Would appreciate some advice. preview >epistane + celtiren


New member
Hi there, so i'm new to these forums. What you have is a 30 year old guy, been working out most of my life. I"ve taken a break from working out constantly for about the past.....7 years. stats - 220, 5 ' 10". Couch potato. used to be in great shape, work out for years and swim laps . I have experience with prohormones, I did 1-ad and another one about 3 times, didn't use pct or anything like that unfortunetly. focusing on getting my diet and my routine down Before I try to mess with anything. What i'm thinking about doing is getting some celtiTren +epistane. I have a cycle support that I've ordered, protein powder, and some cellucor weightloss product. For pct, the really only thing I think I would be able to easily get would be ERASE and 6-oxo . would really just love to get under 20% bmi just to be healthy again and not get tired during sex or walking up stairs. Its very depressing. When it comes to just about anything I do , I try to do it all the way. So any advice you guys have for me If its solid, I will do my best to implement it. thanks for your time and effort. Also I guess my cycle or whatever would just be the recommended dosing of each drug for 6 weeks, and then start the ERASE or whatever I choose to buy.


Well-known member
Cliffs. Or change this layout. We don't have time to read a book lol just tryin to help


Well-known member
But if you run epi at the correct dose of 40mg for 6 weeks with tren you need to have a serm in pct. like clomid 50/50/25/25

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