Super LGD (4033) / Ligandrol



Hey guys,

I picked up two bottles of Super LGD by Primeval Labs recently (90 caps at 5mg each). I am looking for some suggestions/tips for my cycle.

I am planning on running at least 8 weeks. Something like,
5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5

Possibly kicking it to 15mg depending on how it's going. (I do like pyramiding up and back down in dose so I'll probably do that regardless)

I am 26, sitting around 222lbs at the moment. I have used several PH's to include halodrol, Epi, DMZ and superdrol.

Like many other people, I'm sure... I have more or less abandoned PH's (big in part to availability, etc).

I want to get the most out of my LGD cycle, ideally after a few months. I would like to be sitting about 10lbs heavier once I'm done. Ideally I don't want to lose all of it once I'm done (ie water weight, etc. As experienced with some phs)

Moving on... for those of you with more than experience with SARMS, maybe even LGD. Feel free to share tips and suggestions to help me enhance my cycle. I have used Osta before and that's where my SARM use starts and ends until now.

(I do plan on using a pct just to be safe)

Thanks ahead of time for your input guys!!


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I'd hit it like this: *You will have 5 caps left but I may add those into week 8 days 3 to 7.

On Cycle Support, and you'll need a SERM for sure in PCT.


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Another SERM for pct? Or are you thinking something like MK?
I'd hit it like this: *You will have 5 caps left but I may add those into week 8 days 3 to 7.

I edited my numbers a little.

Another? Clomid in PCT. I'd consider a low dose 25/25/15/12.5/12.5
You could run MK from the beginning if you wanted to and all the way through PCT and beyond.

I neglected, you're going to need a test base... of some kind.


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For me at 12mg stacked with 1andro/epiandro great strength gains great size gains as well! Helped me add a lot of strength on my lifts too especially bench and squat.

Used it on my first cycle with dhea during a cut and that was good too.

I would add epiandro and dhea should help with lethargy you may get from lgd especially in higher dosages.


For me at 12mg stacked with 1andro/epiandro great strength gains great size gains as well! Helped me add a lot of strength on my lifts too especially bench and squat.

Used it on my first cycle with dhea during a cut and that was good too.

I would add epiandro and dhea should help with lethargy you may get from lgd especially in higher dosages.
How was your strength after you came off? And how about your gains? Were you able to maintain ?


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How was your strength after you came off? And how about your gains? Were you able to maintain ?
I actually bridged it into the radarine at the end was stupid in hind sight but Im pleased with the results lol. Believe it or not I actually pushed my strength to a higher degree in pct. I worked up to a high amount of volume at about 60-80% on cycle. During pct I was taking follidrone super pct clomid and raloxifene. I say follidrone first because it had to have really helped me I increased my squat max 35lbs in pct.


I actually bridged it into the radarine at the end was stupid in hind sight but Im pleased with the results lol. Believe it or not I actually pushed my strength to a higher degree in pct. I worked up to a high amount of volume at about 60-80% on cycle. During pct I was taking follidrone super pct clomid and raloxifene. I say follidrone first because it had to have really helped me I increased my squat max 35lbs in pct.
Sounds awesome! I have heard good things about lgd so I thought I would give it a go. I have read a lot about people stacking it too so I was curious if I should consider doing the same.


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Sounds awesome! I have heard good things about lgd so I thought I would give it a go. I have read a lot about people stacking it too so I was curious if I should consider doing the same.

Yeah it was def good for me! Make sure you take a serm and something otc for pct. Any other support you can afford for cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.


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I actually bridged it into the radarine at the end was stupid in hind sight but Im pleased with the results lol. Believe it or not I actually pushed my strength to a higher degree in pct. I worked up to a high amount of volume at about 60-80% on cycle. During pct I was taking follidrone super pct clomid and raloxifene. I say follidrone first because it had to have really helped me I increased my squat max 35lbs in pct.
I want I hear more about your RAD-140 experience?

Not much feedback on that one. I tried to start it a few times but failed after day one due to lethargy. The very few other reviews I have seen...people have also mentioned extreme lethargy.


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I want I hear more about your RAD-140 experience?

Not much feedback on that one. I tried to start it a few times but failed after day one due to lethargy. The very few other reviews I have seen...people have also mentioned extreme lethargy.
Yeah I decided to run itry at the end of the cycle I was speaking about 1andro/epiandro/lgd. Anyways it was about 2 weeks a little more I forget bc it was horrible my gf tossed my bottle out man!!

Anyways once It kicked in and I did quickly for sure but I upped it to 16mgs my bench and squats especially I just felt really powerful out of the hole on both it really was noticeably different from everything else I've taken which Isn't a huge amount for what it's worth

Didn't really experience any noticeable lethargy but tbh I was already shot and it was a long cycle at the end so it's hard to say as far as sides


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Yeah I decided to run itry at the end of the cycle I was speaking about 1andro/epiandro/lgd. Anyways it was about 2 weeks a little more I forget bc it was horrible my gf tossed my bottle out man!!

Anyways once It kicked in and I did quickly for sure but I upped it to 16mgs my bench and squats especially I just felt really powerful out of the hole on both it really was noticeably different from everything else I've taken which Isn't a huge amount for what it's worth

Didn't really experience any noticeable lethargy but tbh I was already shot and it was a long cycle at the end so it's hard to say as far as sides
Haha...that must have sucked when she tossed it out but it was probably a blessing at that stage in the game. RAD certainly is powerful..I could not even tolerate 7.5mg for one day!

Well, back to LGD I guess. Sorry about the de-rail...


Haha...that must have sucked when she tossed it out but it was probably a blessing at that stage in the game. RAD certainly is powerful..I could not even tolerate 7.5mg for one day!

Well, back to LGD I guess. Sorry about the de-rail...
I was curious about Rad as well. No worries!

Any idea if Rad and LGD use the same pathway? The do, right? I've read a few threads where they have been stacked.


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I was curious about Rad as well. No worries!

Any idea if Rad and LGD use the same pathway? The do, right? I've read a few threads where they have been stacked.
Yeah, same basic approach as OSTA, and LGD. RAD is supposed to be a no bloat cutting version of LGD...with all the strength benefits. Maybe I will be able to discover for myself someday:veryhappy:


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I'd hit it like this: *You will have 5 caps left but I may add those into week 8 days 3 to 7.

I edited my numbers a little.

Another? Clomid in PCT. I'd consider a low dose 25/25/15/12.5/12.5
You could run MK from the beginning if you wanted to and all the way through PCT and beyond.

I neglected, you're going to need a test base... of some kind.
This, with some sort of DHEA, up ur training volume and really start pushing yourself around wk5 or 6. I was able toq handle a ton of volume but i feel i could have pushed a little harder at the end.


This, with some sort of DHEA, up ur training volume and really start pushing yourself around wk5 or 6. I was able toq handle a ton of volume but i feel i could have pushed a little harder at the end.
That was my next question. Would some sort of test base be best to go with?

Epiandro had been suggested earlier. I am not real familiar with it other than what I had read about it. Something like that?


Also, what are your guys' thoughts on the 8 week cycle length?

Longer?? Or is 8 good??


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That was my next question. Would some sort of test base be best to go with?

Epiandro had been suggested earlier. I am not real familiar with it other than what I had read about it. Something like that?
I just used OL Super DHEA at half dose and it worked really well.

Regarding cycle length, 10-12wks is ideal for LGD. 12 wks because this fits nicely with a training program based on 4wk mesocycles.


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Also, what are your guys' thoughts on the 8 week cycle length?

Longer?? Or is 8 good??
I read somewhere that after 12 weeks it starts being less effective. I am 3 weeks into my planned 12 week run of LGD. The partitioning effects are pretty apparent lately. Best of luck on your run!

Regarding cycle length, 10-12wks is ideal for LGD. 12 wks because this fits nicely with a training program based on 4wk mesocycles.


I read somewhere that after 12 weeks it starts being less effective. I am 3 weeks into my planned 12 week run of LGD. The partitioning effects are pretty apparent lately. Best of luck on your run!

Nice!!! Best of luck on the rest of your cycle!

I figured out later he must've meant SERM instead of SARM lol. Made more sense!

And partitioning effect, eh??? Nice! I have used SNS Glycophase and liked the effect when timed just before a workout. I am excited for my run. I have a few more items to pick up


Hey guys, I thought about creating a new thread but figured I'd give this one a bump.

I am gearing up to start my LGD cycle and recently bought some Cardarine (GW 501516).

I am toying with the idea of running it with the LGD.



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