ever due to weight class limitations but now we are here to lean and grow and so far growing is going well. . .

I have been doing a bit of a dirty bulk this week and . . ah NOPE not my thing lol!!!! but the food has been bought and cooked so I'll finish this week but OMG bring back my chicken and fish . . also I cut out my physillium husk this week just to see if its affecting the absorption of my HB and that alone is making me feel a bit bloated . . so I'll be bringing that back as well . . but no other side like I said . . I still get excited when the GF starts her thing so this is good, no acne, still good energy, and no back pumps . . . well today I didn't do my deads but I figured I wouldn't get them done. . . after years of deadlifting I know . . do them first or don't do them at all but I loaded the bar and looked at it so does that count? lol

I tell you what is hard . . eating all this dam food when you one don't train and two mentally are not into it . . ugh!!!

But I must say I'm loving my night time weight and pump . . I know it won't always be like this but for now in my little world I'm enjoying the HIGH lol

Thanks for following and I hope to have more exciting news soon . . . and hey, its arm day tomorrow what more can a man ask for? lol . . OK, OK a truck full of the Budweiser girls and a million dollars but for now all is good.


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awesome man!i think im going to follow your cycle when i start mines in 2weeks
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
PM me if u want or I guess I could post it here but made some minor changes to diet and pill schedule. But it's a rocking cycle so far

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
I take 2 caps of hDrol at 11 & 9 with 2000 g of fish oil

My supports are taken at 4 and 2am. That r orange triad, liv52 ,cycle assist, Meca, 1000 g of fish oil, hawthorn Berry

In the future pick HB EXTRACT and I'd have celery seed EXTRACT on hand as well S your BP will go up.

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Well-known member
I take 2 caps of hDrol at 11 & 9 with 2000 g of fish oil

My supports are taken at 4 and 2am. That r orange triad, liv52 ,cycle assist, Meca, 1000 g of fish oil, hawthorn Berry

In the future pick HB EXTRACT and I'd have celery seed EXTRACT on hand as well S your BP will go up.

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When do you lift?
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
I lift at my own gym Monday to Friday

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Lol oops sorry my bad. Well I work afternoons so I take my PH at 11 am then lift at 12:30 pm. Then lunch at 2. Supports at 4 then snack at 5:30. A shake 7:30. Lunch at 9 then a shake at 11:30 and another snack at 1 am

This is how I do the do

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could i also use flaxseed oil instead of fish oil?
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
You could I use flax seed oil in all my shakes and EVOO as well along with fish oils. Omega 3

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
I put 2 TBS of flax per shake but I like the Omega 3 fish oil caps as well for convenience and I take 6 of them a day. So all that with my salmon & cod filet at dinner I think I'm set.

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Good morning world and Mass Monkey hits 11 pounds this morning!!!!!! . . well just shy at 167.4 remember I started at 156.6 and I'm still clipping at 12 so life is good. I have a bit of a bloat by days end so I'll adjust my carbs a bit next week so all is good . . and its arm day so once I wake up I'll kill that and get back into my wagon and ride the cycle wave again in high spirits. . . well of to inflate to larger than life . . Huyeah!
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member

Ok just a quick update but OMG!! The magic of strength might just have kicked in.

Up 25 pounds in my EZ bar curls. I do them slow, controlled, no swing and flex each rep and I usually stop at about 40 for 10 well today was like this after my 40 & 20 rep warm up. Man does that get the blood pumping so here we go:

Warm up with 40,20,10

Then it was off for preachers again up by 15 pounds and when I got around to doing my skull crushers they were up 15 pounds as well.

So like I said we have lift off. Next week should b good.

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Well-known member

Ok just a quick update but OMG!! The magic of strength might just have kicked in.

Up 25 pounds in my EZ bar curls. I do them slow, controlled, no swing and flex each rep and I usually stop at about 40 for 10 well today was like this after my 40 & 20 rep warm up. Man does that get the blood pumping so here we go:

Warm up with 40,20,10

Then it was off for preachers again up by 15 pounds and when I got around to doing my skull crushers they were up 15 pounds as well.

So like I said we have lift off. Next week should b good.

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Well it has been beautiful this weekend I had the entire house all to myself so I got so much stuff done. . . Finished the last little bit of setting up the computer so now I have my command station back up and running.

I wanted to make up for lost time so I hit my legs yesterday and all was good there . . today I rested and slept in till 1 PM lol it was wonderful.

Well BP is down a bit 130/85 so I'm happy about that and I feel much better.

I do find that I'm getting sensitive to carbs so like I said I have reduced them for the ensuing week.

Not sure why but I feel a bit more honey the last few days and this is odd as by now I should be losing it . . not that I'm complaining. As far as shrinkage eh maybe a very small tad but hard to really say as God was not very generous in that department to begin with hahahaha.

So tomorrow begins Week #5 only 2 more left then the PCT already stocking up on klynex so I can ball my eyes out during the Notebook and Titanic . . .as if . . . I am really tempted to bump up my dose to 100 but holding back as I know it really wont make that big of a difference at 171 other than give me probably more sides and stress on my liver.

This cycle is a dry/test run for my next cycle that I am currently researching and planning for sometime in February or March and that will be a 6 week run of TBol stacked with Dermacrine and StanoDrol . . . ANY FEELINGS? ANYBODY?

Next cycle I'll be adding agies to further help the liver along with Liv52 and CA. If you don't know about it look at this link it is a must:

Well looking forward to this week to see if Friday was a fluke or if in fact my strength is actually starting to kick in.

Back off to kick back on the couch with my popcorn and watch Safe with Jason Statmen looks to be a good movie and I don't have to share my popcorn or the couch . . life is good lol
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member

Well it looks like the strength part of the cycle has kicked in . . remember I do a 4 week rotation so last time I did this routine of BENCH I did 245 for 5,4,3 . . . this time around I hit 260 for 5,4,4 so I was happy then hit the 80 DB's for 3x8 of flat bench then 3x8 @ 70 for inclines so we have LIFT OFF!!!

I woke up feeling very lazy and it took a bit extra to get going but once I did I felt OK not amazing but OK . . I noticed a pimple on my trap so other than that nothing more to report . . time for lunch then nap . . I always have a nap before work as I work till the wee hours of the morning.
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
OK felt pretty good today for my deads . . and YUP did them at the beginning like I usually do so I was back up to 320 for 3x8 . . back was tight after but went on and had a good over all back workout . . . not sure if its because its getting colder outside and Im always lazier in the morning when its cold but its still taking me a bit longer to get going but feel good once I do . . . cut back on my carbs and the pumps are more controlled and not as freaky lol but great none the less . . other than that not much to report . . I feel good . . it will be sad to end this cycle but then again I guess everyone says that lol
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Yawn . . and Morning to all.

Well yesterday I had to sleep the day away as I was up all night so it was a much needed rest day. No way I could have finished my shift at work if I didn't get more sleep. I was up all night pissing my brains out. I don't think I drank that much more water than I normally do but wow up all night. . . ticked me off as it was arm day. I eventually got up and did a quick 40 minutes with a few slammed out super sets to make up for lost time but not what I really wanted to do.

Today is leg day . . changing it up a bit today.

OK the jury is still out if its lethargic setting in or if I'm just being lazy with the cold but gosh its getting harder and harder to wake up. Had a super hot shower this morning so lets see if that helps.

Other than that weight is still sitting between 9 1/2 and 11 pounds so all is good.

Well I better start or I'll fall back asleep in this chair . . . yawn


  • Established
Great log! I will be looking back over this when I start my cycle in late October.
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Hey TY !!! Glad you like it.

You will love HDrol but I would pick up some Dermacrine before u start. As if gets harder and harder to get out of my warm bed in the morning.

This is the only mistake I made this cycle as I started then found out about Dermacrine and it was to late to have it shipped.

Yawn! Today I shall relive and attack arms since I missed it on Wednesday. I usually double up on chest each week unless I miss something but for now I'm stuck in my yawn warm bed lol

Ill be adding in my DAA next week then the following week it will be pct time.

I killed legs yesterday and they r numb right now BUT operation feet to the floor is a yawn go right now.

Any second now

One more time

Lol!!! Ok ok so I'm being a puss. It's arm day and who doesn't like arm day

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
One more huge yawn as I crank up the heat in my igloo lol

My weight is 167.8 so 11 pounds since preload or 10 from first HDrol pill. And my BF has stayed exactly the same. Remember I'm not trying to look like a bodybuilder just good in general and I'm lean but not ripped still clipping at 12 on the calipers so all is wonderful. And my wonderful Spanish flame GF is happy and says I look like The Hulk and the guys at work are still in awa and keep saying I'm going to kill it at my next competition. Lol I'm like ah yeah right thanks, I think lol

Ok we r vertical and the blood is pumping enough to make my super shake then wash up

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member

Blasted the roof off the igloo day guys!!!! HuYeah is all I have to say on this amazing arm day . . . Skull Crushers done slow, no swing at the bottom, elbows in and nice and high got up to 3x8 at 70 and usually I flop out at 50 as an old injury usually starts to bother me . . Biceps were amazing as always, painful pumps but in a crazy good way! so just for all the ego monkeys out there lol!!! I measured my arms . . 16.5" pumped and that is a FULL 1/2 an inch increase since the start of the cycle . . well at least now I know where all the size of my nuts went lol!!!

I have decided to duct tape a skateboard to my keester because my legs are so sore I can't walk! . . I did super high reps yesterday to really work my lower back while going deep in the squat . . its a Powerlifter thing . . so my legs, hip flexers, butt, and back are totally shot today . . it feels like I have clumps of clay stuck to everything below mid back . . NO not a back pump just a good solid feeling of one hell of an amazing workout

Have a great weekend all . . I'm off to work then begin my normal carb up with the kids . . its the little guys birthday this weekend so over eating is in full gear
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Thanks bud. Right now I'm going to kill it in the horizontal position as I'm beat and time for my usual afternoon nap but man I feel great, nice and tight.

However I'm sure by tomorrow ill b asking my GF if I can piggy back ride around at the party as not only will my legs still be shot but now my arms are shot. Then again maybe ill just put on a tight T shirt and put my head on a plate and double as Max Headroom. Gosh! Does anyone remember him or am I just old? Lol

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LOL, I think we are both just old, because I remember him too.
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Lol!!! If your nice ill share my walker but touch my muscle rub or fiber and its war buddy hahahaha!!!!

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Hey TY !!! Glad you like it.

You will love HDrol but I would pick up some Dermacrine before u start. As if gets harder and harder to get out of my warm bed in the morning.

This is the only mistake I made this cycle as I started then found out about Dermacrine and it was to late to have it shipped.

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why Dermacrine?

i ask because i stil lhave not start my cycle
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
why Dermacrine?

i ask because i stil lhave not start my cycle

It converts to Test eventually and it fights off some of the sides of the PH. Like low libido and lethargic. I'd explain more but out of time at work. If u need more info let me know.

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It converts to Test eventually and it fights off some of the sides of the PH. Like low libido and lethargic. I'd explain more but out of time at work. If u need more info let me know.

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ok cool!

i found the PBS dermacrine but they only have it in gel but not in liquid.would the gel actually work?
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
ok cool!

i found the PBS dermacrine but they only have it in gel but not in liquid.would the gel actually work?
Wow! So it's like joy jelly now lol!!!

Well good question, I'd assume so but I don't know. I know they discontinued the original formula and r bring out a new and unproved one. Maybe that's it. There is a thread on it being discontinued. Ill try and find out for us

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Mass Monkey hits 14 pound today . . . well I just had to update and since last week I am up 5 pounds so 14 pound increase since the beginning of the cycle and honestly I couldn't be happier. . . I was looking at some pictures with my GF last week of a trip we did in August at the beach and OMG can you see the difference. . . it was a good weekend and looking forward to my last week of the cycle .

Honestly I'm glad I took the advise of all those I spoke with before I started that said just stay at 75 mg as I really don't think the cycle could have been much better. Maybe yes maybe no but then again maybe more side at 100 so running it 50/75/75/75/75/75 was PERFECT.

I know I will lose some weight during my PCT but man so far I'm loving life.

I will start taking DAA tomorrow as it is the last week of the cycle . . I also added in creatine just because I wanted to lol.

I would also like to let anyone who may be following this log that I will continue to update after my PCT as well because I have yet to come across a log that does that. Everyone tells us how great the ON cycle was how sad the PCT was but NO one ever tells us after the fact what is exactly going on well into the future . . Hell I just might keep this log going till I start my TBol cycle . . who know . . I'm sure I could yap about something weather it be my training or diet or life in general . . well time to go watch a movie with the kids . . surprisingly I have been good on my diet this weekend.


Well-known member
Mass Monkey hits 14 pound today . . . well I just had to update and since last week I am up 5 pounds so 14 pound increase since the beginning of the cycle and honestly I couldn't be happier. . . I was looking at some pictures with my GF last week of a trip we did in August at the beach and OMG can you see the difference. . . it was a good weekend and looking forward to my last week of the cycle .

Honestly I'm glad I took the advise of all those I spoke with before I started that said just stay at 75 mg as I really don't think the cycle could have been much better. Maybe yes maybe no but then again maybe more side at 100 so running it 50/75/75/75/75/75 was PERFECT.

I know I will lose some weight during my PCT but man so far I'm loving life.

I will start taking DAA tomorrow as it is the last week of the cycle . . I also added in creatine just because I wanted to lol.

I would also like to let anyone who may be following this log that I will continue to update after my PCT as well because I have yet to come across a log that does that. Everyone tells us how great the ON cycle was how sad the PCT was but NO one ever tells us after the fact what is exactly going on well into the future . . Hell I just might keep this log going till I start my TBol cycle . . who know . . I'm sure I could yap about something weather it be my training or diet or life in general . . well time to go watch a movie with the kids . . surprisingly I have been good on my diet this weekend.
You're going to start daa while still on HD? I thought daa was supposed to start 1st day of pct?
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
This is the week where the boys are shut down or if nothing else they a little bit more of a push so u start your DAA now

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Ok so I pushed send before I was done.

Yes u can wait till u start the PCT but some start now so I'm starting now. Might as well start them slowly running

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Well-known member
Ok so I pushed send before I was done.

Yes u can wait till u start the PCT but some start now so I'm starting now. Might as well start them slowly running

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Good to know there are options

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