TT-33 dosing with EC and LX


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Just looking for some feedback on this dosing schedule for lean xtreme, tt-33, and of course the EC stack

7:30 am (wake up, pre workout): 25/200 EC, 1 LX, 2 TT-33
11:30 am: 1 LX
3:30 pm: 25/200 EC, 1 TT-33
11:30 pm (before bed): 1 TT-33, 1 LX

Is that a good way to split up TT-33? Would it be better to take 1 with each EC dose and 2 before bed, or does it make no difference?

I'm trying to get 30 days out of a bottle to end around the same time as my EC and Lean Xtreme, so 4 caps a day is what I'm shooting for.

Also, this is after running 30 days of Alpha T2 at 3 caps a day (450 mcg 3,3 daily). Any reason this would be a huge problem? I can get some natural thyroid boosters for a makeshift "pct" if I need to
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I'm actually using that exact stack right now for my cut. Here's how I do it and have found it to be effective.

First thing AM (about half an hour prior to any food intake):
2 TT-33
1 LX
Your EC(A) stack according to your personal preference.
I'm doing 25mg E, 200mg C, and a baby aspirin.

Your ECA stack preference

Before bed PM (again on an empty stomach---if you take a casein shake prior to bed then just allow about 30 minutes to let the actives get absorbed):
2 TT-33
1 LX

TT-33 won't negatively impact your thyroid gland but if you're concerned, you can take Tyrosine afterwards.


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I'm actually using that exact stack right now for my cut. Here's how I do it and have found it to be effective.

First thing AM (about half an hour prior to any food intake):
2 TT-33
1 LX
Your EC(A) stack according to your personal preference.
I'm doing 25mg E, 200mg C, and a baby aspirin.

Your ECA stack preference

Before bed PM (again on an empty stomach---if you take a casein shake prior to bed then just allow about 30 minutes to let the actives get absorbed):
2 TT-33
1 LX

TT-33 won't negatively impact your thyroid gland but if you're concerned, you can take Tyrosine afterwards.

either way is fine, whichever is more convenient for you ;)


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I personally prefer to dose all of my TT33 30 mins before breakfast, similar to the way pharmacological "Synthroid" used to treat hypothyroidism is dosed, which would be 30 minutes before breakfast; at least in the Magnet Hospital I work at.

Lean xtreme, I would dose immediately after waking up, and 4 hours later so take your second pill at 11:30 like you have been doing.

You E/c looks perfect; i'd say your gtg!

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