New member
Gentleman, 1st thanks in advance for all responses! Good or bad.. Ive been on trt for several years now Dr. Prescribed 200mg bi-weekly, and honestly out of pure vanity I would like to add some mass to my frame in a short amount of time. After doing some research, Ive narrowed it down to epistane ( ran it a few years again with good success, non trt) or LGD-4033 unless some can suggest otherwise. Can you guys enlighten me on the pros and cons and what would be a better choice for a 90 day run. I eat pretty clean, and gym wise I have a full setup in my garage, squat rack,trapbar,curl bar, 500 pounds of weights, elliptical,bike,treadmill, row machine. Agian all this is intended for appearance. I have been working on a side hustle in the apparel industry that requires me to look my best... Thank you!!!!