So currently taking Ursa Major, PA-XT, Arimahex, and test fix. I have had mild gyno for over 10 years unfortunately for messing with pro hormones . I haven’t touched anything hormonal in over 8 years and my gyno has stayed about the same . Unfortunately, recently, I have been on this stack for about 2-3 weeks and it has flared up really bad . Puffiness, itching, painful to touch . When I get sweaty or hot it’s really noticeable probably worse than it has ever been . Anyone know what might have caused this ? I love both companies just wondering what might be the problem? I am taking 4 caps of test fix, 1 ML of arimahex, 2ML of Ursa ( stopped it today run out ). 4 caps of PA . Any advice would be much appreciated! You guys are the best thank you so much !