TRT and Sperm


Hi all, so I just got news my sperm count is very damn low. I knew this would happen after running sustanon250 for 3 years with some off periods.

I also have HGH which research shows no affect on sperm. So I may or may not continue taking it.

I need to boost my sperm so we can have a baby. Dr prescribed me with Clomid, but nothing else. I've been. Told to seek some HCG and have it with clomid.

Any experiences here? Suggestions on what to take that may help me increase my sperm

I am 46 so I have that against me too.
Clomid is a good start. I went from enclo to cel m-test.

But I did enclo 12.5 Ed for 2 months and 12.5 eod for another month. Enclo kills my libido though so I had to drop it. Swapped to Mtest and libido rose and size of my boys further increased.

Can take months to regain sperm count fyi some cases up to a year after TRT even with HCG and Clomid
I been in the same position, I got off TRT and started Clomid and HCG. The HCG I ran for 4 weeks (500iu ew) and Clomid for 8-10 weeks (25mg ed) and after that my sperm was back.

After my son was born I went back on TRT, I cycled Clomid and OTC Test boosters in the off time.

Good luck!