Tachycardia on anavar



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I went to donate blood today and they wouldn't take it because my heart rate was 103. When they rechecked it it jumped to 120 probably because I freaked out. I may have been dehydrated I may not have been. My blood pressure was normal like 120 something over 70, And my hemoglobin was 17 which is pretty typical for me. I've noticed since starting the anavar that I have a little bit more of a short fuse and I'm a little more cranked up generally in the gym and outside the gym. Do you guys think anavar would contribute to slightly elevated heart rate or do you think it's just hot as hell in Florida and I was dehydrated


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Yes, orals raise bp generally and Var is no exception. And it can increase irritability and aggression very well in some, men and women alike.

Don’t take your orals until after your donation.

Don’t consume stims before your donation.

Drink LOTS of water before your donation.


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Yes, orals raise bp generally and Var is no exception. And it can increase irritability and aggression very well in some, men and women alike.

Don’t take your orals until after your donation.

Don’t consume stims before your donation.

Drink LOTS of water before your donation.
Believe it or not they're actually going to pay me $40 this time. Apparently there's a shortage of o negative blood so they were like begging me to come back tomorrow. The lady was like "drink plenty of water, don't have any coffee" etc. since I've been on anavar I've been a little cranked up. I swear man if you have a good connection and you're getting real anavar, this stuff ain't no joke. My strength, energy and temper is all increased lol. I don't normally blame steroids for my temper or irritability as I usually just blame my ethnicity (Greek). But I'm telling you, every time I take anavar, little things that annoy me make me way more pissed off lol. Anyway I would be concerned about having an elevated heart rate however my hemoglobin is 17 and my blood pressure is totally normal so I don't think there's any real issue going on. Possibly a cranked up cns from the anavar but I think that's about it. Tomorrow morning I'll go to the blood donation center after breakfast. I'll be sure to be well hydrated and I'll wait until after the donation to take my anavar even though I did that as well today. I didn't have coffee and I didn't have any anavar. However I didn't drink a lot of water and I only ate a protein bar so maybe that's why


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Also, try to get a full night of sleep. Being rested lowers heartrate.

And before they take your bp, try to focus on something relaxing in your mind - remind yourself you are safe and calm. There’s no pressure.


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Aren't you taking like a really low dose of anavar? It seems like a cycle can just never go smooth for you.


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Aren't you taking like a really low dose of anavar? It seems like a cycle can just never go smooth for you.
Yeah man I'm really sensitive to just about everything. Growth hormone anavar even coffee. It's always something lol. I think my general anxiety just gets irritated from time to time and the symptoms feel like health issues but I get blood work at least a couple times a year there's never an issue my vitals are usually good aside from the occasional tachycardia. I'll probably be fine I just have to stop being such a bitch


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Aren't you taking like a really low dose of anavar? It seems like a cycle can just never go smooth for you.
Actually on a positive note I now have veins sticking out of my lower abdomen area. Never in my life have I had that so that is definitely a plus


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Bro every time I jump on here you have some kind of side effect or something negative is happening. In all honesty you probably shouldn't be using gear at all.
I don't really think that the stuff I'm using is causing these side effects. I overthink things quite often and have some general anxiety and im a pretty uptight dude. I get thoughts inside my head and wonder if it's stuff I'm taking or if it's just my head and will post it on here. Usually I get the right information and the problem gets resolved. I've been on trt since 2014 and since then I would cycle here and there. I've had routine physicals and blood work all throughout that time from then to now and have never had any actual health issues although there's been plenty of times where I thought I had a health issue but I'm actually healthy and there's literally nothing wrong with me. Mentally though im a bit off however I assure you that's been a lifelong thing. As for gear, it's what I like to do and keeps me away from falling into my old habits which are far more damaging than a little anavar.


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Yes, orals raise bp generally and Var is no exception. And it can increase irritability and aggression very well in some, men and women alike.

Don’t take your orals until after your donation.

Don’t consume stims before your donation.

Drink LOTS of water before your donation.
He wasn't talking about his bp. It was normal. He is worried about his heart rate.


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Sensitive here. GH/IGF-1 raises my HR 20bpm. All stims and even some supps raise HR and almost always cause palps. Surprisingly, var doesn't seem to raise my HR. Go figure. I do low dose sublingual, but doesn't seem bad. Maybe slightly higher at night in bed resting. I wear a smart watch with HR monitor.

Might be some bro science, but for me GH seems to amplify anything I'm doing. One of those 1+1=3 situations.


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He wasn't talking about his bp. It was normal. He is worried about his heart rate.
Well here’s a fun tidbit then to address the initial inquiry more directly: AAS, and especially orals and Tren, can commonly raise both blood pressure AND pulse.

Trest, Tren, Nandrolone, Var, Epiandro, Superdrol/DMZ, Dbol, M1T all raise my pulse for example. Test, mast, primo, eq don’t seem to at all (unless I let them thicken my blood over time substantially, but no acute changes).


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Well here’s a fun tidbit then to address the initial inquiry more directly: AAS, and especially orals and Tren, can commonly raise both blood pressure AND pulse.

Trest, Tren, Nandrolone, Var, Epiandro, Superdrol/DMZ, Dbol, M1T all raise my pulse for example. Test, mast, primo, eq don’t seem to at all (unless I let them thicken my blood over time substantially, but no acute changes).
So the very next day which was yesterday I went back to the blood donation center and my heart rate was in the normal range. Still high at 96 but before I went to the blood place I checked my pulse at home and it was in the 70s so I think I just get nervous when they check me. Also I made sure to get more rest and drink plenty of water. I've also been working 60 plus hours a week which I'm sure isn't helping and not sleeping a lot


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So the very next day which was yesterday I went back to the blood donation center and my heart rate was in the normal range. Still high at 96 but before I went to the blood place I checked my pulse at home and it was in the 70s so I think I just get nervous when they check me. Also I made sure to get more rest and drink plenty of water. I've also been working 60 plus hours a week which I'm sure isn't helping and not sleeping a lot
White coat syndrome is a real thing.
It certainly is, and I definitely have experienced it at times. It’s totally irrational; that’s the toughest part. You know there’s no reason to be alarmed, but almost because you are worried about the result it feeds this subconscious spiral.

That being said, under-sleeping is also a primary contributor. I can see 10 points difference if I get junk sleep and also trained the day prior (and therefore didn’t recover).


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I don't really think that the stuff I'm using is causing these side effects. I overthink things quite often and have some general anxiety and im a pretty uptight dude. I get thoughts inside my head and wonder if it's stuff I'm taking or if it's just my head and will post it on here. Usually I get the right information and the problem gets resolved. I've been on trt since 2014 and since then I would cycle here and there. I've had routine physicals and blood work all throughout that time from then to now and have never had any actual health issues although there's been plenty of times where I thought I had a health issue but I'm actually healthy and there's literally nothing wrong with me. Mentally though im a bit off however I assure you that's been a lifelong thing. As for gear, it's what I like to do and keeps me away from falling into my old habits which are far more damaging than a little anavar.
I totally get that man! I didn't mean to sound so curt about it. Keep killing it brother!


I went to donate blood today and they wouldn't take it because my heart rate was 103. When they rechecked it it jumped to 120 probably because I freaked out. I may have been dehydrated I may not have been. My blood pressure was normal like 120 something over 70, And my hemoglobin was 17 which is pretty typical for me. I've noticed since starting the anavar that I have a little bit more of a short fuse and I'm a little more cranked up generally in the gym and outside the gym. Do you guys think anavar would contribute to slightly elevated heart rate or do you think it's just hot as hell in Florida and I was dehydrated
My hr stay elevated on anabolics. Especially test. We’re all different, but I don’t notice it as much on orals but test I notice the increase right away.

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