VikingInc's Pursuit of the Perfect Physique, Sponsored by Chuck & Get Diesel!


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Sunday, February 22

AM Cardio - 30 minute walk

PM Cardio:

Rowing Machine - 26 minutes, Level 10
Elliptical Machine - 21 minutes, Level 8

Sauna - 5 minutes

Notes: It's smart to go easy on a day like this, but for maximum fat loss, I jumped back on zero carbs, and did 80+ minutes of cardio.


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Monday, February 23[/B

AM Cardio:

Stationary Bike - 62 minutes, Level 5

PM Workout:

Round #1

Medium-grip Pulldowns: 150x20x3 sets
Pec Dec Flyes - 200x20, 200x20, 180x20
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 35x20, 50x20x2 sets

DB Hammer Curls - 35x20x3 sets
One-arm Tricep Extensions - 35x20x3 sets

Round #2

Medium-grip Pulldowns: 150x20x3 sets
Pec Dec Flyes - 200x20, 200x20, 180x20
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 35x20, 50x20x2 sets

DB Curls - 35x20x2 sets
One-arm Tricep Extensions - 35x20x2 sets

Sauna - 5 minutes

Weight - ?


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Zero carbs, I would die!!


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Tuesday, February 23

Cardio - Rowing machine, 10 minutes, level 10

Round 1:

Hammer Rows - 230*20 reps*3 sets
Hammer Bench Press - 130*20*3 sets
Front plate raises - 45*20*3 sets
Hammer curls - 30*20*3 sets
DB extensions - 30*20*3 sets

Round 2:

High Rows - 150*20*3 sets
Hammer Bench Press - 130*20*3 sets
Side laterals - 30*20*2 sets
Tricep rope extensions - 120*20, 110*20, 110*20
Cable curls - 100*20, 120*20, 120*20

* had to rush to finish my session as I had to catch a flight to Colorado. I'll probably do legs to make up for it today, Wednesday.

Not getting the cuts I've been expecting considering my diet and training. Going back to it being a highly stressful time in my life, unemployed and actively interviewing for new jobs, and all the waiting that comes with it.. It's a heavy burden to carry. Cortisol isn't my friend nowadays, though I don't know how to work around it. Sure, I've got great workouts most of the time, but the fat burning/cutting/trimming effects are minimal at best. And that's frustrating.. So.. Am I ready to do a show in less than three weeks? I doubt it. I'll take it on a day to day basis, see how I look, and how I respond in the next week.


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Photo update from today.




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You Are Lean My Friend !!


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Thanks a lot, gents!!


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Good news on the horizon; I was informed this morning that I'll be getting an offer from a corporate Insurance company to serve the role of a broker in the oil and gas sector. Have meeting set up next week to get all details. I've interviewed with this company for four months, and if given the opportunity, it's a once in a lifetime type of role.

For the past three years leading up to last summer, I was an offshore rig broker flying 150k miles a year to the Middle East, India, Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa and Mexico. I decided I wanted to stay in the energy sector once I left this position, but the state of the industry hasnt exactly been rosy.. But here's to my next big opportunity!


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Good news on the horizon; I was informed this morning that I'll be getting an offer from a corporate Insurance company to serve the role of a broker in the oil and gas sector. Have meeting set up next week to get all details. I've interviewed with this company for four months, and if given the opportunity, it's a once in a lifetime type of role.

For the past three years leading up to last summer, I was an offshore rig broker flying 150k miles a year to the Middle East, India, Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa and Mexico. I decided I wanted to stay in the energy sector once I left this position, but the state of the industry hasnt exactly been rosy.. But here's to my next big opportunity!
Congrats man!!!

That is e****lent news indeed!


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Good Luck !!


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Congrats on the new job!


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Reserved for Wednesday and Thursday workout.


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Saturday, February 27

Full body workout:

Warm up - 135*20, 185*15, 225*15
Working sets - 315*12, 365*8, 405*4 [PR] (drop set to 315*4, 225*6, 135*12)

Incline Smith Press:
Warm up - 135*20, 185*15
Working sets - 225*10, 275*4 reps * 3 sets (drop set to 225*4, 185*6, 135*12)

Seated DB Press - 45*20, 55*15, 65*12, 75*10

Seated Cable Rows:
Warm up - 100*20, 180*15
Working sets - 240*8, 300*4, 300*4

Rope Press downs - 120*20, 140*15, 160*12

One arm cable curls - 50*20, 60*15, 70*12

T-bar rows - 135*20, 180*15

Weight -?


Å Great workout, surprisingly. Haven't felt too great the past few days, stuffy nose some body aches, etc, so very haply with breaking a record on squats. Also happy that my knees handled the heads to squats like Champs, which was not expected. Damn, it felt good to throw on four plates a side for reps!!! Decent incline bench day, too, though I went for the safer Smith choice to spare shoulder joints and wrists.


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Tuesday, March 1

PM Workout-

Seated Rows - 15 minutes, Level 10
Stationary Bike - 30 minutes, Level 5
Incline Treadmill - 15 minutes

Seated Machine Rows - 100x20, 130x20, 160x20x3 sets
Machine Bench Press - 100x20, 130x10, 115x10, 100x12, 100x12
Rear Lateral Raises (Machine) - 50x20x3 sets
Barbell Shrugs - 135x20, 185x20, 225x20, 275x20
Machine Preacher Curls - 100x20, 100x20, 80x20
Machine Triceps Extensions - 100x20, 120x20, 140x20

Swim - 5 minutes

Sauna - 5 minutes

Weight - ?

Notes: Final Dieselade Stack Review will come up by end of week.


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Reserved for Thursday, March 3

Incl. 315x12, 405x6 on squats


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Saturday, March 5

AM Workout

Seated Rows - 11 minutes, Level 10

Bench Press:
Warm up - 135x20, 185x15
Working Sets - 225x12, 275x10 (New PR!), 315x4 (New PR!), 335x1 (+1 forced) -> Drop to 225x12, 135x25

BW x 10 (+10 second static hold), BWx12

BWx15, BWx15

Hack Squats:
Warm up: 90x20, 180x15
Working sets: 270x15, 360x8, 450x6 (New PR!) -> Drop to 270x15, 90x15

Preacher EZ-Bar Curls - 70x15, 90x12, 110x10

DB Shrugs - 110x20, 140x20,140x20

Sauna - 10 minutes

* New PRs!


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Crazy workouts man!


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Strong Squats!


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My leg strength has soared since I started doing them heavy again. Granted, I've worked around a lot of knee pain, but I hadn't trained legs for 12+ months before starting back up in January. I cut down on running outdoors, and substituted for other forms of cardio, and my knees are thanking me for it.


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my sincerest apologies for a two week delay in getting up my final review. Since accepting the job offer and getting back to work, my days have finally - I dare say - become normal again. To walk around daily and doing nothing but waiting, and having no work schedule whatsoever, to the point where the highlight of my days were my 1-2-3 gym sessions a day (it got crazy at times) got me to the brink of lunacy. But I'm back in the work force, in a dream position where 100% of my effort will go towards. I'll continue working out 5-6-7x a week, but my primary focus will naturally be the new job, and getting into the rhythm of things. I actually just returned from a two day out of town trip for training and orientation an hour ago, and will return to the gym as soon as I've cooked up some mean red meat.

To Chuck and your team,

I sincerely appreciate the faith you put in me, choosing me as a logger for your incredible Dieselade stack! I hope that in spite of a two week lag in getting this log finalized, I haven't lost your respect. I did my utmost to satisfy the log requirements throughout the product cycle itself, but as I mentioned, the past two weeks when I got back to work, I haven't been able to follow up as expected.

I did not do the show on March 13th, though I am a bit disappointed in myself for opting out of it. It was a combination of things, but mainly due to my new position. I didn't want to kickstart my new job walking around depleted, dehydrated, out-of-the-zone from zero carbs, nor did I want to walk around the office with a severely dark/orange tint to my skin. I consider it a professional courtesy, if anything, to opt out. The faith that has been placed in me in this new role is something I don't take for granted, and I want to show them that my focus is one place, and one place only now that I embark on this new adventure, and my new career for the next 30+ years. When I get into the rhythm of things, get some deals concluded, and otherwise earn my way in the new office, I'll revisit the opportunity of competing again, but for now, it's on the back burner.

Dieselade Stack Final Review:

DTHC - Diesel Test Hard Core - 4/5 overall

Strength/Stamina - 5/5 - with the kind of high intensity, high rep program I ran, I will without a doubt give this product a 5/5 (100%) top rating when it comes to Strength and Stamina in the gym. Strength increased by 10-30 lbs. on numerous exercises, and this includes bench press, shoulder press, squats, you know, all the basic, core exercises. Reps increased, also, up to 5+ reps more per exercise with the same weight I used prior. I felt 'Alpha' in the gym and for a few hours after, but not around the clock. I did have a lot of awesome workouts on it, though. Keep in mind that parts of the credit in the Strength and Stamina department will definitely be given to the Dieselade BCAAs, also, as I 'felt' a difference with it compared to other BCAA products.

Sex Drive - 1/5 - again, as mentioned before, in spite of stacking this product with Sunami, there was zero effect in the libido/sex drive department. It was disappointing to be sure.. I said before that my body was under an unbelievable amount of pressure both from extreme dieting and training, but also from mental anguish relating to uncertainty with employment. This could've played a factor, though there's no way to say for sure. I feel it's important to note that I have tried very few OTC supplements that have actually yielded sexual boosting effects.

Value - 3.5/5 - I know, it may sound ridiculous to not give this a full 5/5 rating given my Strength/Stamina rating, but average cost of 80 tabs of DTHC is $38+, and if ran at suggested dose per the bottle (4-5 caps/day), that's $70+/month. I personally don't understand why another recommended method of taking this all natural test booster is 5 on/2 off, as ideally with hormones, you'd like them to remain equal and steady throughout, without any fluctuation.

Sunami: 1/5 - Sorry, but I can't vouch for any effect whatsoever from this product. No increase loads, increased sex drive, libido, or similar. I was hoping it'd improve as the weeks went by, but I unfortunately had no effects from this product, or rather, I had no effects as expected per the advertisement of this product.

Dieselade - 5/5 - My #1 favorite BCAA product, period. I'll be ordering a bottle with my first pay check. Tastes delicious, energy and stamina was pronounced through zero/low carb period of high-intensity training, and I enjoyed every single scoop of it!

Again, thank you, Chuck, for letting me give this a run for the money. I very much appreciate the opportunity. Allow me to refer back to the 4 separate weekly updates I added on each of the products should this conclusion be a little 'light' for the lack of a better word.



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Thank you for the detailed honest review. What kind od job did you get ??


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You're welcome, mate! My pleasure!

I am now a corporate insurance broker within the Energy and Marine department with one of the Big Five Insurance Companies. An opportunity that doesn't come easy, and an opportunity where the sky is the limit in terms of earnings, achievements and personal and professional growth.

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