XPG CurcuPrime Gel - 100 mg. per ml/100 servings - Intro Thread


Board Sponsor
Curcumin Skin Gel
CurcuPrime™ Tetrahydrocurcumin

100 mg. per ml

100 mg. CurcuPrime™ per ml
10 grams CurcuPrime™ per bottle

CurcuPrime™ Gel is a topical Tetrahydrocurcumin product that contains 100 mg. per ml. (10 grams per bottle).

What is Tetrahydrocurcumin?
Tetrahydrocurcumin (4-HC) is a major metabolic constituent of curcumin that’s commonly believed to be responsible for many of curcumin’s benefits.

The CurcuPrime™ Advantage:
CurcuPrime™ Tetrahydrocurcumin is a branded ingredient from NNB Nutrition.

CurcuPrime™ is 100% naturally sourced and is extracted for purity and consistency from batch to batch.

NNB Nutrition's CurcuPrime™ has contributed to putting a positive spotlight on Tetrahydrocurcumin and already generic versions of this ingredient may be available. Buyer beware - while generic versions of some ingredients may be the same or close to the same as their branded ingredient counterparts, this ingredient is notoriously hard to extract and NNB reports having already found some generics using proprietary blends rather than pure Tetrahydrocurcumin and purifications as low as 70% and potencies that may vary from batch to batch.

CurcuPrime Gel - No Orange Coloration or Staining:
CurcuPrime™ Gel is a specialized version that is off-white in appearance to allow for no orangish color or staining, unlike some other topical curcumin products.


Why doesn't Xtreme Performance Gels have a website and when will there be one?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions that we receive, and the reason is that when we originally launched, pre-Covid, we were primarily selling to brick and mortars and just a couple of online retailers, so we weren't doing direct sales because we didn't want to compete with the retailers that we were selling to. We had thought about doing an informational website to market the products, but many of the brick and mortars that we sell to are very appreciative that we didn't have one, so that's the way that we left it for a long time.

Now, with the way the market has changed, we will be launching our website within the next month to month and a half and will be launching several new and exciting products.

When it is launched, you will be welcome to order directly from us, but we will still encourage you to buy from and support your favorite retailers that carry our products.


Where Can CurcuPrime Gel Be Purchased?
CurcuPrime Gel is already available for sale at DPS Nutrition in the US and will be available within the next couple of days from Predator Nutrition in the UK and is available to ship right away to any other retailers interested in carrying it.
We will have a subforum here on Anabolic Minds shortly and I'll post a link in this post as soon the admin creates it.

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Please check it when you can for new product releases, articles, information, sales, company information, and suggestion threads.
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Congratulations on the new product launch. I hope that it does well for you.

We have had a lot of interesting in our new Elite Curcumin (Curcumin C3 Complex, Theracurmin, CurcuPrime) product and I could see it and CurcuPrime Gel being a great stack.
This is great. I'm a huge fan of Curcumin and especially Tetrahydrocurcumin and having a non yellow topical is a huge bonus. Will be a great and welcomed addition to the market.
This is great. I'm a huge fan of Curcumin and especially Tetrahydrocurcumin and having a non yellow topical is a huge bonus. Will be a great and welcomed addition to the market.

Thank you. If you try it, I hope that you'll let us know what you think of it.
Welcome to Anabolic Minds !!
Been using the CurcuPrime for almost week now and I'm using it on my shoulders where my pain and inflammation is always a problem (bicep insertion). Typically I apply topicals to areas with thin skin and lots of veins and for a systemic effect but I wanted to see if this stuff would give me some relief locally.

And I have to be honest I feel pretty good and back to doing more shoulder exercises in the gym again.

Definitely not a placebo effect. That plus the awesome quick drying, easy to spread gel/cream that use makes it really easy to apply and not feel sticky and tacky all day long.

Great product, highly recommend!
I got some to try, I will post my thoughts soon.

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Been using the CurcuPrime for almost week now and I'm using it on my shoulders where my pain and inflammation is always a problem (bicep insertion). Typically I apply topicals to areas with thin skin and lots of veins and for a systemic effect but I wanted to see if this stuff would give me some relief locally.

And I have to be honest I feel pretty good and back to doing more shoulder exercises in the gym again.

Definitely not a placebo effect. That plus the awesome quick drying, easy to spread gel/cream that use makes it really easy to apply and not feel sticky and tacky all day long.

Great product, highly recommend!

That is awesome to hear. I know you've had issues with that area for a long time if I remember correctly and its great to hear that CurcuPrime Gel is helping with it. That's great that its helping, especially this quick and that you're able to get back to doing more shoulder exercises.

I definitely agree that it's awesome that it is super easy to apply and dries quickly and doesn't feel sticky. That's something I always hated with some topicals that kept me from using some products in the past was that I hated that feeling some give where you feel like you have saran wrap over the skin for hours after applying them.
As mentioned earlier in the thread, we got our start as mostly a brand that sold almost exclusively to brick and mortars and select online retailers which is why we hadn't already done a direct-to-consumer sales website. We are now in the process of having one built and hope to have it ready by the end of the year.

Because of that, many people assumed that we weren't going to have any special Black Friday Sales, but we have a great surprise for everyone.

Since we didn't have the ability to do a direct Black Friday sale, we have teamed up with DPS to offer one to you through them.

Xtreme Performance Gels Black Friday Sale at DPS Nutrition

Save 30 to 35% off All Xtreme Performance Gels Products

25% off Brand Sale + Additional 5% off Any Order or 10% off 150+ Orders at Checkout

CurcuPrime Gel
- Topical Curcumin Skin Gel
- 100 mg. CurcuPrime Tetrahydrocurcumin per ml/100 ml per bottle
- 10 Grams CurcuPrime Per Bottle
- As low as 32.90 each

- Ursolic Acid Skin Gel (Sodium Ursolate)
- 70 mg. Sodium Ursolate per ml/100 ml per bottle
- 7 Grams Sodium Ursolate Per Bottle
- As low as 36.24 each

- Maximum Strength Slimming Gel
- As low as 28.68 each

EpiAndro Gel
- Epiandrosterone Skin Gel
- 75 mg. per ml/100 ml per bottle
- 7.5 Grams Epiandrosterone Per Bottle
- As low as 26.99 each

- Topical Defining & Lean Muscle Matrix
- 25 mg. B-Androstenetriol per ml/100 ml per bottle
- As low as 29.22 each

Ab-Solved/Suppress-C Twinpack:
- 1 bottle of each
- As low as 51.97 per twinpack
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DPS one of the most respected names in the business!!
Update. Been using the CurcuPrime for a few weeks applied at bicep insertion at the front delt (where all my issues are) as well as will rub a little on the anterior (flexor) surface of the elbow (where your get blood drawn) for maximum absorption..... and I have a big reduction in pain and inflammation the past 2 weeks. Been slowly adding weight again to chest and shoulder exercises.

This is just one benefit of Curcumin in general but I wasn't sure if topical would also help locally. Seems it may!
Update. Been using the CurcuPrime for a few weeks applied at bicep insertion at the front delt (where all my issues are) as well as will rub a little on the anterior (flexor) surface of the elbow (where your get blood drawn) for maximum absorption..... and I have a big reduction in pain and inflammation the past 2 weeks. Been slowly adding weight again to chest and shoulder exercises.

This is just one benefit of Curcumin in general but I wasn't sure if topical would also help locally. Seems it may!

That's awesome. I'm glad to hear that it's helping you. I've been using it on my shoulder and have noticed a lot better mobility without pain myself. I'm using our Elite Curcumin orally and then using the CurcuPrime Gel locally with it.
Been using the CurcuPrime for almost week now and I'm using it on my shoulders where my pain and inflammation is always a problem (bicep insertion). Typically I apply topicals to areas with thin skin and lots of veins and for a systemic effect but I wanted to see if this stuff would give me some relief locally.

And I have to be honest I feel pretty good and back to doing more shoulder exercises in the gym again.

Definitely not a placebo effect. That plus the awesome quick drying, easy to spread gel/cream that use makes it really easy to apply and not feel sticky and tacky all day long.

Great product, highly recommend!

Hi I'm just searching the topic of shoulder pain relief and this thread came up. I have shoulder pain in left shoulder when barbell bench, incline barbell, and dumbbell over head press. Like feels like a nerve pinch at times. Does this stuff help anything like that?
Hi I'm just searching the topic of shoulder pain relief and this thread came up. I have shoulder pain in left shoulder when barbell bench, incline barbell, and dumbbell over head press. Like feels like a nerve pinch at times. Does this stuff help anything like that?

If you dont have any pain outside of the gym, you may need some active work done, stretching etc. You may habe an impingement. ...the pain that Curcumin helps with is more related to inflammation pain etc. If you have pain doing nothing at all then yeah Curcumin should help.
Hi I'm just searching the topic of shoulder pain relief and this thread came up. I have shoulder pain in left shoulder when barbell bench, incline barbell, and dumbbell over head press. Like feels like a nerve pinch at times. Does this stuff help anything like that?

DieselNY gave a great answer above. If the pain is nerve related and only when doing the movements, that may be something that you need to seek medical attention to try to figure out &/or alter the type of movements that you're doing to experience it.

But if you're having pain and inflammation outside the gym and/or after workouts, CurcuPrime Gel is great for that.

I was in an accident a year ago and broke my right shoulder so I had a lot of pain and inflammation issues with it. It does hurt worse doing certain movements, but not just workout wise; the root cause is inflammation from the injury - and CurcuPrime Gel has been awesome for helping with that.

In the same accident, I had a complete tibia fracture where my shin snapped in half and came out thru my calf muscle and I use it regularly on the area of the tissue damage there and it has helped tremendously. Nothing is going to make that area not hurt at all, but its a big difference when I use it versus when I don't.

I hope that info helps.
I found XPG CurcuPrime Gel applied to my delta has helped a lot with shoulder pain, mine are just old and worn out but pain and inflammation relief from the XPG Gel really helps!
Xtreme Performance Gels Black Friday Sale:
25% off of All Orders w/code blackfriday25
30% off All Orders of 500.00+ or more w/code blackfriday30

For a limited time, buy your Xtreme Performance Gels products along with your SNS products.
See this thread for full details - https://anabolicminds.com/community...rmance-gels-massive-black-friday-sale.338736/

CurcuPrime Gel:

CurcuPrime Gel - 3 Bottle Multi-Pack:

CurcuPrime Gel - 6 Bottle Multi-Pack:

CurcuPrime Gel - 12 Bottle Multi-Pack