Why does stimulants give me severe headaches or migraines? is there a way too prevent this?


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Dec 13, 2022
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Every time I Take DMAA or DMHA or anything too high powered stims I get such a bad headaches too the point I went too doctor for it the other day. I also get very neverous and paranoid, ect nonstop. idk why tho... what do you think I should do? I was planning too take ephedrine/ephedra instead, but im not too sure if i will have the same issue. thanks.
I had a similar situation where I totaled my car everytime I drove into a large tree. Against my better judgement I decided to stop driving into large trees and wouldn't you know my car has really lasted a long time.

Good grief.
Ephedrine is smoother for most. Lots of people can't take dmaa. Why do you keep taking it when it makes you Ill . Lol
Blood pressure maybe.

This would be my thought. It could be other things but it may be something related to this which would unfortunately mean there might be a decent bit of stimulants that are going to negatively effect you like this based on dosage.
have a go with a premier non stim pre workout stack~

a much beloved combo is Ursa Major/ Triton: it gives strength, and massive endurance with out-of-this-world pumps and vascularity.
Also wanted to state the obvious. Did you try takeing less? Lol. A full scoop of dark labs crack is uncomfortable for me and I have a high stim tolerance. I usually go 3/4 a scoop and even a half scoop can be felt. Ha no rule says you have to take max dose plus it will last longer that way.
Every time I Take DMAA or DMHA or anything too high powered stims I get such a bad headaches too the point I went too doctor for it the other day. I also get very neverous and paranoid, ect nonstop. idk why tho... what do you think I should do? I was planning too take ephedrine/ephedra instead, but im not too sure if i will have the same issue. thanks.
drink more water. drink 2 cups of water immediately after you take stims.

Water is your best friend
OK, I'm going to assume this is a real post. So clearly, step 1, stop taking these stims if they're causing such issues.

As others have said, it's likely too much for you and elevated BP, lack of hydration, etc. If you feel you must use them, recommend electrolytes, BP support, and maybe KannaEase which is showing up in a lot of stim-based formulas now to help offset negative effects of jitters.

But bottom line. Stop using these.
OK, I'm going to assume this is a real post. So clearly, step 1, stop taking these stims if they're causing such issues.

As others have said, it's likely too much for you and elevated BP, lack of hydration, etc. If you feel you must use them, recommend electrolytes, BP support, and maybe KannaEase which is showing up in a lot of stim-based formulas now to help offset negative effects of jitters.

But bottom line. Stop using these.

He hasn’t responded since the original post.

OP dead.
Every time I Take DMAA or DMHA or anything too high powered stims I get such a bad headaches too the point I went too doctor for it the other day. I also get very neverous and paranoid, ect nonstop. idk why tho... what do you think I should do? I was planning too take ephedrine/ephedra instead, but im not too sure if i will have the same issue. thanks.
I get the same effect :( Apart from caffeine. Most stims hit me hard and the crash is anxiety and headaches.

I think we're more prone to stims flooding our brain with more noradrenaline and causing headaches and anxiety.

I have DMAA caps their and I sadly can't touch them. They give an incredible rush but that crash.... Dammmmn! Depression beyond belief.

From me to you. This is our body just saying it's not happy. Your honestly better without stims. In the long run their honestly very unhealthy. I was hooked to excelsior for a year straight. Ended up in hospital with a heart monitor strapped to me and the withdrawal was 3-4 months of serious depression.

Ditch them dude