Sup3r-4,19,EPI dosage times


New member
Do I need to spread out my dose of Sup3r-Epi, Sup3r-4, Sup3r-19, and Ar1macare throughout the day or can I take it all at once (3 caps each). Also should I take with food for better absorption?
Do I need to spread out my dose of Sup3r-Epi, Sup3r-4, Sup3r-19, and Ar1macare throughout the day or can I take it all at once (3 caps each). Also should I take with food for better absorption?

Yes you need to spread the dose (every 6 hours is good) and take it with meals is better.
I would split just to keep levels as constant as possible. That's the best way to take advantage of the relatively short half-lives.