Transdermal Test Base


Active member
Long time no post. Been around the forums since about 2003 but haven't been active in 13-14 years. Gear use affected my hormones now in my 40s and am on TRT with an endocrinologist. Everything was going smooth. I was on 2 pumps a day of 1.62% androgel and my total T reached the 970s and she lowered me to one pump a day.

Needless to say I was livid but powerless. So I hit up the forums and found a legit raw powder source and have some good ole T base on the way.

I am going to make my own transdermal. Salvo seems to be the best carrier out according to the interwebs. I am trying to figure out how much test base it will dissolve. I used to homebrew A LOT and had a list of recipes floating around for a while but never got in to transdermals.

My previous experience with test base iirc was it took some heat to dissolve and had tendencies to crash on occasion. To mix it in salvo should I dissolve it in ethanol first or just put it in the bottle and heat and what is the max amount it will hold?

I tried a search and didn't find many people who actually have done it. Just a lot of "I plan on doing....". Does anyone have experience with making it?

Thanks in advance for any help!
I don't like having syringes around the house for several reasons is the main reason plus I'm not trying to hit bodybuilder numbers for blood levels. Just trying to stay in that 1000-1200 range for ng/dl. This is for TRT not a cycle and pinning yourself gets old. I did it for years. I just don't want to do it anymore. Once I found I can get my blood levels that high using a transdermal I was done with the poking unless I ever decide to run a cycle again.
I was on 2 pumps a day of 1.62% androgel and my total T reached the 970s and she lowered me to one pump a day.

I'm curious what that cost you. I saw some down at the farmacia in Mexico and thought it would be fun to throw in the stash but it was actually a bit pricier than I expected and sold in like 1-2 week quantities so I just ended up with var. I don't know anything about mixing TD's, but @sns8778 might I know the carrier he uses for XPG products is phenomenal imo
I'm curious what that cost you. I saw some down at the farmacia in Mexico and thought it would be fun to throw in the stash but it was actually a bit pricier than I expected and sold in like 1-2 week quantities so I just ended up with var. I don't know anything about mixing TD's, but @sns8778 might I know the carrier he uses for XPG products is phenomenal imo
My insurance pays for it so I am not sure. I just pay the copay. I am open to carriers. I was initially going with Phlojel until I came across Salvo. I had ChatGDP make a recipe for me but it would be so not cost effective when there are good options already out there.
Tell your doctor how much better you felt and how improved your quality of life was at the 2 pump dose…If she can’t understand that, find someone new!
I'm curious what that cost you. I saw some down at the farmacia in Mexico and thought it would be fun to throw in the stash but it was actually a bit pricier than I expected and sold in like 1-2 week quantities so I just ended up with var. I don't know anything about mixing TD's, but @sns8778 might I know the carrier he uses for XPG products is phenomenal imo

Thanks for tagging me. We've heard feedback from people using test and other things in both Alpha Gel and DHEA-50 Gel.

@lozgod you mentioned being around AM since 2003, so you probably remember Avant Labs from back in the old days. Xtreme Performance Gels use the Avant Labs carrier and Par is the chief scientific advisor for XPG.

XPG doesn't offer just the carrier itself for sale because the carrier is customized per every product and ingredient for optimal delivery.
Thanks for tagging me. We've heard feedback from people using test and other things in both Alpha Gel and DHEA-50 Gel.

@lozgod you mentioned being around AM since 2003, so you probably remember Avant Labs from back in the old days. Xtreme Performance Gels use the Avant Labs carrier and Par is the chief scientific advisor for XPG.

XPG doesn't offer just the carrier itself for sale because the carrier is customized per every product and ingredient for optimal delivery.
I do remember Avant pretty well actually. I will check them out.
Tell your doctor how much better you felt and how improved your quality of life was at the 2 pump dose…If she can’t understand that, find someone new!
Being through insurance it isn't as easy as finding another one and it took 6 months to get in to this one. I live in a wealthy area (I am not wealthy unfortunately lol) but there aren't enough specialists because everyone has insurance and money. You'd think it would work the other way around but that's how it works here.

I plan on doing that and probably not dosing a few days before the next test but there was another issue. It's a long boring story but to shorten it the lab didn't include my hemacrit test she ordered so her not knowing the number was her justification but I honestly feel she thinks my T shouldn't be that high. She is going by numbers not how I feel and that's idiotic to me.

So that's why I am taking it in to my own hands. I will stick with her because she can monitor my labs and make sure all is good otherwise. Before my future appointments which are every 6 months, I will just use the RX at one pump a day for a week.

Once I decide on a carrier and make my homebrew I will pay for my own labs and see how effective it is. I plan on ramping up the dosage to about 100mgs a day and see how it affects my blood levels.
You had a upper NORMAL range testosterone level on 2 pumps and she cut it in half..... your Dr. Is incompetent and your not powerless. You don't work for your Dr., Your Dr. Works for you. Fire them and get a new one
If you like the gel, you should try 20% compounded cream. I've used it in the past, still do sometimes. My doc is pretty flexible like that. Anyhow, through one of the local compounding pharmacies, it is $50 without insurance for 30ml 200mg / ml. At two clicks a day, 4 clicks per ml, that is a 60 day supply.

Probably not as cheap as your copay, but all indicators are that the cream is vastly superior to the gel. Just one man's experience...

Also, fire your doc if they don't understand male hormones and the doctor patient relationship.
Ok so after a lot of research and help with ChatGDP I came up with a recipe to create about 79mg/ml. I purchased 8oz amber soap bottles with pumps that disperse 2ml so each dose with will be 158mg.

The recipe is 21.5gs of test base, 93ml Ethanol and 180ml (6 bottles) of Salvo by Iron Legions. It should make about (including displacement from the test) 9.6ozs or 273mls or about 4 months of dosing at 2mls per dose.

I ran the ingredients from Salvo through ChatGDP combined with Ethanol and it expects a high rate of absorption (relative to typical transdermals not high total) but couldn't give any specifics due to too many variables. Will get blood work 30 days in.

With Androgel 1.62% I was able to get my blood levels to 942ng of testosterone with only 42mg doses so I have some decent expectations with this combo. My goal is to get up to the 1200-1300ng range minimum.

I am headed back in the gym after a long break due to a sciatica injury I got from doing Crossfit. I gained 20lbs of fat in the meantime. I was out since July. Every time I went back to the gym as I felt a little better I would reaggravate it. This time I (with hesitation) tried a chiropractor and it was a Godsend. I don't know what she did in 15 10 minute visits but I am about 95% as I am typing this.

So if I reach higher blood level I may treat it as a welcome back cycle for the first 4 months then readjust my recipe on the next batch but that isn't the main goal.

From my research it seems like the Androgels have an expected 10% absorption. I believe with Salvo having so many penetrators I expect it to be more in the 15-30% range for absorption.

EDIT: I reformulated my questions a bunch of ways to get an answer from ChatGDP. It expects (in optimal conditions) about 10-20% of the dose to be absorbed during the 1st hour and to continue making up to 30% bioavailable after 4 hours as more saturation happens. So this dose may be high for TRT purposes but as stated I will run it for the 4 months then readjust.

I have to admit if this turns out well I may have a transdermal tren/test cycle in my future. I did one back when you could get Fina and Test Prop pellets and put them in that stinky DSMO and it was amazing.
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