test extreme by tokkyo nutrition


New member
i just bought test extreme by tokkyo nutriton , i need help on what i should take for pct. also any feed back on any knoledge about this product 5-androsten-3beta-ol-one-2 aminoethanesulfanic acid.
Not familiar at all with this compound and there doesn't seem to be alot of information on it. I hope you didn't pay the $100 as advertised on their website. At least your asking questions before taking it even though you probably shouldn't be taking it. Do your homework.
fyi this is the pheromone section not prohormone. you'll probably get better help in another forum. I too agree I hope you didn't pay that much for it.
Also I just saw after posting 5'3" 150 lbs? How old are you? I wouldn't go near this product but I know that wont stop you.
So i guess 150lbs ppl shouldn't use PHs right?

ummm just looking at 5-androsten-3beta-ol-one-2 seems like DHEA..

Tokkyo with "xtreme" is trash, a shadow of there former hormonal products without "xtreme" on the label.

Now go to Anabolics and do some reading. :ponder:
i bought it for 70 a bottle i got two. i im ninteen been working out for one full year i bench 225 max 6 reps and squat about the same, just so you can get in idea. i know i should have done the reserch first before buying them, i got convinced when they told me they would banded soon and it would be hard to get . all i want to find out are some suggestion ? cause i have them already .
i bought it for 70 a bottle i got two. i im ninteen , i got convinced when they told me they would banded soon and it would be hard to get . all i want to find out are some suggestion ? cause i have them already .

Your 19, if u feel the need, go with a natty (Prime, trib, ect), save hormonals for later, I too believe in the ban and have bought a few that will be used when applicable. IMO
at 19 natty wont help much considering your body is firing on all cylinders test production wise.
At 19 and only 150 and with only a year in the gym i'd work natural using creatine, BCaas protien and staples like that. as for as the ban read this
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BOLD, PHERA and TREN are the 3 compounds being banned, speculation says Epi will be the next casualty, so if you wanted to stock up, these 4 compounds is what you should of gotten. again i DO NOT recommend using these yet, just stock up and wait till later time.
and considering where Toyoko Nut. went with their new stuff i believe 70 bucks a pop is a bit of highway robbery.

and to top it off wrong thread to post this in lol
Um actually this TOKKYO EXTREME LINE IS NOT a PH line, its pretty close to a natty booster, please take the nomenclature and enter it in at wikipedia and check it out for yourself,

Test Extreme is nothing more than DHEA,caffenine, and Gamma

this crap is perfect for the younger crowd,
Um actually this TOKKYO EXTREME LINE IS NOT a PH line, its pretty close to a natty booster, please take the nomenclature and enter it in at wikipedia and check it out for yourself,

Test Extreme is nothing more than DHEA,caffenine, and Gamma

this crap is perfect for the younger crowd,

ifs its a natty booster, while it can't hurt a younger user, wouldnt be a bit of a waste? everywhere i've read says pointless at 19
ifs its a natty booster, while it can't hurt a younger user, wouldnt be a bit of a waste? everywhere i've read says pointless at 19
it all depends on the person, i just recently had a client, ask me about PH's he's 19, but his difference is that his growth platelets are closed, hes all done growing. So he asked me about AN's THE ONE, he wanted to use this as a recomp with lil gains(being an endo with lil height 5'5"), ran it by his doc, lined him out all proper preloaded supps, on cycle supps, and his OTC PCT,(remember its the ONE). He did amazing, got all he wanted his pre blood # were good to start a cycle, no history of cancers or other illness that may be exacerbated with the addition of Ph's to his system, and aslo did post blood and check up. His dr. wuz impressed that in 5 wks he was able to change his bmi so drasticly, he gained only 4 pounds after the drop in pct, but changed 2-3% of his bodyfat to muscle. So you see what may werk for sum, many not for others. You really have to know your body and how it werks for you.

I no way condone the useage of PH's and AAS's to minors. and this is not medical advice.
i bought it for 70 a bottle i got two. i im ninteen been working out for one full year i bench 225 max 6 reps and squat about the same, just so you can get in idea. i know i should have done the reserch first before buying them, i got convinced when they told me they would banded soon and it would be hard to get . all i want to find out are some suggestion ? cause i have them already .

If you can only squat as much as you bench you are in sad, sad, sad shape. You need to do 3 things.

1. Wait a few years before touching steroids (regardless if you think they are prohormones or whatever the **** people are calling them now)

2. EAT, EAT, EAT, EAT, and when you think your done, EAT MORE!!!

3. Get a solid leg routine down because no PH or steroid will supplement for a piss poor workout split.
Tokkyo Pro-ho's

Don't listen to the wrong advice you're getting. I have stacked Test Extreme with Winny V. When the Test ran out I tried anidrol-x and another bottle of Winny V. 15lbs. of muscle 3lbs. fat. This stuff is the real deal. I also used milk thistle throughout the cycle. it's been 7 weeks and I just keep adding 2 lbs. more each week. Strength is up about 25% and everyone notices the change. I hear all the **** you hear but I wanted to see for my self. The stuff kicks ass. I'm 5'10" currently 218 and gaining weekly. doing 300 grams of protein daily and also using flax seed oil. fish oil, a multi and extra d3. Eat right, sleep right and get quality gym time and see the magic. Some of my fellow gym rats are doing the same stuff and getting awesome results. Tokkyo keeps one step ahead of the feds.