Sore elbows... Remedies


For the last few weeks I've been dealing with sore elbows... Left one in particular is inflamed and feels like it's on fire when stretching or doing a specific movement, however I just push through and fight it off.

I know rest is the best thing for sore elbows, but like many of you here... Just can't see me doing that.

So I stretch it often, which helps a little.

Any other magical tips anyone can offer??
Joint Support XT + Cissus XT works very well very quickly. The combo is amazing but if you have a budget, Joint Support XT on its own will be fine.

If its persistent and wont fix despite trying everything, you could always do 15mg of MK677 for 2 weeks...fixed my shoulder which I've been having problems with all year. I dosed it 5 days on 2 days off, and took Berberine with carby meals.

I was still taking Joint Support XT with the MK677 and still take Joint Support XT every day now, even when injury free
1. Extensor work with bands helps a ton, just have to stay consistent, I use those alpha gripz little bands.
2. Hang from pull-up bar.
3. Loop a heavier band to a rack, put wrist through other end and grab with hand, use band to stretch out arm, can do rotations while in pulled position as well.

I use these 3 religiously and avoid much pain I previously encountered. Hope this helps!
i deal with internal elbow pain ( golfers elbow) when i increase my weekly climbing load / do a bunch of hard climbing

the fix is multifold but i found that a mixture of rest, supplementation, and specificly targeted workouts.

+1 on the MK-677
joint support / temporary bumping up omega-3s

light foam rolling and massage of forearms
hanging from pull up bar


hammer circuit:
using a regular hammer. arm can be straight out or propped on a table. hold the hammer at the base and slowly rotate your wrist internally/ externally - work up to set of 60 seconds on each arm
then in the same position rotate the wrist forward and backwards - so the hammers path is towards you and away from you - work up to sets of 45 seconds each arm

ill do super sets of the hammer workout, hangs and foam rolling while watching a tv show

additionally- forearm strengthening exercises like seated wrist curls are great for a weighted stretch
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First, stop literally pushing through pain. There might be certain situations where you will work through some discomfort, but just ignoring things won’t help.

Next, complete rest is pretty much never advisable. Decreasing intensity, volume, and current workload doesn’t mean removing all stimulus. This can depend on the exact situation, but complete rest for tendinopathy isn’t really advisable. Tendons, like muscles, respond to stress and adapt, so when in pain it means we need to adjust this dose to determine the proper amount, again not completely remove it.

A specific fix may be tough to narrow down in a brief online post since the cause may be due to a variety of factors like not enough exercise variety, overuse, drastic change, etc. and each may need different approaches or fixes.

Again every situation is unique, but stretching isn’t generally helpful in these situations. It’s generally a workload issue.

It will take a bit of work, but finding the right starting point is key. Changes to exercise technique, movement choices, tempo, load and overall volume may be needed until you find a start that doesn’t increase (ideally begins to help) issues and slowly working your way back up over time slowly. It’s important to also keep in mind that things rarely work in a perfect linear improvement fashion, but with the right approach and not rushing things can be improved effectively.

Again hard for specifics without tons more info, so I’ll probably cut myself off here for now. Good luck.
SNS Pea Relief may help w inflammation.
I did exactly what you did w right elbow. “Pushed through the pain”. End result was torn right tricep. Visible arthritis in joint on x-ray. This is the one time to NOT be a meathead and listen to your body. It’s telling you something.
Your most likely not engaging your back / lower trap and lats (especially on the left side) and your shoulder (and elbow) is taking the brunt of a load it is not designed to deal with. Without identifying what is causing the problem (which is most likely form and movement), it will just get worse. imo, it does not sound like supplements can help you with this.
Rest. Ice. Heat…Voltaren…cissus etc.

Last time mine was so awful even getting under the squat bar agitated it.

I did cardio/walking and machine leg training, as even loading plates on leg press sucked.

…Time off is never fun. But never getting back to is worse….Keeping a routine of what I did, for example…definitely aids the mental health…
Rest. Ice. Heat…Voltaren…cissus etc.

Last time mine was so awful even getting under the squat bar agitated it.

I did cardio/walking and machine leg training, as even loading plates on leg press sucked.

…Time off is never fun. But never getting back to is worse….Keeping a routine of what I did, for example…definitely aids the mental health…

↑ Dat right dair. ↑
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