Test e and mast e


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Hi guys I’ve been running a trt at 125 a week , I’m wanting to add in some masteron to help with body fat and lean gain but not wanting massive doses , I was thinking off putting my test to 200 and masteron at 250 a week , any feed back would be appreciated thanks :)


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I wouldn't run mast that high personally. I ran 250mg mast with 600mg test and went flat in 3 weeks. The goal was e2 control without an ai. 250 was too high for that. 250 mast with only 200 test sounds brutal. The joint pain alone would suck, not to mention losing muscle volume. Again speaking from my own experience. There's probably folks out there that stay nice and full with a decent dose of mast. I may try again at a much lower dose on cycle. I wouldn't use it on a cruise dose of test.


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I wouldn't run mast that high personally. I ran 250mg mast with 600mg test and went flat in 3 weeks. The goal was e2 control without an ai. 250 was too high for that. 250 mast with only 200 test sounds brutal. The joint pain alone would suck, not to mention losing muscle volume. Again speaking from my own experience. There's probably folks out there that stay nice and full with a decent dose of mast. I may try again at a much lower dose on cycle. I wouldn't use it on a cruise dose of test.
This seems like a very unique experience since most ppl actually cruise on Test/Mast at 200/200 and it’s very common to run 1:1 Test/Mast. I really think something wasn’t right with your gear.


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Help with body fat loss and either hold my muscle while I cut or possible lean gain ?
Mast is not a fat burner but it can help hold muscle on a cut, but Test can do that on its own.

Don’t expect any noticeable lean gains on those doses, 200mg Test is still TRT dose and 250mg Mast will help to control your estrogen but that’s about it. It’s plenty of ppl that run 200/200 Test/Mast for TRT for an example.


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200/200 would kill my joints. I have to do 300/200, and then everything is great. Conversely, at 600/600 pre-comp it was perfect last fall. When I am only taking ~200 test, 80 mast is all I could consider.

Ratios are just a starting point- the sooner you understand that, the better you will be. Doses are individual specific & situation specific. Like when I take bigger doses of test, I am aromatizing more to estrogen so I tolerate a higher amount of mast better.

So you start with ~1:1, like 200/200, and within about a month or so you will know if you feel great or if you’re getting to dry (or maybe still too wet, if you are a very heavy aromatizer). If doses go up eventually, you may need to bump one or the other more depending on how you are feeling.
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