Sustanon 300 and anadrol winter bulk!



  • Established
Well bros unfortunately I have a cycle ending injury ( lucky it was my last pin last night ) I have a partial thickness tear of a tendon above my patella. Can't bend my leg at all and am in a lot of pain. :(

well rest up now....

you have seen a doctor yet or not?


Well-known member

well rest up now....

you have seen a doctor yet or not?
Yeah man that's the plan. I'm going to try and work around it by trying GVT. One exercise per muscle group, ten sets of ten reps. I should be able to work around it for a few weeks until I start PCT.
Since it happened at work so far I've seen paramedics, 2 separate occupational therapists, two nurses and a doctor lol.
It's actually feeling about 50% better today than it was yesterday so hopefully at this rate I'll be all good in a week :)


  • Established
Really good recovery rate bro...

post up how that is after wards

and I also posted a reply regarding your suggestion of 20 hours fasting in my log...


Well-known member
Day 86

Weight 197

No more pins.

My leg is still focking sore but at least I have mobility now. I'm no longer on crutches but I do walk like an 80 year old man. I did my first day of GVT today and I'm not feeling it. It is however great for me in my current situation as there's no focking around changing exercises, loading/unloading etc etc

Back biceps

Iso lateral lat pull down (weight per arm)
90 10 x 10 these last few sets were challenging to say the least. The last few reps on the last three sets were definitely cheat reps.

Seated Row
No weights on the sh1tty machine but I did the 10 sets quite easily so I think I'll have to go up next time.

Ez bar preacher curls
55 10 x 10

It's quite humbling actually as these weights for the usual three sets are easy.
Calories 3312 protein 287 carbs 229 fats 127
I'm actually looking forward to starting PCT now as I've lost my interest with this cycle now that I can't train / overtrain like I would like.


sucks about the tear man! hope you get back on schedule ASAP! aah it seems like only yesterday you started your first pin and got flamed for having a test blend :p


Well-known member
sucks about the tear man! hope you get back on schedule ASAP! aah it seems like only yesterday you started your first pin and got flamed for having a test blend :p
Yeah man it won't slow me down for long. Im almost positive it's not actually torn just strained or something along those lines as it's getting better daily. Haha yep time sure has flown by far too quickly! That's another thing I'm not going to miss is the getting flamed for running test blends! Test E from now on... And tren ;)


Well-known member
Day 87

Weight 200

No pin

Hit chest and triceps today for day two of GVT

Incline smith bench ( this machine is so old it had rust on the sliders but it was peak hour and all the new gear was taken)
135 6 x 10 2 x 9 1 x 2 x 7 I think the rust on the sliders hindered this movement a fair bit.

Machine flyes
60 10 x 10

V bar pushdowns
Machine doesn't have weights in them but 10 sets of ten. Weight was far too light. Will rectify this if Im stuck on the GVT for another week.

Really not feeling this program. It's sh1t. Don't even work up a sweat even tho I'm struggling with the last 4 sets or so.
Knee is feeling a lot better but it's still focked. Still limping but it's manageable.
My weight is waay up. I've had a few cheat meals since Tuesday but it shouldn't be up that much. This is by far the heaviest I've been at 200lbs ( 91kg ). There's no bloat or anything either so fuks me.
Will keep this log going until i take my after pics this weekend.


Have you had any troubles sleeping on this cycle?
I'm 3 weeks into my sus cycle and sleep like cap, feels like I am overheating..


Well-known member
Have you had any troubles sleeping on this cycle?
I'm 3 weeks into my sus cycle and sleep like cap, feels like I am overheating..
Yeah bro I had huge problems sleeping for about 4-5 weeks. Always waking up and being unable to get back to sleep. Strange thing is tho most days I wasn't tired even tho I wasn't sleeping properly.


Well-known member
Day 88

Weight 198

No more pins

Hit shoulders today and the weight was far too light but i am taking it kind of easy for the next bit until my leg feels better and I can move around the gym a bit easier

Shoulders and traps

Smith shoulder press
70 10 x 10 was waay too light

Side lateral raises
20 per side 10 x 10 far too light as well

Was going to do seated shrugs but my left trap was feeling really tight so I skipped them.

Had a good pump but that's about it.
Me knee is feeling better again today but I realized about an hour ago when I reached over to grab a DVD and put a bit too much weight on it that it's far from ok as I had an acute pain shoot into my knee.
Calories 3364 protein 333g carbs 203 fats 118. Going to go back to my normal routine for my upper body probably tomorrow or the next day.


Yeah man it won't slow me down for long. Im almost positive it's not actually torn just strained or something along those lines as it's getting better daily. Haha yep time sure has flown by far too quickly! That's another thing I'm not going to miss is the getting flamed for running test blends! Test E from now on... And tren ;)
yeah you'd know if it was torn, the pain would be excruciating and you'd probs have severe swelling. haha yeah seems like if you dont conform to the juicehead bible you'll burn in damnation, aaah test n tren; breakfast of champions! im chomping at the bit to do my cycle, sitting around on my ass getting fat while everyone else is getting ripped sucks! the shreddening is coming up though so that'll give me something to look forward to! Taurine's supposed to help with sleeping problems, or you could go the extra mile and say you're suffering from insomnia and get prescribed some sleeping pills, although i just pop a few morphine pills with some seroquel tabs and im gone for 16 hours unless i set my alarm :p


Well-known member
yeah you'd know if it was torn, the pain would be excruciating and you'd probs have severe swelling. haha yeah seems like if you dont conform to the juicehead bible you'll burn in damnation, aaah test n tren; breakfast of champions! im chomping at the bit to do my cycle, sitting around on my ass getting fat while everyone else is getting ripped sucks! the shreddening is coming up though so that'll give me something to look forward to! Taurine's supposed to help with sleeping problems, or you could go the extra mile and say you're suffering from insomnia and get prescribed some sleeping pills, although i just pop a few morphine pills with some seroquel tabs and im gone for 16 hours unless i set my alarm :p
Yeah man I remember the pain I was in when I did by shoulder but to be fair when I first went to the doc it was massively swollen and extremely painful to touch, straighten, bend or put pressure on so it was showing all the signs of a tear. Glad it's not tho lol. Still sore but I can walk without a limp now so that's good :)
Haha yeah if I knew I was going to get flamed like I did I probably wouldn't have run this log lol.
I bet you are bro it must be rough but you'll get your turn soon :p
I've actually got some pretty good sleeping pills the the doc gave me for sleeping during the day but it's probably not the best idea popping one at 3am when I wake up and can't get back to sleep lol wouldn't get up till midday!


Well-known member
Day 89

Weight 198

No more pins

Had enough of the GVT style training I was doing so I went back to what I was doing prior to hurting my leg. I have dropped my intensity a fair bit but I'm still lifting quite heavy.

Back and biceps

Chins BW x 10 x 10 x 10

Iso lateral lat pulldown ( weight per arm )
110 x 7
100 x 9
90 x 11

Single arm rows
80 x 10 x 10 x 10

Incline bicep curls
40s x 7
30s x 10 x 10

Incline hammer curls
35s x 9 x 7
30s x 10

Spider curls
40 x 15 x 15 x 15 ( never done these before... Probably won't do them again )

I couldn't do too much rhomboid movements due to having to put too much weight on my knee. I'll have to take a pic of my seated row machine so you guys can see why it's so sh1t. You'll understand why I dont like to use it once you see it.
Not counting cals today as I was feeling lazy so I ate a whole red rooster chicken for dinner lol.
11 days until I start PCT.


Well-known member
Oh yeah btw I did a bf measurement today and I was getting consistently around 14.5-15% so it hasn't changed pretty much this whole cycle. :)


Oh yeah btw I did a bf measurement today and I was getting consistently around 14.5-15% so it hasn't changed pretty much this whole cycle. :)
niiice! gonna get shredded in ur cut! lets see who can get to 5% the fastest ;)


Well-known member
Day 90

Weight 202?? Don't know why my weight has been increasing I haven't really changed what I've been doing....

No more pins

Chest and Triceps

Flat DB press
100s x 9 x 9 x 7

Incline DB press
90s x 9 x 8 x 6

Ez bar skullcrushers
Bar + 55 x 11 x 10 x 9

Rope pushdowns
80 x 10 x 9 x 7 very strict form on these slow and steady

Single arm cross body pushdowns
30 x 12 x 12 x 12 very slow and controlled

Felt good considering. I've increased my rest periods and focussed ALOT on form and TUT. I'm trying to not shock my CNS too bad as I need my knee to heal and smashing my CNS is not good for healing.
My knee is still getting better daily. I'm not limping anymore but I still can't put any additional weight on it and it still feels very weak.
My weight has me puzzled. I'm up over 7 pounds in around a week. My bf seems to be staying around the same too so I'll be focked if I know what's going on!


Well-known member
Day 91

Weight 202

Had to drive 2 hours today to start buying all the stuff for our new house so I was up early to train before we left

Shoulders traps and calves

DB shoulder press
75s x 12 x 11 x 9

Side lateral raises
30s x 12 x 10 x 10

Rear delt cable flyes ( weight per side )
30 x 12 x 12 x 12 feeling like I could up the weight here but the next plate is far too heavy, I could only get two reps...

DB shrugs
110s x 12
120 x 7
110 x 9

Standing calve raise
220 x 13 x 12 x 10

Good workout overall and was all done in 40 minutes. Still taking it easy but not too easy. Give it another few days then ill up the intensity back to where I was a week ago.
My knee is a lot better but I don't want to push it at least until I see the doc on Wednesday.
I didn't count calories today as it's been a bad day in the diet department... I've got it organized for tomorrow so hopefully it wont be as bad as today :) will try to get some pics up tomorrow !


  • Established
I personally think it's time you post up a FULL review including your overall experience and recomendation and mood quality and workout effeciency and quality, I mean A FULL THROUGH REVIEW also with pictures if u want to... What do u say?


Well-known member
I personally think it's time you post up a FULL review including your overall experience and recomendation and mood quality and workout effeciency and quality, I mean A FULL THROUGH REVIEW also with pictures if u want to... What do u say?
It's coming bro. Start pct in a week so it'll be up before then. Was supposed to do it over the last few days but I just didn't have time.


I personally think it's time you post up a FULL review including your overall experience and recomendation and mood quality and workout effeciency and quality, I mean A FULL THROUGH REVIEW also with pictures if u want to... What do u say?
i second that :D


Well-known member
Day 92

Weight unknown

Had an off day. Just could not find the time to get into the gym. Doesn't happen very often so when it does it's not too bad.
Ate around maintenance 2700 ish cals.
Not much more to report.


Well-known member
Day 93

Weight 203

Was quite surprised my weight hasn't shot up after a few days of bad diet. Still feel fat tho and energy is down due to my poor food choices over the last few days.
Hit a very quik session for arms tonight as I only had about 35 minutes.
Arm supersets

Seated DB tricep extension
95 x 10 x 13 x 12
Seated DB curls
35s x 10 x 10 x 10

Rope pressdowns
No weights on machine but 3 sets of ten
Wide grip ez bar curls
70 x 10 x 10 x 10

Single arm tricep extensions
No weights on machine but 1 x 6 and 2 x 12
Single hammer cable curls
1 x 6 and 2 x 10

Quick and simple. Had a good pump too which is good :)
Calories 3589 pro 336 carbs 262 fats 117.
Knee is feeling a lot better and I have an ultrasound tomorrow to see what's actually wrong with it. Have to drive 2 hours to get there tho which is a bit sh1t but I get the afternoon off work to go and do it so it's worth it :)
One week today till pct... :(


Well-known member
Day 94

Weight 201

Got the all clear about my knee this afternoon. Drive 7 hours round trip to get an ultrasound and all that's wrong with it now is a fair bit of fluid in the joint but there's no sign of a tear. Should be gtg in a few days :) thank fock!

Back day

Chins BW x 10 x 10 x 7 my biceps were screaming after working them last night

Lat pulldowns
220 x 8
200 x 9
180 x 10

Bent over barbell rows
175 x 10 x 10 x 10
135 x 18 had severe back pumps on all of these sets. Almost to the point where I was going to go home.

Single arm rows
90 x 10 x 10 x 10

Straight arm pulldowns
110 x 12 x 12 x 12

Wasn't hoping for anything decent today as I slept terribly last night. I was supposed to set an alarm for a meeting at 230 this afternoon but I set it for 230am... FOCK! Couldn't get back to sleep afterwards :(
Calories that I counted are 3531. Protein 296 carbs 299 fats 117. There is a 6inch subway sub in there too so I'd say it's well Over the 4k mark.
Will get my final review done tomorrow an I'll try get some pics tonight.


Well-known member
Pics are a bit sh1t and they do me no justice at all.... Or maybe it's the massive plate of spaghetti Bolognese I had 20 mins before I decided to take them lol. I never realized how hard posing is. Fock me


  • Established
Day 94

Weight 201

Got the all clear about my knee this afternoon. Drive 7 hours round trip to get an ultrasound and all that's wrong with it now is a fair bit of fluid in the joint but there's no sign of a tear. Should be gtg in a few days :) thank fock!

Back day

Chins BW x 10 x 10 x 7 my biceps were screaming after working them last night

Lat pulldowns
220 x 8
200 x 9
180 x 10

Bent over barbell rows
175 x 10 x 10 x 10
135 x 18 had severe back pumps on all of these sets. Almost to the point where I was going to go home.

Single arm rows
90 x 10 x 10 x 10

Straight arm pulldowns
110 x 12 x 12 x 12

Wasn't hoping for anything decent today as I slept terribly last night. I was supposed to set an alarm for a meeting at 230 this afternoon but I set it for 230am... FOCK! Couldn't get back to sleep afterwards :(
Calories that I counted are 3531. Protein 296 carbs 299 fats 117. There is a 6inch subway sub in there too so I'd say it's well Over the 4k mark.
Will get my final review done tomorrow an I'll try get some pics tonight.
WHy do both, Single arm rows and barbell rows?

Pics are a bit sh1t and they do me no justice at all.... Or maybe it's the massive plate of spaghetti Bolognese I had 20 mins before I decided to take them lol. I never realized how hard posing is. Fock me
they might be ****ty! U are improved!!

Posing is damn HARD!


Well-known member
WHy do both, Single arm rows and barbell rows?

they might be ****ty! U are improved!!

Posing is damn HARD!
I did both single arm and bent over rows because I didn't want to put too much pressure on my knee. The incline benches and seated row were also bring used.

Thanks man! Kind of a bit disappointed with the results overall because I was a bit injury prone during this cycle but all i all i learnt a lot about myself and how my body reacts to certain things. My back width is up over 2 inches tho and so are my shoulders so that's a plus :)


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  • RockStar
  • Established
Looking good bro you are about the same weight as me...what's your height? Awesome cals man you must really be packing on the muscle


got your starting pics and your recent ones open to compare, hmmm slight increase in acne, nothing majour, maybe 1-2kg's of BF since i can see more of your abs in the before pic, but you did just eat before taking pics so you might just be looking full, BIG increase in your chest, and back is looking more full, shoulders filled out a bit more as well, cant see your legs in the before pic but im assuming theyve grown a bit since legs will always get bigger pretty quickly on a bulk, overall considering your crappy quality gear, and your living + work situation youve done pretty well! Its hard to be too amazed at a bulk transformation unless you were anorexic and suddenly discovered food and acquired a myostatin deficiency, 12 or so weeks on a cut with albuterol and you should be looking ripped as hell! i definitely got my work cut out for me :p just make sure you practice your back & front double bicep, side chest & tricep, and most muscular poses for our comp! none of this phaggy one arm up ab flex mirror shot crap, get your tan on, get your missus to spray your body down in cooking oil get the lights camera action going (nohomo) posing trunks optional :D


  • Established
I did both single arm and bent over rows because I didn't want to put too much pressure on my knee. The incline benches and seated row were also bring used.

Thanks man! Kind of a bit disappointed with the results overall because I was a bit injury prone during this cycle but all i all i learnt a lot about myself and how my body reacts to certain things. My back width is up over 2 inches tho and so are my shoulders so that's a plus :)
That's really really good man! just keep the good work up! u've improved ALOT!


Well-known member
Looking good bro you are about the same weight as me...what's your height? Awesome cals man you must really be packing on the muscle
Thanks bro. I'm 5' 10 1/2" about an inch and a half taller than you. Your way more cut than me tho. I'm unfortunately an ectomorph by nature so I can eat and eat and then eat some more and it's difficult to put on any type of weight.


Well-known member
got your starting pics and your recent ones open to compare, hmmm slight increase in acne, nothing majour, maybe 1-2kg's of BF since i can see more of your abs in the before pic, but you did just eat before taking pics so you might just be looking full, BIG increase in your chest, and back is looking more full, shoulders filled out a bit more as well, cant see your legs in the before pic but im assuming theyve grown a bit since legs will always get bigger pretty quickly on a bulk, overall considering your crappy quality gear, and your living + work situation youve done pretty well! Its hard to be too amazed at a bulk transformation unless you were anorexic and suddenly discovered food and acquired a myostatin deficiency, 12 or so weeks on a cut with albuterol and you should be looking ripped as hell! i definitely got my work cut out for me :p just make sure you practice your back & front double bicep, side chest & tricep, and most muscular poses for our comp! none of this phaggy one arm up ab flex mirror shot crap, get your tan on, get your missus to spray your body down in cooking oil get the lights camera action going (nohomo) posing trunks optional :D
It's quite surprising the acme thing as a month ago it covered my back and shoulders. I have put on some BF but not a great deal. I went back an hour after posting those pics up and my abs were showing through again similar to my starting pics so it must've been the spag Bol lol.
My chest back and shoulders are the standouts of the cycle for sure! Legs have gone up 3/4 of an inch but I attribute the lack of gains there to my injuries on cycle. Between the facet joint and the knee I probably missed 1/3-1/2 of my cycle of going heavy on legs.
Being underdosed as it was and knowing Sus has a lot of ester weight I should have been running a bit more but you live and learn and I've learnt alot on this cycle.
Yeah bro I can't wait till our little comp. Time to see what the last few years of hard work has done for me! I have my three bottles of albuterol waiting for me...
Haha I think I might leave the oil and posing trunks out of our little comp this time around! Man no sh1t that posing business is tough! I'm going to need some practice because if you do it right it makes you look way bigger !


Well-known member
Final review


Abombs are the sh1t. No two ways about it. Strength shot up almost daily. For example I was struggling to get up 80s on flat DB press for 6 before and after a week I was pushing out 12 on 90s. I found I had to dose it at the right time around my workouts or I'd feel terrible. Once I found my sweet spot for timing and dosing it was all too easy from there on out. Will definitely be part of my next cycle. Rated. 8/10

Sustanon 300:

Well sustanon wasn't my first choice. But due to supply issues ( living out in the bush for work ) I had to settle on Sus. I honestly believe that my gear was underdosed and once I started researching the lab after commencing it's a common rumour that it is. I dont recommend sustanon. The "on" feeling was come and go, somedays I felt like god himself in the gym and the next it was a struggle to get motivation ( I don't struggle with motivation... Ever ). If I had to run Sus again I would run .7-.8 of a ml eod, i felt .5ml was not enough. All in all though it did yield some decent results, a lot more than naturally possible and I do think that due to the gradual increase they should be a lot easier to keep post cycle. I also dont recommend a first cycle running a compound that requires injecting eod. Felt like a focking pin cushion. Rated 5/10


Well-known member
Revised PCT plan.

Liquid Torem 90/60/60/30
Liquid aromasin 12.5 ED weeks 1-4
Erase pro 1/1/1/1
Cortifit 4pills am 4 pills pm ED weeks 1-4


It's quite surprising the acme thing as a month ago it covered my back and shoulders. I have put on some BF but not a great deal. I went back an hour after posting those pics up and my abs were showing through again similar to my starting pics so it must've been the spag Bol lol.
My chest back and shoulders are the standouts of the cycle for sure! Legs have gone up 3/4 of an inch but I attribute the lack of gains there to my injuries on cycle. Between the facet joint and the knee I probably missed 1/3-1/2 of my cycle of going heavy on legs.
Being underdosed as it was and knowing Sus has a lot of ester weight I should have been running a bit more but you live and learn and I've learnt alot on this cycle.
Yeah bro I can't wait till our little comp. Time to see what the last few years of hard work has done for me! I have my three bottles of albuterol waiting for me...
Haha I think I might leave the oil and posing trunks out of our little comp this time around! Man no sh1t that posing business is tough! I'm going to need some practice because if you do it right it makes you look way bigger !
i guess the a-bombs really did a number on your skin, thats something to remember if i go and use it instead of dbol for my kick start for my second & third cycle. yeah eating complex carbs will do that to your midsection man!

yeah i think the most noticable is your chest dude, something ive always wanted to develop, my shoulders just seem to dwarf my chest which sucks, i wanna have that arnold body haha!

I reckon next bulk cycle providing you dont injure yourself again your legs will blow up majourly! haha aah well atleast now youve got the right idea about what to take and what labs to check out :D

aaah this will be interesting, i can see the headlines now 'Luke VS Steve! The Shreddening Part I' haha sounds like some 80's steven seagal B grade action film! those albuterol bottles will go by so quickly, how long will you be slurping down those pink strawberry bad boys for?

hahaha suit yourself, i wont be in a man-kini but ill be doing everything else, i might even get serious and do the last 1-2 weeks of just fish n green veggies! yeah dude posing is pretty hard, always try and subtract and flex your abs and tense EVERYTHING! And if youre gonna have anything within 2 hours of taking the pics try and make it just simple sugars since thats been shown to make your veins stick out more.

ah cant believe its over now :( ah well atleast we get to see how torem goes for ur pct :)


Well-known member
i guess the a-bombs really did a number on your skin, thats something to remember if i go and use it instead of dbol for my kick start for my second & third cycle. yeah eating complex carbs will do that to your midsection man!

yeah i think the most noticable is your chest dude, something ive always wanted to develop, my shoulders just seem to dwarf my chest which sucks, i wanna have that arnold body haha!

I reckon next bulk cycle providing you dont injure yourself again your legs will blow up majourly! haha aah well atleast now youve got the right idea about what to take and what labs to check out :D

aaah this will be interesting, i can see the headlines now 'Luke VS Steve! The Shreddening Part I' haha sounds like some 80's steven seagal B grade action film! those albuterol bottles will go by so quickly, how long will you be slurping down those pink strawberry bad boys for?

hahaha suit yourself, i wont be in a man-kini but ill be doing everything else, i might even get serious and do the last 1-2 weeks of just fish n green veggies! yeah dude posing is pretty hard, always try and subtract and flex your abs and tense EVERYTHING! And if youre gonna have anything within 2 hours of taking the pics try and make it just simple sugars since thats been shown to make your veins stick out more.

ah cant believe its over now :( ah well atleast we get to see how torem goes for ur pct :)
Yeah man something definitely did. It was quite bad for quite awhile! I'll put up with it again tho lol.
My chest has definitely made some major improvements but my back has had the most strength improvements. I was doing BW chins for 8 prior to starting but bow I can do BW + 45 for 8.
Haha yeah I'll try not to injure myself next time... It was pretty sh1t. My legs don't really have a problem growing tho like my arms. My arms have always been a lagging point. Arms and calves.
Haha the difference between us ad a b grade Segal flick is out contest will actually be interesting lol. I've actually got four bottles so I've got enough to last me 80 days if I need it lol. By my calculations I need to lose 20lb ( 9kg ) of bf so I should be around my goal at around 8-10 weeks.
I'll keep that In mind bro I've never really tried posing before so every little tip helps. I'll probably put a bit more effort in with my finish photos of the shred. Won't be down to posing trunks tho as it would take me a week of shaving to get all the hair off me lol.
Looking forward to the torem actually, if it works half as well as I've heard I'll be happy! I'm hoping since I didnt really blow up on this cycle and the gains came quite slowly they should be easier to keep! Time will tell tho.


Yeah man something definitely did. It was quite bad for quite awhile! I'll put up with it again tho lol.
My chest has definitely made some major improvements but my back has had the most strength improvements. I was doing BW chins for 8 prior to starting but bow I can do BW + 45 for 8.
Haha yeah I'll try not to injure myself next time... It was pretty sh1t. My legs don't really have a problem growing tho like my arms. My arms have always been a lagging point. Arms and calves.
Haha the difference between us ad a b grade Segal flick is out contest will actually be interesting lol. I've actually got four bottles so I've got enough to last me 80 days if I need it lol. By my calculations I need to lose 20lb ( 9kg ) of bf so I should be around my goal at around 8-10 weeks.
I'll keep that In mind bro I've never really tried posing before so every little tip helps. I'll probably put a bit more effort in with my finish photos of the shred. Won't be down to posing trunks tho as it would take me a week of shaving to get all the hair off me lol.
Looking forward to the torem actually, if it works half as well as I've heard I'll be happy! I'm hoping since I didnt really blow up on this cycle and the gains came quite slowly they should be easier to keep! Time will tell tho.
Yeah acne is temporary and easily reversible, the only cosmetic side-effect im worried about is hair loss, ive got a big fking forehead, jeff winger style, and Nigel Thornberry nose so being bald would look **** on me hahaha!

Yeah your chest was the most noticeable but as always its the back and legs that really shoot up in strength gains, maaan id kill just to be able to do 5 normal chins right about now, ive always sucked at doing chins thanks to skinny long-ass michael phelps arms and a big lower body, in high school i got called the pyramid since i could leg press 250kg but struggled to curl 20kg with BOTH hands haha!

I think with your next cycle you should see the numbers on your leg workouts shoot through the roof! Everyone's got their weak points, mine's my chest and arms, but my shoulders, legs, particularly quads and glutes seem to love growing, but if you focus more on bringing up your lagging body-parts rather than emphasising your strong ones to compensate, you'll have that complete package in no time!

woah 8 weeks huh? im pretty sure you'll get rid of the 9kg in 3 weeks if your diet is really high in protein and low in carbs, my brother lost 15kg in 4 weeks doing 24mg ED and his diet was IF with 1g protein per lb of bodyweight and a calorie deficit's worth in carbs, his strength went up as well, albuterol is so freaking amazing man you'll love it.

Posing is all about using your skeleton to maximise your muscles and minimise your waist to get that 'larger than you really are' look; if you watch a few Olympia's youll see what i mean; noone rounds their shoulders, everyones sucking air into their chests making them seem really full etc. Lighting also plays a huge part as well man, id recommend doing the shots at your gym's bathroom mirror, they always make you look more ripped and it does help that youve just finished a workout so your muscles will be full of blood :)

Torem should be a blast man ive got some on standby for my cutting cycle, are you going to post your pct here or in another thread?


  • Established
Yeah acne is temporary and easily reversible, the only cosmetic side-effect im worried about is hair loss, ive got a big fking forehead, jeff winger style, and Nigel Thornberry nose so being bald would look **** on me hahaha!

Yeah your chest was the most noticeable but as always its the back and legs that really shoot up in strength gains, maaan id kill just to be able to do 5 normal chins right about now, ive always sucked at doing chins thanks to skinny long-ass michael phelps arms and a big lower body, in high school i got called the pyramid since i could leg press 250kg but struggled to curl 20kg with BOTH hands haha!

I think with your next cycle you should see the numbers on your leg workouts shoot through the roof! Everyone's got their weak points, mine's my chest and arms, but my shoulders, legs, particularly quads and glutes seem to love growing, but if you focus more on bringing up your lagging body-parts rather than emphasising your strong ones to compensate, you'll have that complete package in no time!

woah 8 weeks huh? im pretty sure you'll get rid of the 9kg in 3 weeks if your diet is really high in protein and low in carbs, my brother lost 15kg in 4 weeks doing 24mg ED and his diet was IF with 1g protein per lb of bodyweight and a calorie deficit's worth in carbs, his strength went up as well, albuterol is so freaking amazing man you'll love it.

Posing is all about using your skeleton to maximise your muscles and minimise your waist to get that 'larger than you really are' look; if you watch a few Olympia's youll see what i mean; noone rounds their shoulders, everyones sucking air into their chests making them seem really full etc. Lighting also plays a huge part as well man, id recommend doing the shots at your gym's bathroom mirror, they always make you look more ripped and it does help that youve just finished a workout so your muscles will be full of blood :)

Torem should be a blast man ive got some on standby for my cutting cycle, are you going to post your pct here or in another thread?
Damn brother u have my story!!

U used to strugle with chins too. About 2 years ago in 2010 i couldnt get even one chinup. Now i can do a set of 10.

And yeah i can legpress 250kgs or so and have to struggle with 20kg of barbell curls!!


Well-known member
Yeah acne is temporary and easily reversible, the only cosmetic side-effect im worried about is hair loss, ive got a big fking forehead, jeff winger style, and Nigel Thornberry nose so being bald would look **** on me hahaha!

Yeah your chest was the most noticeable but as always its the back and legs that really shoot up in strength gains, maaan id kill just to be able to do 5 normal chins right about now, ive always sucked at doing chins thanks to skinny long-ass michael phelps arms and a big lower body, in high school i got called the pyramid since i could leg press 250kg but struggled to curl 20kg with BOTH hands haha!

I think with your next cycle you should see the numbers on your leg workouts shoot through the roof! Everyone's got their weak points, mine's my chest and arms, but my shoulders, legs, particularly quads and glutes seem to love growing, but if you focus more on bringing up your lagging body-parts rather than emphasising your strong ones to compensate, you'll have that complete package in no time!

woah 8 weeks huh? im pretty sure you'll get rid of the 9kg in 3 weeks if your diet is really high in protein and low in carbs, my brother lost 15kg in 4 weeks doing 24mg ED and his diet was IF with 1g protein per lb of bodyweight and a calorie deficit's worth in carbs, his strength went up as well, albuterol is so freaking amazing man you'll love it.

Posing is all about using your skeleton to maximise your muscles and minimise your waist to get that 'larger than you really are' look; if you watch a few Olympia's youll see what i mean; noone rounds their shoulders, everyones sucking air into their chests making them seem really full etc. Lighting also plays a huge part as well man, id recommend doing the shots at your gym's bathroom mirror, they always make you look more ripped and it does help that youve just finished a workout so your muscles will be full of blood :)

Torem should be a blast man ive got some on standby for my cutting cycle, are you going to post your pct here or in another thread?
Haha that's funny bro. Unfortunately for me tho I started losing my hair at the age of 18 so I'm going to end up bald eventually. Thanks dad lol

I've never had a problem doing chins but I've had similar problems my whole life. My body was made for distance running not lifting :(

Next cycle I'm going to have to incorporate single leg movements due to this injury with me knee. My body has broken down a lot of my quad muscle around my knee an there's a big hollow between my knee and my quad. So instead of getting mass on them i will be focussing on the muscle imbalances. Which sucks but I will be focussing on bringing up my lagging bodyparts. Overall I'm happy with the strength of my chest, back shoulders and quads just not with the size. I'm sure tren will sort me out whatever I decide to do lol.

I'm hoping the albuterol strips me down. I think I'll be aiming for a kg per week. Slow progress is what will maintain the most LBM. I'll be very happy with a kg per week. What's your plan of attack for our comp? Carb cycling? Keto? Leangains??

Haha my gym is so sh1t the locker room doesn't have lights in it. But what I did do is buy a band so that whenever I take photos I just do a quick band workout and that gives me a mega pump. I'm thinking the lights in my bathroom are pretty decent for pics but I just haven't managed to use it to my advantage.

I'm in the middle of a week off at the moment. I have only worked out once since I started pct so that's why nothings been updated. It's day 6 atm and so far so good. I have dropped 2kg so far so I'm thinking I should settle around the 88kg (194lb) mark. The one workout I did yesterday was a full body split and managed to keep my weight and reps the same as they were on cycle.


Haha that's funny bro. Unfortunately for me tho I started losing my hair at the age of 18 so I'm going to end up bald eventually. Thanks dad lol

I've never had a problem doing chins but I've had similar problems my whole life. My body was made for distance running not lifting :(

Next cycle I'm going to have to incorporate single leg movements due to this injury with me knee. My body has broken down a lot of my quad muscle around my knee an there's a big hollow between my knee and my quad. So instead of getting mass on them i will be focussing on the muscle imbalances. Which sucks but I will be focussing on bringing up my lagging bodyparts. Overall I'm happy with the strength of my chest, back shoulders and quads just not with the size. I'm sure tren will sort me out whatever I decide to do lol.

I'm hoping the albuterol strips me down. I think I'll be aiming for a kg per week. Slow progress is what will maintain the most LBM. I'll be very happy with a kg per week. What's your plan of attack for our comp? Carb cycling? Keto? Leangains??

Haha my gym is so sh1t the locker room doesn't have lights in it. But what I did do is buy a band so that whenever I take photos I just do a quick band workout and that gives me a mega pump. I'm thinking the lights in my bathroom are pretty decent for pics but I just haven't managed to use it to my advantage.

I'm in the middle of a week off at the moment. I have only worked out once since I started pct so that's why nothings been updated. It's day 6 atm and so far so good. I have dropped 2kg so far so I'm thinking I should settle around the 88kg (194lb) mark. The one workout I did yesterday was a full body split and managed to keep my weight and reps the same as they were on cycle.
haha yeah all the males in my dad's family get that widows peak look round 23, 24 so im over-due, if i start losing it on cycle, i might try that lazer crap during pct :p

Yeah ive always enjoyed doing distance running during high school, i find it much more easy to do 12km than pick up a heavy piece of metal, put it down, and repeat, BUT im not going to look like the rock and get that supermodel gf by just doing cardio, so i guess i gotta suffer through the initial embarrassment of being outlifted by a 12 year old for a while hahaha

that sucks about your knee man, but all you can do is adapt and overcome, im sure after a few cycles and nothing goes wrong your legs will be one of your strongest body-parts!

Yeah the albuterol will do its job perfectly for you, i was thinking of doing Keto whilst on the Epistane for the first 6 weeks, and then switching to leangains/IF with a high protein low carb modification for the last 6 whilst on albuterol, what do you think? i havent put that much research in dieting on albuterol but from what ive seen it ramps up your protein synthesis so my uneducated guess would be to include more than an average amount of protein in my diet

aah yeah i keep forgetting you have a terrible gym! no local fitness firsts or goodlife's around where you are?

nice man, its always good to take some time off, especially if youre injured and have been training pretty heavily for a while, gives your body a chance to recuperate and get ready for another thrashing!


Well-known member
Sorry bout the lack of updates fellas pct hadn't been going too well. Took a week off as I think I needed one and the night before my first day back I managed to get the flu..... Still managed to get into the gym Wednesday and thursday but I struggled. Alot. Been dosing 90mg liquid torem and 12.5 liquid exemstane. Not having any problems with libido. Weight is sitting around 198 (90kg). Eating around the 2700 3000 kcals every day. Will update more when I can.


Sorry bout the lack of updates fellas pct hadn't been going too well. Took a week off as I think I needed one and the night before my first day back I managed to get the flu..... Still managed to get into the gym Wednesday and thursday but I struggled. Alot. Been dosing 90mg liquid torem and 12.5 liquid exemstane. Not having any problems with libido. Weight is sitting around 198 (90kg). Eating around the 2700 3000 kcals every day. Will update more when I can.
thats no good man, atleast you didnt get sick whilst on cycle like so many other people do! Just make sure you keep up with your pct chems man, last thing you want is to screw with your T & E levels when this is the most important time to get everything back to normal, hope your mrs gets you lots of chicken soup, shame about your gym progress whilst sick, but it cant be helped, get well soon!


Well-known member
haha yeah all the males in my dad's family get that widows peak look round 23, 24 so im over-due, if i start losing it on cycle, i might try that lazer crap during pct :p

Yeah ive always enjoyed doing distance running during high school, i find it much more easy to do 12km than pick up a heavy piece of metal, put it down, and repeat, BUT im not going to look like the rock and get that supermodel gf by just doing cardio, so i guess i gotta suffer through the initial embarrassment of being outlifted by a 12 year old for a while hahaha

that sucks about your knee man, but all you can do is adapt and overcome, im sure after a few cycles and nothing goes wrong your legs will be one of your strongest body-parts!

Yeah the albuterol will do its job perfectly for you, i was thinking of doing Keto whilst on the Epistane for the first 6 weeks, and then switching to leangains/IF with a high protein low carb modification for the last 6 whilst on albuterol, what do you think? i havent put that much research in dieting on albuterol but from what ive seen it ramps up your protein synthesis so my uneducated guess would be to include more than an average amount of protein in my diet

aah yeah i keep forgetting you have a terrible gym! no local fitness firsts or goodlife's around where you are?

nice man, its always good to take some time off, especially if youre injured and have been training pretty heavily for a while, gives your body a chance to recuperate and get ready for another thrashing!
Yeah man that laser stuff works wonders apparently if you go to the right place.

Haha yeah but a 12 year old girl doesn't have muscle memory so I'm sure she won't outlift you for long :p

My legs will sort themselves out I'm sure but it might take awhile there's a pretty big difference at the moment.

If I was you bro I'd just stick with the one diet. Only switch it up if you plateau. I'll be doing more research about it for sure as actually haven't looked at it much so I'm not sure how I'll structure my diet yet.

Haha theres only the one gym in the whole town. It sucks man. No variety at all and 30 year old gym equipment. I move into Mackay soon half the time so that will be good there's a few snap fitnesses in there!

Today's the first day I've actually been feeling fairly ok but I was playing with my dog and he bowled me over and now my wrist is focking sore. Must've landed on it wrong. just my focking luck!


Well-known member
thats no good man, atleast you didnt get sick whilst on cycle like so many other people do! Just make sure you keep up with your pct chems man, last thing you want is to screw with your T & E levels when this is the most important time to get everything back to normal, hope your mrs gets you lots of chicken soup, shame about your gym progress whilst sick, but it cant be helped, get well soon!
Cheers bro but I think I would have preferred to get sick while ON lol. Low test levels and a cold suck. Still dosing my recovery chems and I've still been in the gym although strength has been down a bit due to lacking energy but my first few lifts on each muscle group has remained the same as they were on cycle so I'm sure I haven't lost much muscle. I weighed in today at 196 (89kg). I havent received any special treatment actually lol. Had to make my own chicken soup... First and last time I'll try that lol yuck.


Well-known member
Today was the two week mark of my pct. Still dosing 60mg liquid torem, 12.5mg liquid aromasin, 1 erase pro and four cortifit. My nuts are really sore and tender to touch. Feels exactly what it felt like when they were shrinking so I'm going to hazard a guess and say I think the testicular atrophy is being reversed. I'm on my changeover today so I killed my back. Deadlifted 405lb (182.5kg) for two so that's a PR by a rep but I'd also done five sets prior to this three at 310 (140kg) and two at 350lb (160kg). Normally I train reverse pyramid style so I'm thinking I would have been able to smash out 6 or so if I had done this today. Will try next week. I Aldo did chins, lat pulldowns, tbar rows and bent over rows. Was focked by the time I left.
I haven't lost much strength maybe a rep or two here and there but I'm happy thus far.
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