Which prohormone + minimizing hair loss


New member
Hey y'all,

I've ran topical Epiandro and oral as well -Stanogen by Apex and Epiandro 300 from Muscle Addiction. Very nice gains from that stack.

Wanting to branch out and I saw Iconic Formulations recommended.

My only negative I had from the Epiandro (regardless of topical vs oral) was it seemed to accelerate hair shedding - I'm already losing hair unless I use Minoxidil.

I'm using Minoxidil now 2x a day. Wanting to run a new PH.

1) I'm looking to continue cutting and keep/gain lean muscle. Which of these Iconics are good for that?

2) Will Minoxidil reduce/offset hair loss?

I'm on 180mg test 1x/week.

Thanks for your help with my newbie questions!

Anabolics all have the potential to exacerbate that dreaded mpb….I’m sure that TRT isn’t helping either, but ‘it is what it is’.

I’ve ran 1andro and I don’t think it was that harsh on the hair…So if wanting to stick with Iconic, you could look at their Icon one product.

Epiandro, does what it does very well, but dude it’s straight dht…It always makes me lose a little more.

I think my best luck was with LGD…If considering a sarm you could look into that.
As long as you’re putting the work in, and eating accordingly, you can still cut…
Lgd 4033 in my honest opinon is stronger then the legal prohormones (dose dependant of course), and it stacks well with them. And i have never had someone tell me lgd causes shedding.

Assuming prior "gear use" sarms, ph, ect. Assuming use has been fairly minimal.

Lgd 20-30mg a day
4 andro 220-440mg a day
And i love high dose epiandro 900mg +++ but thats not going to agree with your hair.

Anabolics all have the potential to exacerbate that dreaded mpb….I’m sure that TRT isn’t helping either, but ‘it is what it is’.

I’ve ran 1andro and I don’t think it was that harsh on the hair…So if wanting to stick with Iconic, you could look at their Icon one product.

Epiandro, does what it does very well, but dude it’s straight dht…It always makes me lose a little more.

I think my best luck was with LGD…If considering a sarm you could look into that.
As long as you’re putting the work in, and eating accordingly, you can still cut…

Thanks man. TBH I'm open to any quality PH where hair loss isn't a major side. Never done a SARM, will research a bit more.
Gh + Insulin + inj l-carn. Combine with TRT if you actually need it and you will have the "hair safest" PED combo I can think of.