Support sups to combat progestin/prolactin on a phera/dmz/max lmg/ test e run?


New member
Any recommendations? Haven’t ran any PHs in years but came across this stack and nostalgia hit me. Typically only run test with the occasional dbol thrown in these days.


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How many are you taking? 2ed? At that dose The max lmg might not be a problem. Didn't hit me until 100mgs I think. Never had any problems with phera and Dmz shouldn't be a problem. I always keep prami on hand in case or you could keep caber. More then likely though some p5p is plenty.
That product is from the last source I’ve seen selling these things. DO NOT mention the name or link it here. Without fail, these shops close up very shortly when promoted !
How many are you taking? 2ed? At that dose The max lmg might not be a problem. Didn't hit me until 100mgs I think. Never had any problems with phera and Dmz shouldn't be a problem. I always keep prami on hand in case or you could keep caber. More then likely though some p5p is plenty.
2 caps a day max. I honestly wish I could find some legit stand alone phera.
If its legit its a pretty toxic grab bag, id use 1-2 caps for 4-6 weeks if i was trying to use it as part of a growth phase, id do it at the end of the cycle tho when you need more gear vs the begining when you dont need much. or 3-4 caps but only for like 2 weeks to peak for a strength comp, 4 caps would be a bit extream but for such a short time i wouldnt be worried.

I love phera and dmz. Already saw a few people mentioned it and I agree. I wish I could find phera stand alone. Few places this year put out phera and everyone said its fake. Id rank phera up there with anadrol and sd