**Thank you** from MA Labs!!


Well-known member
Just wanted to say a quick thank you from MA Labs, from Mikearnold and myself.

I see a bunch of guys reviewing the product line, and giving back 100% honest, unbiased information.

And really trying their hardest to give solid information to the others here.

Also I have seen several people purchasing the products and giving them a shot. It's always tough when a Brand is somewhat new, so I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here!!!

Truly appreciate the respect, support and responses in the forum :)

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Hey bro I have a question for you, I noticed you have a new product on your website call gw. Now I'm pretty sure it's not going to be gw on its own knowing masupps so can you enlighten me some more on this product? Cheers bro
Hey bro I have a question for you, I noticed you have a new product on your website call gw. Now I'm pretty sure it's not going to be gw on its own knowing masupps so can you enlighten me some more on this product? Cheers bro

Yes sir as soon as I have more info or if MikeArnold can post up in here.

I will be happy to. Thank you!!!
Coming Soon....

Vicaine pm

"A High-Powered Opioid, Anti-inflammatory Complex"

* Stimulant-free

* A 40% increase in opioid content compared to the original Vicaine

* Contains clinically proven opioid potentiators, further enhancing its already powerful opioid effect

* Provides natural anti-inflammatory benefits for additional pain relief

* Contains compounds clinically proven to minimize tolerance buildup and prevent physical dependence

Thus is what I got from tge other site, on the non stim version
And this is what I got on their new GW

MA Labs


Hi, guys. After months of waiting we finally have some new products coming out. We are going to start with a simple one--good ole' GW-501516 (it should be available for sale within a day). Although it's nothing revolutionary, we have had a lot of requests for it..and with it being relatively easy to produce (a single ingredient product), it is the first one to finish production. As usual, the price will be excellent.

For those of you who are unaware, GW is what's known as a PAR Beta Agonist. There is nothing else like GW on the entire market (OTC, research, or blackmarket). It is kind of difficult to accurately explain what GW is/does in just a few sentences, so I will be providing a full write-up soon, as I do with all MA Labs products.

I just wanted to let you guys know, for those who are interested.

Also on the way...Vicaine pm and MA-PUMP.
Ah that's a shame, I was hoping they were going to do something like what they did with mk677
I have another question about vicaine; would it give a false positive on a drug test? I mean a full drug test...
Is there any plans for a nootropic and stimulant blend without the Tianeptine?

I have another question about vicaine; would it give a false positive on a drug test? I mean a full drug test...

Both of these can be answered by MikeArnold.

I am unsure about the NSX-6 or other nootropic coming back. I know a night time Vicaine is coming

As for a false positive. Good question.

I know from my experience that any false positive, on a gas chromography and via a Medical Review officer will reveal the truth. But I am assuming you are asking about False Positives on a basic urinalysis?

If that is the case, I am not positive. Lets see what Mike has to say :)

Thanks guys!
Hey bro I have a question for you, I noticed you have a new product on your website call gw. Now I'm pretty sure it's not going to be gw on its own knowing masupps so can you enlighten me some more on this product? Cheers bro

I debated long and hard about this, but I ultimately decided to make GW as a standalone product...for several reasons; one of which is that I received a LOT of emails and pm's from people asking me to please release a solo GW product.

But there is another reason. You see, most of the compounds available today can have their primary function further "enhanced" by adding other compounds that work through different mechanisms to improve that same function. For example, I knew that MK-677's GH and IGF-1 elevating effects could be improved by adding a handful of other ingredients to the product, all of which were clinically proven to increase GH and IGF-1 levels through different mechanisms. So, II added them to the product.

However, there really wasn't anything else out there I could add to GW which would enhance a specific effect without compromising its other potential applications. For example, I could've made GW a more effective "fat loss" product by adding a bunch of compounds clinically proven to decrease bodyfat levels through completely different pathways, but this would have limited its potential applications...because all the people who like to use GW for its endurance promoting or cardiovascular benefits wouldn't have wanted to buy it anymore. I also could've done the same from a cardiovascular health or endurance boosting standpoint, but we would've run into the same problem--we would have limited its potential applications...and that just isn't something I wanted to do.

For these reasons and more I wanted to release GW as a solo product. You are unlikely to see many single compound products from MA Labs, but this time the decision was well thought out and decided on well ahead of time.
I have another question about vicaine; would it give a false positive on a drug test? I mean a full drug test...

No it will not...not even when taking a 12-point drug test. You will be safe for probation, employment, the military, and even most sports.

The only situation in which it may cause you to fail a drug test is if you are an Olympic competitor being tested by WADA. This is because a few of the compounds within it are banned performance enhancers (or will be soon, such as FLmoda).

However, you are safe under all other circumstances.