Trt and prohormones or sarms


New member
Gentleman, 1st thanks in advance for all responses! Good or bad.. Ive been on trt for several years now Dr. Prescribed 200mg bi-weekly, and honestly out of pure vanity I would like to add some mass to my frame in a short amount of time. After doing some research, Ive narrowed it down to epistane ( ran it a few years again with good success, non trt) or LGD-4033 unless some can suggest otherwise. Can you guys enlighten me on the pros and cons and what would be a better choice for a 90 day run. I eat pretty clean, and gym wise I have a full setup in my garage, squat rack,trapbar,curl bar, 500 pounds of weights, elliptical,bike,treadmill, row machine. Agian all this is intended for appearance. I have been working on a side hustle in the apparel industry that requires me to look my best... Thank you!!!!
Most guys will tell you that’s too long to run an oral and to just bump your test dose up.
I get my trt script in 3 month intervals. So using the dose is pheasable but I would rather by extra from another source, Or shortly cycle to 30-45 days on PH/Sarms
Epi is my highschool sweetheart, love the stuff to death, and don't listen to guys saying 90 days is too long. Little 4 week cycles are a waste.

That's a lot of money though lol so I'd be cheap and run 30mg the whole cycle unless you can afford to bump the dose up 10mg every 30 days
Epi is my highschool sweetheart, love the stuff to death, and don't listen to guys saying 90 days is too long. Little 4 week cycles are a waste.

That's a lot of money though lol so I'd be cheap and run 30mg the whole cycle unless you can afford to bump the dose up 10mg every 30 days
I really liked it when I ran it before, got strong as ****, but tired all the time towards end of the cycle, figured it wouldn't be a problem now on trt.. Can't find it in the US, only in UK now is what I'm seeing
I really liked it when I ran it before, got strong as ****, but tired all the time towards end of the cycle, figured it wouldn't be a problem now on trt.. Can't find it in the US, only in UK now is what I'm seeing

Yeah, on TRT you won't get the test shut down lethargy, same here there's only one spot with Havoc, which is the only epi I would use. I have no idea what this forums rules are about naming names even though it's a legal supp shop lol otherwise I'd say the website
Yeah, on TRT you won't get the test shut down lethargy, same here there's only one spot with Havoc, which is the only epi I would use. I have no idea what this forums rules are about naming names even though it's a legal supp shop lol otherwise I'd say the website
I'm interested for sure, I found another name other than havoc that has good reviews. DM the info if you can
Brawn Epi is also legit. A member here had it tested in a lab. 8 mg of Epi in a cap said to have 10 mg, so slightly underdosed, but the real deal.

You can find RPE Havoc and IBE Epistane on the probably most famous UK shop.
That's the brand I was looking at, I'm surprised I haven't had any comments on lgd-4033, that says a lot already
Yeah, sarms are a bit uknown territory and not so side free, as they are/were made out to be. I've used some sarms, but not lgd, but if I'd use a sarm again, it would probably be LGD. And if you're really looking to do 13 weeks of an oral, then I'd rather choose lgd, than Epi. If 8 weeks or less, then I'd rather choose Epi. I mean these are just some arbiturary numbers, but for me 8 weeks would be the max time I'd be comfortable running a methylated oral. But that's just me and I got nothing scientific to base that on. I would question however, how long will Epi keep producing meaningfull gains, without increasing the dose to ridicilous amount.
If you have Epistane run it. I like it a lot when I ran it years ago. Some like Lgd but I prefer rad140 if I’m going sarms.
Is behemoth sdrol legit? I thought about ordering some from across the pond but I never hear anyone talk good about any supp companies sdrol so figures it was no good.
I have no idea. I have seen the brand around a bit, that's it. The og poster of that pic assured all is legit though.
If you have Epistane run it. I like it a lot when I ran it years ago. Some like Lgd but I prefer rad140 if I’m going sarms.
I will be going with epistane for sure, thanks for the help guys. Let's hope it makes it across the pond👍
I have no idea. I have seen the brand around a bit, that's it. The og poster of that pic assured all is legit though.
I've seen them around a while my self, but unfortunately I just haven't logged in here in a long time to discuss them or others. They carried epi at one point
If you have Epistane run it. I like it a lot when I ran it years ago. Some like Lgd but I prefer rad140 if I’m going sarms.
I tried running rad140 , visual side effects and my t levels dropped on trt to the low 400s, luckily Mr Dr. Just upt my dose and kept there, he didn't ask lmalot of questions, but I'm out on rad140 for sure. Its also why I'm so hesitant on the lgd, mixed reviews and little to no research behind it. Previous experience with epi cycle was great (prior to trt) I'm on the fence about order from across the pond as well. You guys have definitely been a huge help so far..👍
Once I pull the trigger on the order, I will fill you guys in a bit more on what I am doing and why. Behind the phones and computer screens we are all alot more alike than we think. Looking forward to sharing the journey.
200mg biweekly?, Like 1 shot every 2 weeks?

Your Dr. Must be like 97 years old.
That's the brand I was looking at, I'm surprised I haven't had any comments on lgd-4033, that says a lot already
What kind of comments on lgd were you looking for?

It works great if you dose it accordingly, 20-40mg a day, you can also stay on that a lot longer then prohormones, (by the way, the things that you think are prohormones are not prohormones, their designer steroids)
But the problem you run into with sarms at higher doses like that is they become more expensive than regular steroids and the side effect "possibility" goes up.
Injectable lgd is awesome at 20-25mg per day or 40-50mg every other day, but I don't know how you feel about eod or daily injections.

If your interested in sarms, peptides ect use my code at maresearchchems

smont saves you 15% off

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Even tho I'm a rep for them, il be honest, epistane is a better bang for your buck. But it also is worse for your health and you can't use it as long. You gotta weigh out the risk to reward ratio.

Epistane will bring on faster visual results but I'm sure you already know that the gains on short oral cycles are very temporary and cosmetic most of the time, once you come off you quickly revert back to normal
One last thing, you didn't mention your age, but the further you get past age 40 the more you should stay away from oral steroids (prohormones) and sarms. As we age it's better to stick with bioidentical hormones. Testosterone, gh, maybe some low doses of masteron or primo along side
I've been on TRT for a couple years and my 1st cycle was LGD and bumping my T up to 400 per week. My food intake was too low but I still gained about 8lbs of water-free mass after 3 months. Two months after coming off, my liver markers were actually better than before I ran the LGD. I do take all kinds of **** daily for liver health.

I suspect most of that gain came from the test and not the LGD.

Compared to my 2nd cycle which was 350 test per week plus a 175 mg of tren Which resulted in a water free mass gain of approximately 12 pounds in 6 weeks. My food intake was much higher too.

I am not advocating tren use over anything else, and definitely not for a first cycle, but I'm giving you the example to show you why many people lose their interest in sarms after running a proper steroid cycle.

Have you simply tried doubling your T dose? 400-500 T per week will give you solid results if your training and diet are on point. You can buy extra T almost as easily as buying Sarms.
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I've been on TRT for a couple years and my 1st cycle was LGD and bumping my T up to 400 per week. My food intake was too low but I still gained about 8lbs of water-free mass after 3 months.

I suspect most of that gain came from the test and not the LGD.

Compared to my 2nd cycle which was 350 test per week plus a 175 mg of tren Which resulted in a water free mass gain of approximately 12 pounds in 6 weeks. My food intake was much higher too.

I am not advocating tren use over anything else, and definitely not for a first cycle, but I'm giving you the example to show you why many people lose their interest in sarms after running a proper steroid cycle.

Have you simply tried doubling your T dose? 400-500 T per week will give you solid results if your training and diet are on point. You can buy extra T almost as easily as buying Sarms.
The reason ppl lose interest in sarms is because they dose them too low to see results, we also can't compare tren to pretty much anything other then superdrol.

I had used steroids on and off for 5 years before ever trying sarms. If the dose is high enough there on par with weaker orals like var, tbol and Winny.

For oral sarms,Ostarine I found useless, rad 140 had a feel good effect but not much for gains, lgd in higher doses was a winner, s23 is like a watered down tren, right up to the bad attitude and mood swings lol.

Now the injectable version of these things seem to be more potent, especially on strength gains, go inject 50mg of lgd or rad 140 daily and you will be shocked, the problem there is daily 1ml injections get old fast and the price is high.

There's many things I prefer over sarms, but there's a few of them that are still very useful to me.
You may be right. I was only taking 30mg of lgd per day, and, like I mentioned, my food intake was too low. I was paranoid about getting fat again.
The reason ppl lose interest in sarms is because they dose them too low to see results,...
You may be right. I was only taking 30mg of lgd per day, and, like I mentioned, my food intake was too low. I was paranoid about getting fat again.
30-50 is a solid dose, it was probably more so the food issue, we get a lot of guy on here who wanna use 5-10mg lgd and then they wanna say it didn't work, I'm like dude, if you took 5-10mg of anadrol you would say anadrol dosent work.

At the end of the day diet is king. That's why we have 135lb guy in every gym on a gram of gear that never gets bigger or stronger, just stays ripped.

But without a doubt, if you took 2 ppl who were on trt 150mg, you bumped one guy up to 300 and the other guy stayed on 150 and added 30-50mg lgd per day, the lgd guy would make more progress. Now if you bumped from trt to maybe 600, thats a different story
Yeah, on TRT you won't get the test shut down lethargy
this is not reeally accurate. It can be dose related and can happen with any steroid, though some do seem to be worse offenders than others. 1andro is very well known to make you sleepy at even lower doses.
this is not reeally accurate. It can be dose related and can happen with any steroid, though some do seem to be worse offenders than others. 1andro is very well known to make you sleepy at even lower doses.

True, I shouldn't have stayed it as an absolute lol.

Personally the only thing I've had cause lethargy is mk677. Even when I did Sdrol cycles with no test base I had no lethargy... Actually none of my oral cycles gave me lethargy, my body doesn't really seem to care about my test levels hahaha I had 34 ng/dl test levels for months and months before I got a trt script after my last cycle and I had zero low test symptoms
200mg biweekly?, Like 1 shot every 2 weeks?

Your Dr. Must be like 97 years old.
What kind of comments on lgd were you looking for?

It works great if you dose it accordingly, 20-40mg a day, you can also stay on that a lot longer then prohormones, (by the way, the things that you think are prohormones are not prohormones, their designer steroids)
But the problem you run into with sarms at higher doses like that is they become more expensive than regular steroids and the side effect "possibility" goes up.
I'm on trt already, I ran rad140 a while back and it tanked my t levels. Like1080 to mid 300s, I was really surprised by it. I'm looking for adding strength , by doing so some size and definition will follow, but strength is the main goal, and keep my libido normal or slight increase would nice, So I have been looking into some dht derivatives, like anavar. Lgd has a lot of info but cholesterol info really bugs me
I'm on trt already, I ran rad140 a while back and it tanked my t levels. Like1080 to mid 300s, I was really surprised by it. I'm looking for adding strength , by doing so some size and definition will follow, but strength is the main goal, and keep my libido normal or slight increase would nice, So I have been looking into some dht derivatives, like anavar. Lgd has a lot of info but cholesterol info really bugs me
I know your already on trt, my opening comment was a reference to your trt protocol.

Sarms have very similar side effects to oral steroids, the studies that show sarms having no side effects are like 3-5mg doses, but we like to use 10 times those doses because that's what's needed to make them work best. But with that said, your cholesterol and bloodwork will most likely be way, way, way worse on designer steroids like epistane then it will be on lgd
I know your already on trt, my opening comment was a reference to your trt protocol.

Sarms have very similar side effects to oral steroids, the studies that show sarms having no side effects are like 3-5mg doses, but we like to use 10 times those doses because that's what's needed to make them work best. But with that said, your cholesterol and bloodwork will most likely be way, way, way worse on designer steroids like epistane then it will be on lgd
Have you tried lgd? If so how did you like it. I'm open to trying it,but it is in that grey area due to lack of research unlike epistane and anavar that have been around longer, hence why I was leaning more towards the latter.
Have you tried lgd? If so how did you like it. I'm open to trying it,but it is in that grey area due to lack of research unlike epistane and anavar that have been around longer, hence why I was leaning more towards the latter.
I'm confused, are you reading my posts? I just told you in a previous post that I like lgd at 20-40mg a day, I also said I like the injectable version better then the oral version. You quoted one of the posts where I talked about using lgd.....

If you can get real pharmacy anavar or a properly dosed ugl anavar then that's going to be your best bet out of the things you listed.

But yes, I like lgd, I prefer the injectable version over the oral version. It does not screw up my bloodwork at all, but that doesn't mean it won't affect someone else bloods
Also there's probably 15+ years of research on lgd, it's not new, or what I should say is research that goes back 15 plus years
I'm confused, are you reading my posts? I just told you in a previous post that I like lgd at 20-40mg a day, I also said I like the injectable version better then the oral version. You quoted one of the posts where I talked about using lgd.....

If you can get real pharmacy anavar or a properly dosed ugl anavar then that's going to be your best bet out of the things you listed.

But yes, I like lgd, I prefer the injectable version over the oral version. It does not screw up my bloodwork at all, but that doesn't mean it won't affect someone else bloods
Exactly my issue, Really wanting anavar now after what I have been reading, but creditable sourcing is the issue, lgd seems to be on every
Also there's probably 15+ years of research on lgd, it's not new, or what I should say is research that goes back 15 plus years
Sorry trying to keep up with the posts, sneaking in here at thank you for all your replies.. Can you be note detail on your experience with it, like strength, joint pain, libido, tiredness issues
Exactly my issue, Really wanting anavar now after what I have been reading, but creditable sourcing is the issue, lgd seems to be on every
Credibility of those doorsteps is a issue, not everyone selling lgd is actually putting lgd in the pills/liquids. That's always been a concern.

We have 2 reputable board sponcers, I'm a rep for maresearchchems personally so I would suggest them if you go the lgd route, use my discount code for added savings.

But again, I'm not gonna lie, legit anavar is definitely a better option over everything your considering
Sorry trying to keep up with the posts, sneaking in here at thank you for all your replies.. Can you be note detail on your experience with it, like strength, joint pain, libido, tiredness issues
Me personally, no side effects, no jont pain, no changes in libido. The only thing I notice is slow steady improvements. With injectable lgd the same but it seems to be better at putting size on vs the oral. I'm not exactly sure why that is because on paper they should work pretty much exactly the same but to me I don't think they do.

One of the main reasons I like lgd is because I know it's working and I don't get side effects. I tend to stick with things that fall in that category. testosterone, masteron, a few select oral steroids and sarms. I like to choose products that give me the least side effects
Credibility of those doorsteps is a issue, not everyone selling lgd is actually putting lgd in the pills/liquids. That's always been a concern.

We have 2 reputable board sponcers, I'm a rep for maresearchchems personally so I would suggest them if you go the lgd route, use my discount code for added savings.

But again, I'm not gonna lie, legit anavar is definitely a better option over everything your considering
OK, Is there a source for anavar here I could look at maybe? Just out sheer difficulty of getting anavar delivered, I will more than likely just dive on on your lgd... I will check our your site as well bud... Seriously thank you for all your help and useful info. Once I pull the trigger on this, I plan on sharing more info on my purpose behind what I am doing
Me personally, no side effects, no jont pain, no changes in libido. The only thing I notice is slow steady improvements. With injectable lgd the same but it seems to be better at putting size on vs the oral. I'm not exactly sure why that is because on paper they should work pretty much exactly the same but to me I don't think they do.

One of the main reasons I like lgd is because I know it's working and I don't get side effects. I tend to stick with things that fall in that category. testosterone, masteron, a few select oral steroids and sarms. I like to choose products that give me the least side effects
I think I'll give your product a try👍