Test levels and pheremones


Well-known member
Is there any connection between pheremone secretion and a guys test levels? Like, if he's low T does he produce less pheremones and vise versa? Any articles on the subject greatly appreciated.
I don't think it has to do with pheromones, but more like a level of confidence that is attracting others.
Is there any connection between pheremone secretion and a guys test levels? Like, if he's low T does he produce less pheremones and vise versa? Any articles on the subject greatly appreciated.

My wife and I were just having this conversation because sometimes I would run out or my test script for 1-2weeks until I can get back in and each time it’s happened she’s mentioned something about my smell. We started talking more and I asked what she thought I smelt like and she said stress or cortisol kinda like what you smelled like before you got on trt. So that their told me atleast my wife can smell the pheromones as well as knows when my test levels are fluctuating dropping lower and higher cortisol
I use to take OTC test boosters. I forget which one, but one made me sweat in my sleep. Every time I get supps I get asked “this isn’t gonna make you sweat and smell funny again? I don’t want to change the sheets daily”
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I use to take OTC test boosters. I forget which one, but one made me sweat in my sleep. Every time I get supps I get asked “this isn’t gonna make you sweat and smell funny again? I do t want to change the sheets daily”

Most likely from the fenugreek, that was most likely in whatever you ran