Torn Acl and meniscus (post surgery)



Tore my ACl and meniscus in October. Finally had surgery May 9th (workers comp sucks).

meniscus was shaved and acl was replaced with a cadavers.

wanted to get opinions on using bpc&tb post op to help with recovery. Also thinking about HGH for 6 months or so. Do you think any of these could help ? Or Any of these I should stay away from )?
Thank you


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Hgh and the healing peps will help a lot, but most importantly you gotta stay on top of your PT and do everything you can to maximize rest and recovery. Being on a couple iu of gh and some of the healing peps will speed up the process for certain. Just dont skimp on the PT. I did with my ankles and heel and while everything healed, i lost a LOT of mobility in the process. 9 years later im still trying to balance out the tightness that runs through the entire left side of my body.

Ppl dont talk a lot about this topic but when your trying to use thise things to heal you also wanna supply your body with certain micronutrients and collagen so that you have all tje tools for recovery.

Vitamins c,d and b complex, iron.
Zinc, copper and manganese are needed to get the most out of your collagen supp. A good multi v and type 1 and 3 collagen would cover most of that

What im getting at is dont neglect the basics when you add the heqvy hitters. You want everything to be able to work to its full ability


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I hope the surgery went well.

Idk much about adding those to help recovery, I’d just caution to make sure you are still following an appropriate plan regardless of what you take.

Considering it was several weeks ago hopefully you are already in the thick of PT.

The return can be challenging and there are some specific benchmarks over the year you may be looking to meet.

Seen some success with Curcumin through the process as well.


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I third the PT warning. You only have one shot at this. Having had ACL on other rupture surgeries, take your time. This knee can be better than it ever was. Don’t let the HGH / boc&tb feed a false sense of security that you can speed your recovery. It’s a long recovery. Be patient. All the best


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I third the PT warning. You only have one shot at this. Having had ACL on other rupture surgeries, take your time. This knee can be better than it ever was. Don’t let the HGH / boc&tb feed a false sense of security that you can speed your recovery. It’s a long recovery. Be patient. All the best
Ya I was trying to thread the needle and wasn't sure how I wanted to say this, but this. Some people are too timid, but I'd also caution this about being too gung ho just because you may feel good, so keep an eye on proper timelines if you do use things that may make you "feel" better.


Hgh and the healing peps will help a lot, but most importantly you gotta stay on top of your PT and do everything you can to maximize rest and recovery. Being on a couple iu of gh and some of the healing peps will speed up the process for certain. Just dont skimp on the PT. I did with my ankles and heel and while everything healed, i lost a LOT of mobility in the process. 9 years later im still trying to balance out the tightness that runs through the entire left side of my body.

Ppl dont talk a lot about this topic but when your trying to use thise things to heal you also wanna supply your body with certain micronutrients and collagen so that you have all tje tools for recovery.

Vitamins c,d and b complex, iron.
Zinc, copper and manganese are needed to get the most out of your collagen supp. A good multi v and type 1 and 3 collagen would cover most of that

What im getting at is dont neglect the basics when you add the heqvy hitters. You want everything to be able to work to its full ability
Thank you so much was really hoping you would chime in. Was gonna pm or tag you but didn’t wanna get annoying lol.

I have a great physical therapist and love that it’s one on one not crowded place where they are like ok now go do this lol.

taking most those supps already, just need the copper and collagen.


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Thank you so much was really hoping you would chime in. Was gonna pm or tag you but didn’t wanna get annoying lol.

I have a great physical therapist and love that it’s one on one not crowded place where they are like ok now go do this lol.

taking most those supps already, just need the copper and collagen.
No prob. Just something i wanna add. As much as id love to make a million bpc sales, if funds leave you choosing bpc/tb vs gh....... i think the gh is more important. We know they both work and they work differently, but i have to assume the gh is more important in the healing process. If you cant afford a good hgh or you can afford the gh + the bpc/tb then skys the limit.


I had the same injury a couple years ago … full ACL… Full medial meniscus and grade 2 lateral meniscus… declined surgery and did next level PT for 1.5 years … back to playing basketball and I’m 95% … also 43 years old … I used BPC 157 and Cissus during my recovery …. PT and Getting your full ROM are the key to a smooth recovery … good luck


I had the same injury a couple years ago … full ACL… Full medial meniscus and grade 2 lateral meniscus… declined surgery and did next level PT for 1.5 years … back to playing basketball and I’m 95% … also 43 years old … I used BPC 157 and Cissus during my recovery …. PT and Getting your full ROM are the key to a smooth recovery … good luck
I had to go with surgery because my acl was causing my leg to just give out on me. Walking and just fall lol. I’m currently using collagen 1&3, msm, glucosamine, multi, vit c,D, curcumin, copper supplement, today I’m gonna add oral bpc-157 and will start injectable when my MA order arrives

I’m doing PT 2 times a week, as well doing workouts at home

(per my pyschial therapist, most my with make weights)


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I had to go with surgery because my acl was causing my leg to just give out on me. Walking and just fall lol. I’m currently using collagen 1&3, msm, glucosamine, multi, vit c,D, curcumin, copper supplement, today I’m gonna add oral bpc-157 and will start injectable when my MA order arrives

I’m doing PT 2 times a week, as well doing workouts at home

(per my pyschial therapist, most my with make weights)
Glad you have stuff to do at home. The initial period after (and for at the very least year post surgery) can be quite intensive in how much and how frequently things should be worked on.


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I have no feedback in regards to supplementation for healing but I would echo the other positive comments. I have no ACL in my left knee, dr opted against the surgery. after about 4-6 weeks I started hiking (against PT's wishes) and at that point basically fired my PT. I found that the hikes allowed me into some fantastic ROM situations that really helped with my recovery.

occasionally I'm reminded I have no acl in the left knee when my foot slides the wrong way on carpet or something but generally speaking 10 years+ later all my squat and deadlift PRs etc are post ACL tear.


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I'm glad your knee ended up ok and that it feels fine now, but I'd never recommend someone with a torn ACL use hiking as a rehab activity, especially after surgery (probably not quite a ways into the rehab timeline).

Idk enough to say anything else about your PT though he could have been inadequate for other reasons, but we get lots of people upset with things they don't want to give up or think they should be allowed to do anyways.

Lucky thing for many athletes is if they've been training properly for awhile an ACL tear may be asymptomatic and with the right work can be managed. Also leads to a much smoother rehab the better off someone was before surgery as well.


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I'm glad your knee ended up ok and that it feels fine now, but I'd never recommend someone with a torn ACL use hiking as a rehab activity, especially after surgery (probably not quite a ways into the rehab timeline).

Idk enough to say anything else about your PT though he could have been inadequate for other reasons, but we get lots of people upset with things they don't want to give up or think they should be allowed to do anyways.
oh no absolutely not, especially via keyboard without even seeing someone. My brother in law blew his out with indoor soccer, he was a very fit/athletic army ranger, collegiate basketball player, and great golfer as well as avid lifter but his recovery was much more dramatic than mine. Although his PT was also more aggressive towards ROM. I have broken so many bones and torn so many ligaments I've all but given up on local PTs as I have never found anyone out here as aggressively pro-recovery as say Hyde's ART guy, and I'm sure the answer lies somewhere in the middle, but I have at the end of the always had to go my own way to find the rom and recovery myself because the so called professionals I have worked with (many times in 27 years) have been a waste of time entirely.

although, who knows.


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Ok I mean I'd have no issues telling someone over phone, e-mail, text, whatever not to do something they shouldn't be doing if it came up in conversation even before meeting them.

I just don't want people coming in here getting the idea they should disregard a professionals advice because they got told to not do something just because they feel they should do it. There is always a give and take in these situations and there will always be some difference in approach depending on the context of the situation. It can be important for a professional to set appropriate expectations and boundaries at the start though.


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I just don't want people coming in here getting the idea they should disregard a professionals advice because they got told to not do something just because they feel they should do it. There is always a give and take in these situations
I mean at the end of the day people are responsible for their own common sense (or lack thereof) approach... In my scenarios it was clear to me that PT was too little, too slow. If someone else goes too hard too fast without knowing out how to listen to their body, bummer.

on the flip side, injuries are the trophies of a life well lived.


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I mean at the end of the day people are responsible for their own common sense (or lack thereof) approach... In my scenarios it was clear to me that PT was too little, too slow. If someone else goes too hard too fast without knowing out how to listen to their body, bummer.

on the flip side, injuries are the trophies of a life well lived.

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