Board Sponsor
Curcumin Skin Gel
CurcuPrime™ Tetrahydrocurcumin
100 mg. per ml
CurcuPrime™ Tetrahydrocurcumin
100 mg. per ml
100 mg. CurcuPrime™ per ml
10 grams CurcuPrime™ per bottle
CurcuPrime™ Gel is a topical Tetrahydrocurcumin product that contains 100 mg. per ml. (10 grams per bottle).
What is Tetrahydrocurcumin?
Tetrahydrocurcumin (4-HC) is a major metabolic constituent of curcumin that’s commonly believed to be responsible for many of curcumin’s benefits.
The CurcuPrime™ Advantage:
CurcuPrime™ Tetrahydrocurcumin is a branded ingredient from NNB Nutrition.
CurcuPrime™ is 100% naturally sourced and is extracted for purity and consistency from batch to batch.
NNB Nutrition's CurcuPrime™ has contributed to putting a positive spotlight on Tetrahydrocurcumin and already generic versions of this ingredient may be available. Buyer beware - while generic versions of some ingredients may be the same or close to the same as their branded ingredient counterparts, this ingredient is notoriously hard to extract and NNB reports having already found some generics using proprietary blends rather than pure Tetrahydrocurcumin and purifications as low as 70% and potencies that may vary from batch to batch.
CurcuPrime Gel - No Orange Coloration or Staining:
CurcuPrime™ Gel is a specialized version that is off-white in appearance to allow for no orangish color or staining, unlike some other topical curcumin products.
Why doesn't Xtreme Performance Gels have a website and when will there be one?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions that we receive, and the reason is that when we originally launched, pre-Covid, we were primarily selling to brick and mortars and just a couple of online retailers, so we weren't doing direct sales because we didn't want to compete with the retailers that we were selling to. We had thought about doing an informational website to market the products, but many of the brick and mortars that we sell to are very appreciative that we didn't have one, so that's the way that we left it for a long time.
Now, with the way the market has changed, we will be launching our website within the next month to month and a half and will be launching several new and exciting products.
When it is launched, you will be welcome to order directly from us, but we will still encourage you to buy from and support your favorite retailers that carry our products.
Where Can CurcuPrime Gel Be Purchased?
CurcuPrime Gel is already available for sale at DPS Nutrition in the US and will be available within the next couple of days from Predator Nutrition in the UK and is available to ship right away to any other retailers interested in carrying it.