What are some bad habits that some of us may do that ends up hindering our progress?



Yes I'm on TRT at 150/week test Cypionate for the last year. I ran some Proviron a while back, so I'm not sure if this is still working on it.

I tested in two other times in the past 6 months, it was: 26 and 19...

I'm waiting to see what my Total and Free Test are
I'm glad I asked because that is a game-changer right there. This is definitely worth taking notes over because something you're doing is lowering the levels significantly.
I'm curious, do you have any recent blood work that you so happen to take while fasted? If so what was your estrogen serum total, not E2 estradiol??


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I'm glad I asked because that is a game-changer right there. This is definitely worth taking notes over because something you're doing is lowering the levels significantly.
I'm curious, do you have any recent blood work that you so happen to take while fasted? If so what was your estrogen serum total, not E2 estradiol??
These are the most recent estrogen results...the ones from the end of the year were during a blast with some AI mixed in occasionally.

The only thing I have done differently lately is add more carbohydrates into my diet. I was low carb for a while. I read increased carbs can lower SHBG


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I did take some Cardarine the day before bloodwork, but I dont think this hits SHBG

Daily supps have recently changed once this virus hit:

Vitamin C 4-6 grams
Vitamin A 8000 iu
Vitamin K2 100mcg
Vitamin D3 6000iu
Selenium 100 mcg
Zinc 15mg
Quercetin 200
Elderberry 400
Greens Powder
Liv. 52

Not sure if any if this would lower SHBG....
Last edited:


the research I have read indicates trt not only suppresses testosterone production but also dhea...
If someone was on trt that's because they were most likely suppressed and shut down. The use of most AAS will shut down the htpa function temporarily while using whatever parenting hormone. Taking exogenous testosterone will halt natural testosterone production, that is why the trt is being implemented because of suppression..

There is a lot of different theories and protocols when it pertains to HRT TRT , this is not a one-size-fits-all and protocol because these will vary from one person to the next depending on their sensitivity.

Hormone replacement therapy can consist of numerous synthetic hormones. The adrenal glands can go haywire that is why it is necessary for frequent blood work because there is various chemical Messengers that are in our blood that can change at any given moment in different directions whether it's overproduction or no production.

Some endocrinologist or physicians will suggest DHEA's or other adrenal chemical Messengers because the therapy alone can sometimes induce an entirely new condition that was not pre-existing.

The one thing about testosterone that a lot of people don't realize is just because it's synthetic it does not mean the body will respond and react like it's our very own.

We can look at hormone replacement therapy much like a glove is to a hand..just because the glove goes on the hand and it can function and move like a hand that does not mean it's a hand, because after all it does not have fingerprints.. my reference with that is our natural hormones have a signature fingerprint with our RNA and DNA.. synthetic hormones will lack in that department, it could be much similar to comparing someone that is bilingual but they have an accent. That is what hormone replacement therapy would be like, it has an accent and it stands out, it can still communicate and function and simulate and duplicate but it will never 100% replicate.

Some guys need mild anti estrogens with their trt, some guys need aggressive dosages and some guys need none at all.

When people decide to incorporate certain adrenal characters that is because they're attempting to Target and put a Band-Aid on a specific symptom or side effect..


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I'm wondering if my constituent use of greens and liver supps is lowering my shbg??? Hmmm


I did take some Cardarine the day before bloodwork, but I dont think this hits SHBG

Daily supps have recently changed once this virus hit:

Vitamin C 4-6 grams
Vitamin A 8000 iu
Vitamin K2 100mcg
Vitamin D3 6000iu
Selenium 100 mcg
Zinc 15mg
Quercetin 200
Elderberry 400
Greens Powder
Liv. 52

Not sure if any if this would lower SHBG....
It is very possible that those supplements with that cocktail could have lowered your levels by way of the functions through the liver. And from other functions like an example would be zinc, zinc is known to have a high affinity with interfering with shbg manufacturing estrogen this is why it was often used to increase libido because people really didn't understand especially cultures that would eat a lot of shellfish.
NAC is also a huge game changer that can significantly lower shbg numbers..
You have a combination of many things that could have direct or indirect effects.
Increase in carbohydrates could also display these results depending on your insulin sensitivity. That is why I asked you if you had a total for your estrogen because I wanted to see if E1 levels more significantly higher, because this could indicate type 2 diabetes and a result of that would be low shbg levels.
I am not a physician and I'm not giving you any medical advice, I'm just curious on your numbers and what you're taking that could dictate and manipulate these readings.
Because you went from double digits down to single digits.. also we should take into consideration that you're igf levels are higher because of your trt that alone can also affect the numbers..

I'm glad to see that you have all this information because this will be useful for you and other readers. This clearly displays that so many factors need to be considered.
If you feel good and everything is on point than I wouldn't worry, not that you are but I'm just saying.


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I was just in the middle of typing that
Thanks, brother. I appreciate the time you take to send these replies. When this virus stuff is over, I will will probably ditch some of these vitamins. I work around people all the time, and I started the cocktail to help my immune system.


Thanks, brother. I appreciate the time you take to send these replies. When this virus stuff is over, I will will probably ditch some of these vitamins. I work around people all the time, and I started the cocktail to help my immune system.
It's not a problem man and this is something that we can all learn from. This is the exact content that makes communities like this good, because this is a great demonstration on how complex the endocrine system is and all of the internal systems balances and checks.


Thanks, brother. I appreciate the time you take to send these replies. When this virus stuff is over, I will will probably ditch some of these vitamins. I work around people all the time, and I started the cocktail to help my immune system.
It's not a problem man and this is something that we can all learn from. This is the exact content that makes communities like this good, because this is a great demonstration on how complex the endocrine system is and all of the internal systems balances and checks.


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not sure if its been said yet: refusing to lift with out a pre work out.


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not sure if its been said yet: refusing to lift with out a pre work out.
lol, sounds like you are fighting the temptation-eh?

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