The Official OL UK LeGenD Q&A

I'd stay at 8mg for atleast another week , a little goes a long way trust me . If you want by the end of the week to boost it to 12 then do it . You know your body best , but I just whent to 10mgs on week 6 and just that extra 2mgs above 8 for me has shown even more noticeable changes for me aesthetically, on strength, and in lbm

Cool, I'll stick to it and ride it out and see what happens. I will bump up day 35 and ride that for the time after.
Sounds good mate ! Just keep up the calories and workout intensity and you'll be grade A

Training and diet have been on point so I am just waiting and hoping that I'll see Ostar1ne+ results.
What kind of measures have you been using to determine progress/results?

I've been counting macros with MFP: 230g PRO, 120g CHO, 100g F and running a John Meadows' program for the last 5 weeks. I am by no means saying the LGD isn't doing anything, just that I thought it would be more of a pronounced effect than the Ostar1ne was. It still very well could be given more time, I was just curious to see if anyone else was experiencing anything similar or if people had moved to 12mg and saw enhanced results.
I've been counting macros with MFP: 230g PRO, 120g CHO, 100g F and running a John Meadows' program for the last 5 weeks. I am by no means saying the LGD isn't doing anything, just that I thought it would be more of a pronounced effect than the Ostar1ne was. It still very well could be given more time, I was just curious to see if anyone else was experiencing anything similar or if people had moved to 12mg and saw enhanced results.

I was curious if you had been performing any body measures, tape measures at key spots, body weight, etc. Sometimes body comp changes can be occuring that are not obvious in the mirror, but the tape/scales tell another story.
I was curious if you had been performing any body measures, tape measures at key spots, body weight, etc. Sometimes body comp changes can be occuring that are not obvious in the mirror, but the tape/scales tell another story.

True, and forgot to mention that my weight has not changed, though I think my body fat is down (though the wife says she hasn't seen a change). I will take some body measurements as a reference as well- good point.
What's your macros looking like again and are you eating in a surplus ?

230g PRO, 120g CHO, 100g F... this would be maintenance with the goal of some fat loss. I know this isn't the ideal for maximum bulking, but its the direction I need to go.
I find adding any more carbs and I gain fat mass too easily.
Thanks man, I appreciate the help and guidance throughout!
Update: Had the first signs of increased endurance and strength today while doing legs. This was a very happy occurrence. I am going to ride out the 8mg LGD for a few more weeks before bumping up the dosage. I also got some endurance increases during the intense sets of leg presses. I am not seeing the "fat melting" effects of the Carder1ne yet, but I am liking the endurance enhancements as well as no headaches or insomnia sides.
Anyone move up to 12mg a day yet?

Bumped up to 12 mg ED about a week ago. Three 4-mg pills 3x/day. I was doing 8-10 mg / day liquid form for a month before. Strength gains are there and I'm greedy for more.

I measure progress by how much more I can lift per unit of weight gained. Gains have actually been accelerating. It's funny how at week 3 I was afraid LGD wasn't working. Then week 4 things really started to move and now in week 6 I'm marveling at how my middle-aged veteran lifter body is experiencing 18-year-old noob linear gains. No fancy periodization or anything. Just add 5 or 10 more pounds and do the same reps as last time.

Update: Had the first signs of increased endurance and strength today while doing legs. This was a very happy occurrence. I am going to ride out the 8mg LGD for a few more weeks before bumping up the dosage. I also got some endurance increases during the intense sets of leg presses. I am not seeing the "fat melting" effects of the Carder1ne yet, but I am liking the endurance enhancements as well as no headaches or insomnia sides.

I started the Cardar1ne a couple days after I started the LeGenD. I'm doing 3 x 7mg ED when I take my LeGenD doses. I'm just trying to recomp by a few pounds and I'm not sure I'm seeing it yet. My tiny spare tire seems a tiny bit smaller. Then again, I'm still eating in excess of 3000 Cals most days and I do zero cardio. I'm hoping the GW will just protect me from getting any fatter as I bulk with the LeGenD.
In for info!
4 weeks done, 4mg /d.

Total test: 810ng/dL --->355ng/dL

Total chol: 158--->166

Tri: 44--->53

HDL: 77--->59

LDL: 73--->96

Bit surprised, didnt expect LDL to increase so much.

Lethargy really hit middle of 3rd week, mainly afternoons and evenings. Libido fine.

Noticed mainly strength gains up till now, minimal lean mass gains but it is only 4 weeks, and it should be noted that Im at a stage where progression/growth is very slow anyway, definitely drained noob/intermediate gains years ago. So, very happy with the otherwise atypical strength progression.

On week 5 now, and have increased dose to 8mg /d. Next bloods will be impacted by introduction of Tr3st in week 6.
Update: Had the first signs of increased endurance and strength today while doing legs. This was a very happy occurrence. I am going to ride out the 8mg LGD for a few more weeks before bumping up the dosage. I also got some endurance increases during the intense sets of leg presses. I am not seeing the "fat melting" effects of the Carder1ne yet, but I am liking the endurance enhancements as well as no headaches or insomnia sides.

Hey dude,, probably already stated earlier in the thread but just wondering what stack your runnin?? Is it just LGD/CARDARINE??
Invalid Link Removed LGD and trest log up! Will be starting Monday! I'd like some criticism if needed!
Anybody know where I can still get LGD??
Awesome thanks dude

im taking 2 per day should i split the dosage at it says or all in the morning?

OL Super PCT i take for pct. i dont have clomid. Is it enough to just take OL Super PCT

i also take for cycle suppport 8 caps of ar1macare pro during whole cycle.

Any suggestions?

im taking 2 per day should i split the dosage at it says or all in the morning?

OL Super PCT i take for pct. i dont have clomid. Is it enough to just take OL Super PCT

i also take for cycle suppport 8 caps of ar1macare pro during whole cycle.

Any suggestions?

What was your cycle? Gharine is not suppressive to the HPTA, so no PCT is necessary for that alone.
What was your cycle? Gharine is not suppressive to the HPTA, so no PCT is necessary for that alone.

just LGD starting with 8MG first week..

taking OL ar1macare cycle support and after the cycle the PCT from OL.

Is it save?

Taking all 2 in the morning?
just LGD starting with 8MG first week..

taking OL ar1macare cycle support and after the cycle the PCT from OL.

Is it save?

Taking all 2 in the morning?
I sorry, I misunderstood. I thought I was in the Gharine thread. Lol. If I recall correctly, LGD half-life is somewhere between 24-36 hrs. So you would be fine dosing all at once daily. However, if you experience any negative side effects such as headaches and high blood pressure, then try splitting the dose up as suggested.
I sorry, I misunderstood. I thought I was in the Gharine thread. Lol. If I recall correctly, LGD half-life is somewhere between 24-36 hrs. So you would be fine dosing all at once daily. However, if you experience any negative side effects such as headaches and high blood pressure, then try splitting the dose up as suggested.

Thanks mate for taking your time and reply. So splitting up wont make any difference with gains / Strenght etc? its same mg in body like taking 2 at the same time?
first of all I apologize for my English but it is not my mother tongue, this is my first sarm cycle, I focused on LEGEND, tell me if corrected
legend 4/4/8/8/8/8
elin1mate 2/2/2/3/3/3
after Super PTC + clomid
that dosage use of clomid?
I add for the whole cycle TR1UMPH (30 servings)?
thank you
first of all I apologize for my English but it is not my mother tongue, this is my first sarm cycle, I focused on LEGEND, tell me if corrected
legend 4/4/8/8/8/8
elin1mate 2/2/2/3/3/3
after Super PTC + clomid
that dosage use of clomid?
I add for the whole cycle TR1UMPH (30 servings)?
thank you
Clomid dosage would be 50/50/25/25 or could do 50/25/25. I would do the full 4 week PCT myself. I would also save Triumph for use during PCT.
Clomid dosage would be 50/50/25/25 or could do 50/25/25. I would do the full 4 week PCT myself. I would also save Triumph for use during PCT.
many thanks, you'll 'the first option to feel comfortable, the dosage of the legend + elin1mate correct? or I have to change something?
legend 4/4/8/8/8/8
elin1mate 2/2/2/3/3/3
one last thing when is the best time to take LEGEND in the morning, pre work, when I have two 8 mg capsules I take along? thank you very much
has anyone ever experienced hair loss or shedding from an LGD product. Im 4 weeks in and starting to notice some shedding. I was under the impression LGD didnt cause hair loss. Im also taking 4 andro but didnt think it increased DHT to cause hair loss either. Both products are OL for the record. Just curious.
can olympus lgd cause hair loss? if it's legit lgd shoudl not convert in estrgogen or dht..
There are a lot of misconceptions regarding SARMs. Unfortunately, many entities within the supplement fitness industry have promoted SARMs as having similar benefits to steroids with virtually no side effects. This is simply false. Anything that agonizes the androgen receptor will affect endogenous hormone levels in various ways. As we’ve all seen, SARMs can often have very similar to side effects to steroids and prohormones.