I would be curious to know the proper amount of Choline supplementation for this one. I've found that eating four hard boiled eggs and using the most microscopic amount of material possible (treat this substance with much respect, it does seem to be active in doses around 1-5 mg. I was able to provide my nervous system with feelings nearly identical to the afterglow of some certain hallucinogens I will not be naming, perhaps with even a twinge of dissociation(thats gotta be the dopamine activity), this is a very versatile material for crunch time and flow state activation where all focus is required to be given on any specific task, even recreation. The recovery cycle and phase with this one is weird, I have been trying all sorts of different things together to restore the balance in my system, as I did not take the usual tried and true route of choline supplementation for the first time I used this compound (see below).The beginning of my comment however describes my second time ingesting this.
Don't take P-5-P as a cholinergic substitute for this one! P-5-P would likely be more suitable for use with Oxiracetam, Aniracetam, etc.
However I don't really see much about combining noots with P-5-P, so I would recommend no one else follow the route I unwittingly chose! I had amazing effects with P-5-P, but, when it wore off, I felt mentally disabled. It felt like somebody punched my skull from the inside out. I've been taking NAC and glutamine to rebuild the bonds within my brain chemistry the best I can since then, along with every usual supplement I am used to normally having (multi vitamins and EFAs etc)
It seems if you do not properly supplement your choline, you could permanently alter how your brain intakes and processes certain things! Please be careful friends
However, I will be grabbing some normal CDP-Choline soon, and when I have some I will report back with the proper results! From my observation and opinion, since 4 eggs had a decent enough level of supplementation (as in, no headache, which will happen if you take this on an empty stomach and don't have the choline, as I read this is to be expected) for Choline levels, eating 6 eggs total would seem to provide the brain with the proper amount of choline required to handle this material flawlessly! (depending on your body weigh etc etc you know the drill)
I have increased spatial awareness that has lingered, I hear things very differently now. It made my hunger level spike up dramatically. Do not take this material daily, or even every other day. This is one of those one offs, where you need to dose it once a week. The rebound effect can be emotional, however very healing. Supplement with DopaBean dopamine supplements (not on days you've taken RGPU-95 though), as well as 5-htp+L-theanine. This one apparently upregulates the D2 and D3 receptors, which apparently increase focus and reaction time when activity increases within them. Fascinating stuff here ya'll. It makes me feel as if I am inflated in a way. Definitely helped with erectile movement (potential sexual enhancer?)
I will say all in all, it felt like I had ingested post-nut clarity for a few hours there. Smoking marijuana with it for your first consumption is not recommended, no matter what your urge may be, do not satisfy it (your experience may vary) Your brain, body, liver, and kidneys don't know what to do with RGPU-95 yet, don't give your body more work to do than it needs at a time. You must remember this is a very specifically and finely tuned machine that we drive, we must be very careful with its internal circuitry lest you give yourself extra increased autism on accident or lose your ability to properly hold onto objects, all because you didn't do your proper due diligence and research when handling new and unheard of research chemicals.
With that being said, the effects I experienced were minor visual alterations akin to hallucinogens, and the whole experience really did feel hallucinogenic in a very fun and serene way.
One last thing I'd like to note, is that this product was advertised on Yahoo Finance as well which I find intriguing with it's lack of information and safety profile.
This one in my opinion is a HIGH RISK chemical and MUST be handled with EXTREME caution. Take it on its own with as little interference as possible in between the active stage and the come down stage. Improper ingestion will lead to feelings of brain causticity, and by this I mean it just feels like you're burnt the hell out in the back of your skull.
Thanks for reading!
When I tell you I put 3 literal grains of sand in a shot glass of reverse osmosis water and sent it down the hatch, AND IT HAD AN EFFECT (this is the 4 hardboiled egg day), I WAS SHOCKED. Just see for yourself. I can't explain how this one feels. Luckily for all of you at the time of me writing this comment, there is plenty of this stuff in existence. I am definitely in need of more research to be done on this one before I go forth with taking much more, my doses have been spread out over a long period of time so as to prevent addiction and tolerance buildup.
Toodles! Enjoy your serenity! I would love to talk about this more with whoever is interested in discussion. I am very excited to learn more about this one, as well as PRL-8-53.
I do believe this has helped realign my mind and thought processing, as I do have a quite extensive history with RC's in the dissociative and psychedelic/hallucinogenic category, so there may be a slight correlation there as to the visual enhancements I received, it felt as though parts of my brain had woken up that were previously asleep. I also would like to note that I have never taken Phenylpiracetam, so I have no comparative analysis for that at this time.