XPG Suppress-C - (b-AET/B-Triol) - Feedback & Discussion Thread


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I wanted to create a thread for reviews, discussion, and feedback on Suppress-C.

I want to encourage everyone to please feel free to post separate product review threads for Suppress-C and all XPG products.

Your feedback is very much appreciated, and I don't want this thread to take away from that at all.

Advanced Cortisol Control Gel
Topical Defining & Lean Muscle Matrix

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25 mg. B-Androstenetriol (b-AET) per ml
100 servings per bottle

Suppress-C contains B-Androstenetriol, also commonly known as b-AET and B-Triol, a naturally occurring DHEA metabolite that is commonly associated with reducing cortisol levels.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is commonly associated with increased fat storage (especially in the abdominal area and love handles) and with being catabolic (breaking down muscle tissue).

B-Androstenetriol Highlights/Supports:
  • Cortisol Control
  • Fat Loss
  • Helps Preserve &/or Build Lean Muscle
  • A Healthy Immune System
  • Improved Sleep Quality/Promotes Restful Sleep
  • Possible Anti-Inflammatory Actions
  • Positive Mood & Improved Sense of Well-Being
Ask yourself a few questions:
  • Are you having a hard time losing fat?
  • Does your progress feel stuck in a rut?
  • Do you find yourself holding fat in your abdominal area and love handles?
  • Are you having a hard time building lean muscle?
  • Do you need or wish to retain lean muscle while dieting?
^^^ People that answer yes to any of the above questions may be interested in Suppress-C.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Does the name Suppress-C sound familiar?
The name Suppress-C was at one time synonymous with topical cortisol control products.

Suppress-C was one of the original B-Androstenetriol products on the market, and Xtreme Performance Gels purchased the naming rights to Suppress-C to bring back this legendary name and formula.

Stress & Fat Storage:
You often hear about how stress can make you gain weight.

In today’s world, how many of us can really say that we aren’t under a lot of stress?

At first glance, many people tend to think when they hear about stress making you gain weight that this is referring to people that tend to eat more or eat poorly as a means of coping with stress, but that isn’t always the case. To understand how stress can contribute to fat storage, one has to understand the basics of cortisol.

What is Cortisol?
Cortisol is considered to be a stress hormone and is released by the adrenal glands. When the body is under stress (either physical or psychological), the body may produce excess cortisol to try to help combat the stress. The body’s way of helping combat the stressors is by liberating energy stores and cortisol assists in that process by breaking down muscle protein into amino acids as fuel sources for the body. This process can be detrimental to overall body composition because it can lead to increased fat storage and decreased lean muscle tissue.

It is important to note that while cortisol has negative effects on overall body composition, it isn’t entirely negative as it does have some useful applications which is why it's important to think of cortisol in terms of controlling it rather than eliminating it.

Cortisol – Potential Effect on Lean Muscle:
Cortisol breaks down muscle protein into amino acids for use as a fuel source. In layman’s terms this means that cortisol breaks down your hard-earned muscle tissue. By helping suppress cortisol levels, it may allow one to keep more of their hard-earned muscle gains.

Cortisol – Effect on Fat Storage:
Cortisol assists in breaking down stored body-fat into fatty acids so that the body can have an immediate energy source to help combat stressors. At first, this may sound like a good thing but the long-term effect of this action is these fatty acids being stored as the most easily accessible type of body-fat for the same future use – visceral fat. Visceral fat is the type of fat that is located around the internal organs and most commonly associated with a variety of health conditions. Also, by altering fat distribution from subcutaneous fat to more cortisol sensitive areas, this may have detrimental effects on physical appearance. For example, cortisol sensitive areas include the abdominal ‘pot belly’ appearance, excess facial fat storage, etc.
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Suppress-C is a great product and its one of the products that I missed the most back from the old CEL days.

I think that it doesn't get nearly enough talk or attention on here as it deserves.

When we made it under CEL, I remember there being so much great feedback on it for:
  • Lean muscle retention while dieting
  • Helping keep gains during PCT (Suppress-C or Reduce XT were pretty much PCT staples back then)
  • Fat loss regimens
  • A ton of great feedback for women and fat loss; a lot of guys were buying it for their wives/gf's
Any idea on restock at dps??
@sns8778 mentioned in another thread they should be getting stuff back in stock at some point this week.

Thank you. Yes, DPS has a shipment in transit to them that should get there either today or tomorrow of both Ab-Solved and Suppress-C, so they'll have it back in stock no later than tomorrow.
Been using this for 2 weeks now. Spreads on easy and dries very quick. My sleep is crap most of the times and even more so now, that I'm cutting, but I feel like Suppress-C is helping a little. One interesting effect I've experienced, that I was not expecting, is every time I wake up during the night or in the morning, I'm pitching a tent, lol.
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Been using this for 2 weeks now. Spreads on easy and dries very quick. My sleep is crap most of the times and even more so now, that I'm cutting, but I feel like Suppress-C is helping a little. One interesting effect I've experienced, that I was not expecting, is every time I wake up during the night or in the morning when I wake up, I'm pitching a tent, lol.

haha great side
Thanks just got some and another curcumin as well.

Great to hear.

If you don't mind and have time, your feedback on CurcuPrime Gel would be appreciated in the CurcuPrime thread:

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CurcuPrime Gel is a great product and doesn't get nearly enough attention here on AM in my opinion.
As a long time stimulant user (ECA stack) I’ve always battled with bloating and slowed digestion from the massive cortisol bump. Suppress C has been massive game changer for me. Eliminates all of the negative cortisol effects of the stims and has 100% sped up fat loss. Will definitely be a staple for me when running stims. Wish I had tried this years ago. Have another bottle on the way along with some Ab-Solved.
How much of a break do you need to take after using it for 8 weeks before you can use it again?
I know what the bottle says, but you can run this stuff for longer than 8 weeks. I'm up to ~6/7 months without a break using 2mL/day. I consider it a staple at this point. bAET is a great ingredient as far as offering a lot of general health benefits outside of the gym, and a lot of those benefits come from continued use.
How much of a break do you need to take after using it for 8 weeks before you can use it again?

@baldwanus answered you perfectly above.

The label suggestion for taking a break was based off of the way that people originally used it when the ingredient first came out and will be changed when XPG runs out of labels and reorders.

Over the years, a lot more has been learned about the ingredient, like its immune support benefits and it improving sleep quality, so the way people take it and what they take it for has changed a lot.
Thank you both for your replies, that's great news as I really love how I feel when I'm on it, it's done wonders for my stress levels and anxiety too, so will go ahead and order some more.
Thank you both for your replies, that's great news as I really love how I feel when I'm on it, it's done wonders for my stress levels and anxiety too, so will go ahead and order some more.
I'm essentially only 'off' bAET for maybe like 1 or 2 months max a year... usually just when I hit a point of wanting to take a break rubbing lotion all over myself :p

One of my favorite ingredients for sleep, always get much deeper sleep when using it. Mood boost is also quite noticeable. Can also be great for boosting the immune system, always helpful throughout the winter months.