Dosage Ran: 30/30/45/30
Weeks ran: 4
Weight Gained: 13lbs
Side Effects: extreme lethargy, completely tanked libido
Aggression: couple times I got aggravated pretty easily, but once the lethargy set in I didn’t have the energy to have aggression
Anxiety: not that I recalled noticing
Sleep: no issue one way or the other
Enhanced/Rapid Heart rate: not that I noticed
The lethargy was a killer. Have a couple bottles of it but I doubt I’ll run it again. Even eating in big deficit with massive carb count I felt like death. Raised dosage to 45 and had to come back down and barely made it the 4 weeks. I was so ready to be off.
I had no pumps whatsoever, which was shocking. Still can’t believe it.
I had no pumps whatsoever, which was shocking. Still can’t believe it.
You mean visible type muscle pumps, right? ... Not painful pumps?
I had good muscle pumps during workouts, great fullness. But none of the back cramping. Always got it before. Was a bit more aggressive with taurine and creatine this time but not drastically different.
How was it for you.
Copy and Paste below
Dosage Ran:
Weeks ran:
Weight Gained:
Side Effects:
Enhanced/Rapid Heartrate:
Thanks for your feedback!
I had good muscle pumps during workouts, great fullness. But none of the back cramping. Always got it before. Was a bit more aggressive with taurine and creatine this time but not drastically different.
What dosage taurine did you use?
Dosage Ran: 30
Weeks ran: 5
Weight Gained: -10 lbs (decrease)
Side Effects: increased BP, headaches, poor appetite, cramps, night sweats, extreme lethargy
Aggression: low
Anxiety: low
Sleep: poor, long.
Enhanced/Rapid Heartrate: decreased heart rate.
Your run stands out as apparently you were doing it as a cut rather than a bulk and lost 10 pounds. Do you feel it helped you retain more muscle that might otherwise had been lost had you cut as a natty?