Switching from ''blasting'' to ''Cruising''.



New member
What's up. I've been on a very low dose of test C for about 13 weeks now (400mg), added 50mg Tbol last 5 weeks to prevent the gains from stopping. Anyhow now to my question, I've decided to cruise on a very low dose, I'd like to say TRT but I know it isn't, as many people tend to forget how much test we actually produce, but I'm going to cruise on 150mg a week pinning twice a week. My biggest concern is whether I even need to use nolva while running on this low dose, I'm not very prone to gyno but I've used Adex on the 400mg cycle just incase.
Since it takes nolva a bit to get in your system I was thinking overlapping nolva 20mg ED along with the current 0.5 Adex for one week, then quit the adex the week after when Nolva is in my system, and gradually stop the nolva completely as I reach the dosage of 150mg test. Does this sound good? Anyone have any recommendations on how to go from this ''blast'' to cruise? Cheers!

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