SNS question


New member
May 5, 2016
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I have a question about 2 SNS products. Which one is better for calming nervousness & worry-
KannaEase or Stress & Anxiety support? Thanks!
I would try both and see how they treat you. Individual response varies. They can be stacked as well. That said, based on what I've seen people report, I'd say S&A support.
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I've done them both... they both work pretty good as far as calming. I think I agree w S&A as far as which one has more of an effect.

Really bad days I stack:
S&A, KannaEase, & GABA.

Really really bad days, I'll add a half a scoop of Somatomax from Hi-Tech.
You can stack the 2 .. works pretty awesome.

But just for that purpose if i had to pick one . i would pick Stress & Anxiety .. Sensoril & Theanine works really well for me.