What to stack next from the legends at SNS/CEL


New member
A little background about my last year or so:

CEL M Test & SNS Inhibit E - 16 Weeks
Weighed 84kg after a long illness, got back into strength training and stacked these supplements while in a 400 calorie deficit, got down to 71kg. Got great definition and lost a lot of fat around my chest which is where I tend to carry it.

CEL M Test & SNS Anabolic XT - 8 Weeks
Wanted to see how I’d get on in a surplus trying a natural anabolic, to be honest I am not sure if I was a great responder to Anabolic XT, I did notice a sense of well-being but I am always motivated to train, and I think this also helps with that so maybe I did not notice it as much as someone who needs help with motivation.

CEL M Test & Anabolic Effect - 12 Weeks
In a slight surplus and gained 2kg in this 12 week period and some fair strength gains. After this had around 4 weeks off supplements whilst continuing to train.

SNS Fadagoia XT, SNS Tongkat Ali, Anabolic Effect, Prime XT - 12 Weeks
Approx 200 calorie surplus, I’m 10 weeks into this and I have noticed a great deal from it. My strength is continuing to climb, and I have set some PB’s. I’m already very lean from the drastic cut after being ill, and I am currently extremely vascular and continuing to stay lean despite being on 3000 calories a day, I could up my calories further (maintenance is approx 2800) however I want to stay lean whilst adding muscle slowly.

One other thing I have noticed is I do not feel as though my testosterone is quite as high as when I was on M Test. I got a good deal on Fadagoia and Tongkat and thought I would try this instead. I definitely had a higher libido and more of an alpha feeling on M Test.

In 2 weeks I want to start a 12 week stack of CEL M test, Prime XT (continuing) and I want to swap Anabolic Effect for something else, I really love the supplement but think I need to cycle that so that when I come back to it again in 12 weeks or so, I feel the full effect of it again.

What would be recommendations of a great supplement to complement M Test and Prime XT for strength on a lean bulk?

Many thanks in advance! :)
Some great stacks you’ve run. I honestly wouldn’t ever drop M-Test, I run it year round.

M-Test, Clomaplex & PrimeXT have been working fantastically for me. prime at 9 caps for Weekly PRs
Some great stacks you’ve run. I honestly wouldn’t ever drop M-Test, I run it year round.

M-Test, Clomaplex & PrimeXT have been working fantastically for me. prime at 9 caps for Weekly PRs

Yeah I definitely agree M Test is something special for a natural supplement.

Upping the dose of Prime has me intreagued, think I’d notice a difference with this?

Haven’t looked into Cloaplex before and just had a quick scan, I see it has the main ingredient from Recomp 20 in which I know has great feedback, also an aromatise inhibitor, I loved Inhibit E so assume I’d like this for staying lean? How long could you run this for?
I definitely noticed an increase in strength & general alpha feeling going from 6-9 caps.

Running the current stack for 12 weeks
What would be recommendations of a great supplement to complement M Test and Prime XT for strength on a lean bulk?

sounds like you already are looking pretty solid with the things you've used. Only notes I have is that I have not used the SNS Tongkat, instead I have used many bottles of XPG Alpha Gel and have another one coming in, I have always loved the results from that product.

You used both Anabolic XT and Anabolic Effect. I've had great results with both. AE I felt held strength awesome on a cut and A XT is typically in my stack every time I had PR the last 2 years coincidentally. it's been good to me.

I'm really liking my first bottle of the XPG Carnitine, and have enjoyed a number of bottles of the phosphatidic acid XT. I still need to give Prime a try though!
sounds like you already are looking pretty solid with the things you've used. Only notes I have is that I have not used the SNS Tongkat, instead I have used many bottles of XPG Alpha Gel and have another one coming in, I have always loved the results from that product.

You used both Anabolic XT and Anabolic Effect. I've had great results with both. AE I felt held strength awesome on a cut and A XT is typically in my stack every time I had PR the last 2 years coincidentally. it's been good to me.

I'm really liking my first bottle of the XPG Carnitine, and have enjoyed a number of bottles of the phosphatidic acid XT. I still need to give Prime a try though!
Thanks man, I have actually been looking at Phosphatidic Acid, people say strength gains are good on this but are often stacking with a few other things which help with strength, so it’s hard to gauge exactly how good it is for strength say with M Test and Prime.

I’ve responded well to phytoandrogens in the past (LG Natadrol) so maybe I just didn’t give AXT long enough?
Hard to say, but the idea that it should be run for at least 2 bottles always ended up being accurate for me. Both on AXT and Phosphatidic Acid XT I felt like I usually really noticed it around week 3. what I always liked about PA XT is that the pumps were solid, but the general muscle firmness seemed to last all day/every day once it was in the system.
Hard to say, but the idea that it should be run for at least 2 bottles always ended up being accurate for me. Both on AXT and Phosphatidic Acid XT I felt like I usually really noticed it around week 3. what I always liked about PA XT is that the pumps were solid, but the general muscle firmness seemed to last all day/every day once it was in the system.
Did you find PAXT best stacked with other supplements or did you take it standalone with a good test booster? Great info regardless 👌🏻
A few options I’d look at:

Anacyclus XT: AnaBeta has a ton of huge fans and you can find tons of feedback searching for that. Not as much feedback on SNS product, but I love it and think it is comparable. Pumps, muscle fullness, recovery, strength and some test boost like feelings. Super cheap too for what it can do.

Urolothin-B: Another solid and not too expensive option. Lots of feedback to sift through as well.

Phosphatidic Acid XT: Should work through quite a few different pathways from what you are currently using. Increased recovery, progress, and muscle fullness.

Peptiplex: pretty much a staple for me. Even when progressing fast I feel my recovery is always up to the level I need it to be on this.
Did you find PAXT best stacked with other supplements or did you take it standalone with a good test booster? Great info regardless 👌🏻

I've taken a hundred various natty test boosters over the years and generally the only one that I "feel" in a big way is XPG's Alpha Gel. But it's more about libido, mental wellness, quality of sleep with that product for me.

I think PAXT is a nice compliment to just about anything. Generally speaking if I'm natty then PAXT is probably one of the items I notice the most when it's working, and notice the most when I'm off it. It just adds a level of every day muscle firmness that I don't really notice from other natty products.

I have taken it alone, and stacked and I think to answer your question more directly, I loved it with Anabolic XT and Anabolic Effect. I typically don't stack AXT and AE together because it's a $$$ and a lot of capsules, but I almost always stack PA XT with XT, and stack it with AE.
Appreciate the replies, Anacyclus XT crops up in a few places so I’ll look into that 👌🏻

And I totally understand Dustin that $$$ or £££ in my case start to build up! So many good supplement which is why I like to keep it to 3 when stacking.

I am going to look deeper into PA XT.

Should have mentioned also that I recently started taking Growth Factor XT to help with sleep, I do half dose before bed so 2 caps, and according to my sleep tracker watch I get a lot more deep sleep when I take it.
Should have mentioned also that I recently started taking Growth Factor XT to help with sleep, I do half dose before bed so 2 caps, and according to my sleep tracker watch I get a lot more deep sleep when I take it.

that's another one I hear fantastic things about but haven't tried yet! I need to put that and prime on my future wishlist.
I'll echo a lot of what has already been said,

PA XT if you're looking for strength. I haven't run it with Prime but it was awesome with Mtest.
Recomp 20 for more of an aesthetic goal. It made cutting and muscle fullness quite a bit better. I used this with quite a few products (Mtest, Inhibit E, Lean Edge, Anabeta)
Anabeta just because it's cheap.

I want to try Growth Factor, Anabolic XT, and all the XPG gels
I didn't notice much from Peptiplex personally, but could just be me
I also like AE but agree that maybe cycling off for a bit might benefit you
A little background about my last year or so:

CEL M Test & SNS Inhibit E - 16 Weeks
Weighed 84kg after a long illness, got back into strength training and stacked these supplements while in a 400 calorie deficit, got down to 71kg. Got great definition and lost a lot of fat around my chest which is where I tend to carry it.

CEL M Test & SNS Anabolic XT - 8 Weeks
Wanted to see how I’d get on in a surplus trying a natural anabolic, to be honest I am not sure if I was a great responder to Anabolic XT, I did notice a sense of well-being but I am always motivated to train, and I think this also helps with that so maybe I did not notice it as much as someone who needs help with motivation.

CEL M Test & Anabolic Effect - 12 Weeks
In a slight surplus and gained 2kg in this 12 week period and some fair strength gains. After this had around 4 weeks off supplements whilst continuing to train.

SNS Fadagoia XT, SNS Tongkat Ali, Anabolic Effect, Prime XT - 12 Weeks
Approx 200 calorie surplus, I’m 10 weeks into this and I have noticed a great deal from it. My strength is continuing to climb, and I have set some PB’s. I’m already very lean from the drastic cut after being ill, and I am currently extremely vascular and continuing to stay lean despite being on 3000 calories a day, I could up my calories further (maintenance is approx 2800) however I want to stay lean whilst adding muscle slowly.

One other thing I have noticed is I do not feel as though my testosterone is quite as high as when I was on M Test. I got a good deal on Fadagoia and Tongkat and thought I would try this instead. I definitely had a higher libido and more of an alpha feeling on M Test.

In 2 weeks I want to start a 12 week stack of CEL M test, Prime XT (continuing) and I want to swap Anabolic Effect for something else, I really love the supplement but think I need to cycle that so that when I come back to it again in 12 weeks or so, I feel the full effect of it again.

What would be recommendations of a great supplement to complement M Test and Prime XT for strength on a lean bulk?

Many thanks in advance! :)

Thank you for your detailed post and I'm glad you've had positive experiences.

I use M-Test year round myself. I consider it part of my general health supplement regimen.

Anabolic Effect a lot of people report getting better by the week and its very common to use it for 16 to 20 week cycles, so I definitely wouldn't feel like I had to stop after 12 weeks if I was you.

For me personally, the best stack I've ever used was Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, Phosphatidic Acid XT, Pepti-Plex, and Recomp20. I plan on doing that stack again and adding Prime XT to it as soon as my training gets back to being consistent. I would say that you could pick any of those to use with your upcoming plans and would be a great stack.

For Anabolic XT, you mentioned not being sure if you responded well to that and were talking about the motivation to train aspect. To me, that was a great added plus, the motivation to train, but even if it wasn't for that, it and Anabolic Effect are still my favorite natural anabolics in terms of overall results and variety of results. The increased motivation to train is a great benefit for those of us that need it, but it gets talked about so much that sometimes it overshadows that its not at all the primary purpose or benefit of the product. It actually wasn't even something we promoted the product as being for, its something that people just experienced and became common feedback.

You've gotten some other great replies and I look forward to hearing what you decide to use next.
Thank you again for all of your replies, they really are very useful to help me ti make a decision!

@sns8778 great detailed reply thank you, it is much appreciated! I am going to have a good think over this for a day or 2 and see what I think would work best, I will keep you all posted!
For me personally, the best stack I've ever used was Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, Phosphatidic Acid XT, Pepti-Plex, and Recomp20. I plan on doing that stack again and adding Prime XT to it as soon as my training gets back to being consistent. I would say that you could pick any of those to use with your upcoming plans and would be a great stack.

man that's an intense combo but it sure sounds fun!
man that's an intense combo but it sure sounds fun!

It was the best stack I've ever ran and the best gains I've ever made in any period of time.

I haven't been training consistently for awhile now bc of some things life and health related, so hoping within the month to get things back on track and run that stack again to help me kind of at least get caught up. Plus, I hate working out and the motivation to train aspect from Anabolic XT is huge for me because it helped me be consistent. It's really only time probably in 20 years that I'd actually looked forward to working out.
Plus, I hate working out and the motivation to train aspect from Anabolic XT is huge for me because it helped me be consistent. It's really only time probably in 20 years that I'd actually looked forward to working out.

I think a lot of people can find that relatable. over the years one thing I've noticed about myself is that even if a particular supplement only gave me a 1/2% or 1% gain, I was working 100% harder because I wanted the results and I had already spent that money so I wanted to make sure I got my money's worth.
I think a lot of people can find that relatable. over the years one thing I've noticed about myself is that even if a particular supplement only gave me a 1/2% or 1% gain, I was working 100% harder because I wanted the results and I had already spent that money so I wanted to make sure I got my money's worth.

I agree with that, but that's not what I meant in this case.

When we first launched Anabolic XT, one of the first things that people started reporting as feedback was a motivation and desire to train and a lot of people commented on that they felt a compulsion to train or looked forward to training and that they didn't miss days like they normally would.

It was interesting because it definitely wasn't/isn't placebo because that was something we never mentioned in our write up at all. It was just something that people started experiencing with it.

During the period we released Anabolic XT, I was recovering from my accident so I wasn't able to train at all. When I was reading that feedback myself, I was intrigued and think I even posted a time or two that anything that could make me actually want to work out would be interesting because I hate working out. I respect the people that look forward to it and enjoy it, but I do not. I train for the results and benefits, but I haven't enjoyed it in over 20 years.

When I first started back working out after the accident, it was me making myself doing it. I didn't want to do it, wasn't looking forward to doing it, it was me making myself do it. The first month was me dreading every single workout, partially bc of the pain from the tissue damage from the accident and partially just bc of lack of hours in the day and me not wanting to spend what little free time I had working out.

When I started the stack with Anabolic XT, it's the first time in over 20 years I actually looked forward to working out. I would be sitting at the desk during the day and looking forward to training that night. I'd be thinking about what exercises I was going to do, what my goals were for the workout, etc. It was really odd bc that's just not me. It helped me train on a lot of days I otherwise wouldn't have because of being busy, not feeling like it, or being in too much pain bc I was actually looking forward to it.

I know that for a lot of people that look forward to training, that may not be a big deal. But for someone that does it for the results but doesn't enjoy the process itself, to actually look forward to it is a major thing.

On the reverse side, it seriously wasn't three weeks after I stopped my cycle of it that my workout consistency went to crap and I was missing workouts left and right.

I'm looking forward to starting it back because I know it will help me get my muscle and strength back quicker, helps my endurance, but also just bc I think it will help me be consistent and actually look forward to it and enjoy it.
Some great stacks you’ve run. I honestly wouldn’t ever drop M-Test, I run it year round.

M-Test, Clomaplex & PrimeXT have been working fantastically for me. prime at 9 caps for Weekly PRs
Can I ask a question about Clomaplex?

Been reading up last night. I loved Inhibit E, had me the leanest I’ve ever been, I think I respond very well to AI’s.

Do you notice a big leaning out effect with this even when you aren’t in a big defecit? I want to gain muscle but at the same time want to lean look year round - I know this is a lot to ask :LOL:
I think I am swaying towards:

M Test
Prime XT
Phosphatidic Acid XT
Growth Factor XT (I already half dose this - it’s very good for sleep I find)

Im hoping this stack which will be 3 months worth initially will work well and be a good follow on from the Fadagoia, Tongkat, Anabolic Effect and Prime XT which I will have been on for 3 months!