TRT Bloodwork coming up: How to get in range


I've been blasting fairly heavily and the doctor just looked at my charts and prescribed bloodwork. The typical bloodwork.

So, I have been taking 500mg test, 200mg tren for five weeks now. The question is how to get it down in range in three weeks.

I have learned the hard way not to discuss with my doctor. Previously, I had shared with my general practice doctor that I was taking other supplements and she freaked out when I showed her the tbol. She also documented in the system which I specifically had asked her not to do. I am looking for another primary care doc now.

So I can't afford to lose my urologist, since he is the source of both my cheap, pharma grade test covered by insurance and also plausible deniability. My wife obviously knows I am on TRT and she's a bit suspicious that my gains are a bit good for 100mg of test a week but if anyone asks I just say "yeah, I went on TRT and gained some muscles" and just leave it at that. Nobody has asked anything beyond that, becuase for the general public steroids are a magic totem and easily believes you can put on giant slabs of muscle in late middle age with TRT.

So anyways, I am planning to go down to 100mg a week of Test Cyp, supplement with 300mg a week of Test Prop in divided doses that I got as an order freebie) for the next two weeks, and possibly supplement with 20mg a day of Tbol that I have on hand.

Does this sound like a good plan?
I've been blasting fairly heavily and the doctor just looked at my charts and prescribed bloodwork. The typical bloodwork.

So, I have been taking 500mg test, 200mg tren for five weeks now. The question is how to get it down in range in three weeks.

I have learned the hard way not to discuss with my doctor. Previously, I had shared with my general practice doctor that I was taking other supplements and she freaked out when I showed her the tbol. She also documented in the system which I specifically had asked her not to do. I am looking for another primary care doc now.

So I can't afford to lose my urologist, since he is the source of both my cheap, pharma grade test covered by insurance and also plausible deniability. My wife obviously knows I am on TRT and she's a bit suspicious that my gains are a bit good for 100mg of test a week but if anyone asks I just say "yeah, I went on TRT and gained some muscles" and just leave it at that. Nobody has asked anything beyond that, becuase for the general public steroids are a magic totem and easily believes you can put on giant slabs of muscle in late middle age with TRT.

So anyways, I am planning to go down to 100mg a week of Test Cyp, supplement with 300mg a week of Test Prop in divided doses that I got as an order freebie) for the next two weeks, and possibly supplement with 20mg a day of Tbol that I have on hand.

Does this sound like a good plan?
No, terrible plan. U r probably already cooked with your upcoming blood work
How so? Cyp half life is 8 days, so in 24 days, I should have about three half lives, or 1/8 the amount in my blood from my existing test. Plus I haven't injected this week, so it's actually more like 4 weeks. So 1/16 the amount of test, or about 32mg. Tren half life is even shorter, and shows up as estrogen anyways. Wouldn't be a huge issue if I walked out with a prescription for an AI. Prop should be out of my system in a day or two, as should the tbol.

Asking seriously.
How so? Cyp half life is 8 days, so in 24 days, I should have about three half lives, or 1/8 the amount in my blood from my existing test. Plus I haven't injected this week, so it's actually more like 4 weeks. So 1/16 the amount of test, or about 32mg. Tren half life is even shorter, and shows up as estrogen anyways. Wouldn't be a huge issue if I walked out with a prescription for an AI. Prop should be out of my system in a day or two, as should the tbol.

Asking seriously.
The flags would be your tanked HDL from the Tren and then staying on Tbol. I would stick with only test from here on. Estrogen may also be elevated some possibly but you said you aren’t worry about that.

I would also skip the 100 test cyp for 2 weeks, letting the long ester come down (500 to 250 to 125, then adding the 100). You can start the Prop right away, but I’d ditch it almost a week before the bloods to be sure it’s cleared out in time.

HDL probably won’t recover much in 3.5 weeks, and will recover slower still blasting test, but LDL should improve some by stopping the Tren & staying away from orals. I would be taking lots of Citrus Bergamot & Cardarine from now to then, and do as much cardio as realistic. Also push a lot of avocado oil for your fats.
Blood might also be thicker by that point, so consider donating if you suspect this is the case. You don’t want to show up with elevated hemoglobin & hematocrit.
Definitely a good point. My liver values are already messed up, I had planned on doing another 2 weeks on the blast and then dialing back to test only.

I will definitely sign up to donate.
I don't want to tank too much, I want to be in range on the test, with nothing super wierd on the estrogen. If I come in a little high, that's OK. If I come in WTF high he is going to dig and I don't want that.

My wife likes this doctor, she trusts him, although she asked me "are you sure you aren't on too high a dose of TRT? You've got back acne and you had to donate blood." She didn't know that I was on Orals. This is my first real blast of anything other than test and anavar/tbol.
I don't want to tank too much, I want to be in range on the test, with nothing super wierd on the estrogen. If I come in a little high, that's OK. If I come in WTF high he is going to dig and I don't want that.

My wife likes this doctor, she trusts him, although she asked me "are you sure you aren't on too high a dose of TRT? You've got back acne and you had to donate blood." She didn't know that I was on Orals. This is my first real blast of anything other than test and anavar/tbol.
Made this on Very useful free way to get a rough idea of what things will look like. This is:

Starting September 1st
5 weeks of 500 test c/wk (split into 2x250 shots).
Weeks 6-8 100mg test p eod (350/wk total)
Weeks 7-9 100 test c/wk (split into 2x50 shots)

Shows ~880ng/dl average blood levels. In range, but might be high for 100mg/wk script. Many guys wouldn’t land that high on 100/wk, so if 100 is normally enough for your script I think you might risk coming in hot (depending entirely on your individual drug metabolism).

SO I would wait 1.5-2 weeks to start the 100mg test cyp/wk up again, and like I said definitely stop the Prop a week out. And take NAC daily for liver values until bloodwork.


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Donated blood. Turned out not to be too high since I had donated twice in the last six months already. Taking the advice on the Prop and cut out the test C. A little worried about the prop since it didn’t burn, this is my first time taking it. I got a freebie vial with order a while back and it’s been sitting in the drawer. I was under the impression that it was supposed to sting. So while it is a reputable UGL (dragon) who really knows these days. I have decided to extend another week and be a good boy so I can make sure everything looks legit. A little pissed about missing the last two weeks of the tren since the result was so insane (my wife was blown away, “you have veins in your calf muscles”) but my labs were already messed up and frankly even 200mg tren f’d up my brain, I was getting paranoid thoughts that I have never gotten on anything else. I will probably finish the rest of the vial at 50mf a week when I restart.
LOL … this is my situation now .
Stop everything and inject 100mg TRT Cyp 4 days before blood testing .
I made a mistake of taking 25 mg proviron per se for few days before TRT level testing and it came out to +1100 my/dl with free T over +70 .

The TRT prescribing docs are fucking assholes