The Dichotomy of Leadership in the Supplement Industry



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There seems to be two different camps when it comes to being a “leader” in the supplement industry. Sure, everyone is trying to sell their products and claim to have some “revolutionary” technology and profile that only they have access to, but there’s a true dichotomy of leadership in the supplement industry that goes unspoken.
Now, I’m going to be straight with you like I always am. This article on the dichotomy of leadership is going to ruffle some feathers. I’m cool with that. If you want to act like a child and get all offended like a little snowflake because what I’m about to say hits a little too close to home for you, then go ahead and skip this article, and I’ll catch you in the next one. But for those of you who want to hear the honest truth about the supplement industry, buckle up, and let’s roll.
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