ua or su?


i was wondering what the differences were between usnic acid and sodium usinate as far as fat loss. are dosages the same? is one better for a transdermal. speking of wich, are any of the transdermal U.A. on the market made optimally for spot reduction? chemo, heres a new product idea.
primal1 said:
i was wondering what the differences were between usnic acid and sodium usinate as far as fat loss. are dosages the same? is one better for a transdermal. speking of wich, are any of the transdermal U.A. on the market made optimally for spot reduction? chemo, heres a new product idea.

I say UA, read through WYD's articles and we've been over the transdermal UA, not gonna happen....
UA is the stuff.. I have seen to many good things posted about UA and experienced UA and have to say I like how it works... just waitiing till we get some more in the members store :D
Su is the sodium salt of usnic acid.  Essentially its lacking one or more of the acidic hydrogens.  While some people claim SU to be a more bioavailble form of UA, neither the literature, nor feedback can really support this claim.  Users generally end up using similar dosages of UA and SU.  Par Deus ran SU as high as 2g+ on his cycle so clearly SU couldn't be THAT much more bioavailable.  The only difference that I can really comment on is price.  $25 for 30G of UA is by far the best deal on the net. 

As for a transdermal, it wouldn't deliver any localized effect because of its need to get into the mitochondria to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation.  You could put some UA in a ph gel and go for a formula that delivers it straight into the bloodstream, but it probably wouldn't deliver any more results than just taking it orally. 

Stock on UA should be coming within a few days...


do any of the spot loss creams work for fat loss? i know some work temporarily by sucking water out of the dermis with caffiene.
Originally posted by primal1
do any of the spot loss creams work for fat loss? i know some work temporarily by sucking water out of the dermis with caffiene.


There are transdermal products that exist with usnic acid and claim spot reduction, but the UA would not aid in localized fat loss.  At the very best, the formula would allow a little bit of the ingredients to get into the blood stream and the UA could then take effect on overall fat loss.  But if they use a formula that is intended to stay OUT of the bloodstream, one would not get nearly enough UA to make it worthwhile.  Most effective fat loss transdermals are packed with Y-hcl as well.  Any Yohimbine-HCL transdermal (lipoderm-y is regarded as the best by many) with a good formula will help aid in localized fat loss but as far as I know, there isn't really many other compounds that will work as effectively as Y-HCL.  One could add caffeine and hope for a diuretic effect...  Often you'll see products like cutting gel and ripping gel which are just aminophylline in a bottle.  That would not do **** for fat loss, but will help as a diuretic.  Little secret....  Preperation-H is the same thing as cutting gel :D

Does this help?

I've used SU at high does too (up to 2g) and it seems to work about the same as UA, but more $$$. Basically like WYD said, real world results seem to be the same, and one is much cheaper. Needless to say I know I'm going for UA next cut as opposed to SU, mainly for $$$.

From the reports I've seen, the rashes can happen with either one also. Luckily not to me :)
jweave23 said:
I've used SU at high does too (up to 2g) and it seems to work about the same as UA, but more $$$. Basically like WYD said, real world results seem to be the same, and one is much cheaper. Needless to say I know I'm going for UA next cut as opposed to SU, mainly for $$$.

From the reports I've seen, the rashes can happen with either one also. Luckily not to me :)

when you use ua are you gonna stack anything else with it? since i'm startin cuttin next week, i've got awhile til summer but was gonna use 7keto, 3 alpha and 1test. was thinkin about addin ua closer to summer and takin it for 2 2-week cycles. still a little gunshy about usin ua too..
Originally posted by msclbldrguy

when you use ua are you gonna stack anything else with it? since i'm startin cuttin next week, i've got awhile til summer but was gonna use 7keto, 3 alpha and 1test. was thinkin about addin ua closer to summer and takin it for 2 2-week cycles. still a little gunshy about usin ua too..

Right now I have:

FL7 (7-keto)

Thermics (Oct and Yoh mainly)

Tricutts II (NYC)

So I have goodies, but debating which and when right now. I've stacked SU with 7-keto, Beta3, and NYC though, boy that is killer!
jweave23 said:

Right now I have:

FL7 (7-keto)

Thermics (Oct and Yoh mainly)

Tricutts II (NYC)

So I have goodies, but debating which and when right now. I've stacked SU with 7-keto, Beta3, and NYC though, boy that is killer!

thanks...i may have to give it a go when i do mine. i think i'm gonna wait til i drop a little...maybe help get rid of that last little bit around da waist..ur stack sounds almost identical to what i'm thinkin about excpet i wanna try the ua instead of the su....
I used UA for 2 weeks. Went as high as 2g/day, no sides, lost 5 lbs in that time, highly recommended. Drink plenty of weater and take ALA.
Originally posted by scotty2
I used UA for 2 weeks. Went as high as 2g/day, no sides, lost 5 lbs in that time, highly recommended. Drink plenty of weater and take ALA.


Good info... and if you need cheap ala, let me know...


PS - Sorry to pimp the **** out of this... but I bought the bottles from a friend and figured they would sell real fast... Right now, Im still stuck with a bunch .. :)
I've been taking SU for a little over a week first at 500 mg at night, then up to 700 mg at night. I still yet have to notice anything. I haven't lost any bodyfat and haven't been hot or sweating. About the only thing I feel is more hungry :( .
Originally posted by Patuba
I've been taking SU for a little over a week first at 500 mg at night, then up to 700 mg at night. I still yet have to notice anything. I haven't lost any bodyfat and haven't been hot or sweating. About the only thing I feel is more hungry :( .


Could be for a couple reasons....

1.  Some people don't really see results until after their cycle.  Seems to be a process of retaining water and achieving homeostasis after you finish. 

2.  Are you in a cold climate?  I've been using UA lately and don't feel hot at all.  In the summer, I would sweat like a fat man in july.  It has been so cold here that I haven't really been giving my body a chance to heat up hahah. :)

Originally posted by whosyourdaddy02
2.  Are you in a cold climate?  I've been using UA lately and don't feel hot at all.  In the summer, I would sweat like a fat man in july.  It has been so cold here that I haven't really been giving my body a chance to heat up hahah. :) 

Tell me about it WYD, I was doing cycles in July and August, oh my lord I damn drenched myself daily. Nice results though :)
Yeah I'm in a cold climate. Nebraska. I think I'm gonna go up to 800mg tonight and see if anything happens.
is 1 gram twice as effective as 500 mg. and is 2 gram twice as effective as 1. ect ect ect. where is the point that the effects are not in dirct corolation with the dose of ua.
I don't think dosage corolates effectiveness. You should probably take the minimum amount that gets results. I know too much Usnic Acid/Sodium Usinate can be hard on the liver.
Originally posted by primal1
is 1 gram twice as effective as 500 mg. and is 2 gram twice as effective as 1. ect ect ect. where is the point that the effects are not in dirct corolation with the dose of ua.


There haven't been human studies performed yet on UA's ability to promote fat loss.  While this is the case, we know that it does indeed work for this purpose - so thats not the question.  Since we lack these studies and speculate that UA might increase the workload in the liver temporarily, experimentation with high dosages is not advised.  FEEDBACK has shown results at 500mg and, for the most part, better results at 750-1G.  Some people have even messed around with 2G a day.  The 500-1G dosing most frequently seen has come from the people who have experimented with UA and found this dosage to work well for them.  These initial people set the trend for future dosing.  Side effects at this dosage have been fairly minimal (rash, etc), but we do not know what experimenting with higher dosages might do and if the benefits would be worth the risk.  This same logic applies with any supplement.