SNS Polygala XT - Memory, Learning, Positive Mood, Healthy Aging, & More!



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Memory, Learning, Positive Mood, & More
Nootropic, Longevity, & Healthy Aging


100 mg. Polygala per capsule
180 veg caps per bottle

Polygala tenuifolia is commonly used for a wide variety of nootropic benefits and common user feedback includes what many users describe as a unique mentally stimulating yet calming sensation.

Polygala is unique in that it helps to improve cognitive function by helping to optimize neurotransmitter levels while also increasing neuroplasticity. These combined benefits help promote improved focus, motivation, memory, and more.

Polygala XT Highlights/Supports:
  • Memory
  • Positive Mood
  • Focus & Motivation
  • Enhanced Neuroplasticity
  • Improved Cognitive Function
  • Improved Sense of Well-Being
  • Improved Learning & Executive Function
  • Relaxation & Improved Response to Stress
  • Restful & Restorative Sleep
  • Increases in BDNF and NGF Levels
  • Skin, Respiratory, & Immune Health Support
  • Nootropic, Longevity, & Healthy Aging Support
Calm, Alert, & Focused – the Polygala XT Experience
The ‘Feel’ of Polygala XT:
Common user feedback on Polygala includes users experiencing a stimulating yet calming sensation.

It is very unique to experience both of those benefits from one ingredient because this would normally be achieved by combining more than one ingredient or supplement, yet Polygala does it all on its own for many people.

To make things even more interesting is that even though it is stimulating for some people, Polygala may also support improved sleep quality, as many people say that the calming effects seem to outlast the stimulating effects which makes it good for those looking for mental stimulation and mood support.

Experiential feedback from users reports that the calming yet stimulating effects of Polygala supports improvements in focus and cognition without some of the negative drawbacks that some people experience when taking high amounts of caffeine or other stimulants.

What is Polygala tenuifolia?
Polygala tenuifolia is commonly used for a variety of nootropic, longevity, and healthy aging benefits such as supporting improved memory, positive mood, improved learning, and much more.

Polygala tenuifolia, also known as Yuan Zhi, has a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is one of the 50 fundamental herbs of TCM and is one of the most commonly used herbs in TCM to support cognitive health, to combat forgetfulness, and to support cognitive performance during aging.

Polygala is a nootropic, adaptogen, and antioxidant and produces powerful compounds within its root system including tenuigenin, tenuifolin, yuanzhi-1, tenuifolisides, and tenuifolioses.

What Makes Polygala So Unique and Special?
Polygala is widely used for its nootropic, neuroprotective, and healthy aging properties and is commonly used to support improved memory, positive mood, improved learning, and much more.

It is considered by many to be one of the most powerful and noticeable herbal extracts in the sense that it works for almost everyone who tries it.

Most plant extracts usually have one or two primary effects. Polygala is different because it has such a wide range of potential benefits, making it a very unique and versatile ingredient.

What does 20:1 Extract mean?
SNS Polygala XT contains a potent 20:1 Polygala tenuifolia root extract. This means that 20 parts of the root are used to create 1 part of the extract. This concentrates the active compounds so less of the herb is needed. Basically, a lot more potency at a lower dose and less capsules per day.

Let’s Examine the Potential Benefits:
Polygala has a wide variety of cognitive and other potential benefits.

Many of these benefits may overlap one another or fall into more than one category below, so there may be parts of this next section where certain benefits are listed in more than one place in an effort to be thorough and make it easier to read and understand.

Neuroplasticity, BDNF, and NGF
In the world of natural nootropics, supporting greater neuroplasticity is a highly sought after benefit.

Enhancing neuroplasticity can help improve cognitive health, memory, and promote a positive mood.

Studies have found that Polygala Tenuifolia may help support neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is the process by which our brains can adapt, grow, and change, which is a critical process for various cognitive functions since they are dependent on sufficient levels of neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is the foundation of memory and memories, as our memory and memories are believed to be stored by neuron connections that are physically changing. These changes are dependent on neuroplasticity.

Two of the largest regulators for neuroplasticity are brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF). Research has shown that by increasing either one of these, neuroplasticity can be significantly increased.

Many researchers believe that Polygala elevates both BDNF and NGF levels, and by doing so may help to promote overall brain health and support cognitive function.

A Calmer, More Balanced, & Positive Mood
Polygala may help support a calmer, more balanced, and positive mood.

Polygala supports positive mood and improved sense of well-being through its role in enhancing levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

Also, by supporting increased neuroplasticity, Polygala may have long-term mood promoting benefits.

Neuroplasticity is a very important regulator of mood. Negative and poor mood has been linked to atrophy in the hippocampus and it has been shown that neuroplasticity enhancers may help reverse hippocampal atrophy, and in doing so may help promote positive mood.

Polygala may also help increase levels of key neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine via its Yuanzhi-1 content, which is a unique triterpenoid saponin that inhibits the reuptake of these monoamine neurotransmitters. These three neurotransmitters each play an important role in maintaining a positive mood and are highly involved in focus and motivation.

Focus & Motivation
Polygala may help promote mental focus and motivation.

Staying focused and motivated can be a big challenge in today’s world, especially with all of the stressors and distractions that we face in day to day life.

For those of us who need to be able to focus better – whether it be for studying, at work, in the gym, or in other aspects of day to day life – Polygala may help gently push serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels in the right direction to help support enhanced levels of focus, motivation, & have an energizing effect that most people describe as a non-stimulating, feel good type of mental energy.

A very unique aspect of Polygala is that it can be both calming and stimulating, which is just what a lot of people need to help them feel less stressed while having a calm, clear, motivated type of feeling.

Polygala tenuifolia has been shown to support memory in both human and animal studies.

In a clinical trial on 48 healthy individuals, Polygala Tenuifolia root extract improved spatial and verbal memory. Those who received it also made less errors and scored better on a test measuring working memory.

In studies on mice, Polygala tenuifolia extract improved both spatial and non-spatial memory in aged mice. It also improved short term memory in mice with drug-induced memory impairment.

Polygala is thought to support memory by:
  • Supporting an increase in neuroplasticity.
  • Increasing BDNF and NGF levels in the brain.
  • Inhibiting the acetylcholinesterase enzyme, which reduces the breakdown of acetylcholine.
  • Promoting the growth of new neurons in the hippocampus (important for the formation of new memories).
More research and clinical studies on larger populations are needed to confirm these preliminary findings, but the initial research indicates very exciting potential benefits.

Cognitive Health & Neuroprotective Benefits
Polygala has some very interesting and exciting potential benefits for supporting improved cognitive health by helping optimize neurotransmitter levels while also increasing neuroplasticity.

Research suggests that Polygala may have neuroprotective properties and support repair processes and molecules, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF).

Research has also shown that Polygala has adaptogen-like properties and may help to promote healthy stress levels while simultaneously supporting optimal cognitive function.

In one clinical trial on 53 elderly subjects, Polygala tenuifolia extract was shown to enhance cognitive function.

Polygala, by helping to optimize neurotransmitter levels, enhancing neuroplasticity, and balancing neuronal oxidation and inflammation, may help protect the brain from various stressors. This makes it a great choice for overall brain health, especially when considering long term supplementation.

Spatial Awareness & Organization
The first question that most people will have is what does this mean?

Organization, or the ability to be organized, is something that most people will know what it means, and that most of us can use all the help with that we can get.

Spatial awareness, simply put, is your ability to understand your body’s position in relation to your surroundings. It can have an impact on everything from picking up a book, how you perform in various sports, to influencing how you react to and navigate in social settings.

Spatial awareness allows us to be conscious of the things in our environment, as well as our position relative to them. It is important in our day to day life in a lot of ways that we may not realize.

A couple of examples of spatial awareness:
  • Location – spatial awareness gives context to the location of objects.
  • Movement – spatial awareness helps you know how people and objects move through the environment and can help you navigate your surroundings.
  • Social Situations – spatial awareness can affect social functions like the proper maintenance of personal space.
  • Reading & Writing – spatial awareness and understanding is important for understanding sentence structure and grammar.
  • Math – spatial awareness can be important for understanding some mathematical concepts, such as geometry and arranging numbers.
Physical activity and sports, especially contact sports, involve spatial awareness.

Human trials suggest that Polygala tenuifolia may help promote both spatial awareness and organization.

Improved Sleep Quality
Anecdotal feedback on Polygala tenuifolia is that it helps improve sleep quality.

Polygala is described as being mentally stimulating yet calming, and many people report that the calming effects significantly outlast the stimulating effects.

It has been shown that one of the active constituents in Polygala tenuifolia root, tenuifolin, may help improve sleep quality and is also believed to be responsible for a lot of the calming effects associated with Polygala tenuifolia. The effects of tenuifolin appear to be long lasting, which helps explain why many users find the calming effects of Polygala to be long lasting.

A significant note about improved sleep quality is that various studies have shown that poor sleep quality and sleep deprivation can greatly decrease focus and alertness so it’s possible that by helping improve sleep quality, that may help enhance Polygala’s mental alertness and focus benefits.

Polygala tenuifolia and its constituents have been shown to reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and the master regulator of inflammation NF-kB in white blood cells.

Dermatitis (Eczema)
Dermatitis, also known as eczema, and stress create a vicious cycle as stress exacerbates dermatitis and dermatitis can elicit more stress and anxiety.

Polygala has been shown to reduce stress reduced dermatitis in animal studies. More research is needed in humans before a definitive conclusion can be made, but animal studies have shown remarkable improvements thus far.

How to take Polygala XT:
The research on Polygala tenuifolia indicates the effective dose to be 100 mg. three times per day.

Each capsule of Polygala XT contains 100 mg. per capsule.

Sublingual Use:
Some people may prefer to take Polygala Tenuifolia sublingually for more immediate and potent effects and some individuals report it to be more stimulating and focus enhancing when taken in this manner.

For those that desire to take Polygala XT sublingually, empty the contents of one capsule under the tongue and hold under the tongue for approximately one minute before washing it down.

Stacking & Synergy:
Polygala XT can be stacked with Focus XT, Stress & Anxiety Support, Mood Support XT, KannaEase, Sabroxy XT, Huperzine A XT, and/or a wide variety of other SNS products to help you reach your individual goals.


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Polygala XT - Intro Sale

For a limited time, save 20% off of Polygala XT including already discounted multi-packs.

Coupon code: newproduct20

Polygala XT:
  • Regular Price: 29.99
  • Price w/coupon code: 23.99

Polygala XT - 3 Bottles:
  • Regular Price: 84.99 (save 4.98)
  • Price w/coupon code: 67.99 (save an additional 17.00 for a total savings of 21.98)

Polygala XT - 6 Bottles:
  • Regular Price: 159.99 (save 19.95)
  • Price w/coupon code: 127.99 (save an additional 32.00 for a total savings of 51.95)

Polygala XT - 12 Bottles:
  • Regular Price: 309.99 (save 49.89)
  • Price w/coupon code: 247.99 (save an additional 62.00 for a total savings of 111.99)
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take my money!!................................again! lol!!


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This is one that I'd been looking forward to myself. I think this should make a really good stack with Sabroxy XT, which I use daily.

This is one that we had gotten asked about a few times, I'm surprised this thread hasn't gotten anymore activity in it.


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This is one that I'd been looking forward to myself. I think this should make a really good stack with Sabroxy XT, which I use daily.

This is one that we had gotten asked about a few times, I'm surprised this thread hasn't gotten anymore activity in it.
Looks great. I’ve wanted to try this for years.

When I was in China, I saw it for sale in the traditional shops, but it was whole roots that they would have to grind and make into whatever kind of tea for you. I’m definitely excited to try it in capsules


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Ordered a couple bottles along with some Huperzine A!
Thank you. I hope that you will enjoy it.

I look forward to hearing your feedback.


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Looks great. I’ve wanted to try this for years.

When I was in China, I saw it for sale in the traditional shops, but it was whole roots that they would have to grind and make into whatever kind of tea for you. I’m definitely excited to try it in capsules
I've been told this is extremely popular in China and I know its one of their 50 essential herbs for traditional Chinese medicine, so I thought that was cool.

I'm looking forward to hearing how you like it.
Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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Sounds like it would stack with Focus XT rather nicely 😉


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Thank you for releasing this (especially using a patented extract). I had to order the 3 pack as it was such a great deal.


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Thank you for releasing this (especially using a patented extract). I had to order the 3 pack as it was such a great deal.
Thank you. I hope you'll like it. I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback on it.
Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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Or with any of the other nootropic oriented products coming soon. 😉
Of course. I'm just teasing Steve a little until it's re-release.


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Any thoughts on stacking it with Amentoflavone XT?
I think that that will be a good stack, especially for people that are interested in the neuroprotective aspects, which I am.


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I’m going to try this alongside the morning energy drink and go from there

after my big Memorial Day order, that is!
I'm looking forward to hearing how you like it.

I had planned on starting today - but bad day and not the greatest of moods, so decided to wait a couple days.


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Been reading studies and reviews from people on this .. seems like stuff that i wouldnt wanna come off it.

someone on reddit said "i take it , so i dont make dumb decisions in life "

ill take this drug lol


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These caps are tiny!

I forgot about sublingual dosing too, will try that tomorrow morning.
I thought the same thing 😂 first time that I’ve seen a cap this tiny, has me a little nervous to try out. This stuff must be potent.


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I thought the same thing 😂 first time that I’ve seen a cap this tiny, has me a little nervous to try out. This stuff must be potent.
The normal capsule sizes are size 0 and size 00 - which are what most people are used to seeing.

There is a size smaller that some cm's have the equipment, called tooling, to run that size; but a lot of them don't. One of the ones that we work with recently started having this capability, so we went with the smaller size for Polygala XT and Huperzine A XT.

That size will only work for things that are typically 100 mg. or less.


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The normal capsule sizes are size 0 and size 00 - which are what most people are used to seeing.

There is a size smaller that some cm's have the equipment, called tooling, to run that size; but a lot of them don't. One of the ones that we work with recently started having this capability, so we went with the smaller size for Polygala XT and Huperzine A XT.

That size will only work for things that are typically 100 mg. or less.
Aww that makes sense then. I’m already two capsules in, I for sure will let you know how this first bottle goes for myself. I’m excited.


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Quick review of Polygala as I have only taken two doses (about to down a third):
1 dose at 7, 1 dose at 12, then I'll do another at 5.

Of course it is always tough to gauge results on such a short timescale, but a couple things happened that made me feel it was worth at least doing this initial review and then following up with some updates later.

Initial caveat, this is probably both the worst and the best time to try something like this. I have been in a caloric deficit for 8 weeks now and this is my final training day of the final week before a deload next week and an increase in calories. I don't "physically" feel too beat up, but mentally I have been feeling slammed. Stressed, tired, anxious and a bit irritable, all things that come with needing to take a step back in training and all things amplified by lower calories.

So here we go...I wouldn't say I got a strong "stimulatory" effect or direct energy, but I did get some sort of pretty immediate boost. My mind and my thoughts seem to get boosted and I felt a bit more motivated this morning after my first dose.

It appeared to be more in the background and at first I thought maybe I was just placeboing myself.

The second dose it seemed to solidify the experience of the first. I don't seem to get a huge mental or physical boost (from a single or first day dosage), but where as initially Sabroxy seems to get my momentum rolling for lots of tasks and leans towards mental, Polygala has me feeling like I am ready to just jump into anything.

It may take some more dosages and days for me to be able to explain the feeling better, but it isn't like the anxiousness or restlessness of too much stimulation/caffeine, but more like my engine is sitting revving or like the feeling when you take off ankle/wrist weights or a weight vest and suddenly feel "lighter" and less constrained. Just ready to go.

I think if anyone is wondering if it works to just go look at how many posts I have made today. This stuff boosted my mood, enhanced my productivity, and got me overload posting even though it was my busiest day of the week so far. :LOL:

Once anyone starts to get annoyed with my constant posting you may have to take it up with Steve....


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Probably hold off a little while for more of a review, but even though I felt pretty energized all day I fell asleep zero issues and if anything slept better? Woke up before 6 no alarm and I didn’t need to be up that early for once but did with ease.


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Probably hold off a little while for more of a review, but even though I felt pretty energized all day I fell asleep zero issues and if anything slept better? Woke up before 6 no alarm and I didn’t need to be up that early for once but did with ease.
It's interesting that you mentioned this because I started yesterday myself, and I slept good and woke up this morning and actually felt awake and ready to get up and go - which is rare for me because I'm not a morning person.


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Anyone else with feedback? Trying to hold off a little longer for giving my feedback, but it’s still highly positive so far.


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i heard bradley cooper is now taking polygaga to achieve real life benefits


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Anyone else with feedback? Trying to hold off a little longer for giving my feedback, but it’s still highly positive so far.
I really like it. I've tried it the last couple days (one capsule, twice daily). The first day by itself. There was a small increase in mood but a pretty big increase in focus/motivation. Helped me get something done for work that I'd put off for over a month. The next day I tried it with 500 mg of agmatine (based on some reviews I found online) and it definitely increases the mood and focus/motivation aspects (with a small, initial increase in brain fog). I really like that combination. Later today I'm going to try taking it with amentoflavone.


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I really like it. I've tried it the last couple days (one capsule, twice daily). The first day by itself. There was a small increase in mood but a pretty big increase in focus/motivation. Helped me get something done for work that I'd put off for over a month. The next day I tried it with 500 mg of agmatine (based on some reviews I found online) and it definitely increases the mood and focus/motivation aspects (with a small, initial increase in brain fog). I really like that combination. Later today I'm going to try taking it with amentoflavone.
I should try with agmatine, that is a good idea.


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I'm getting ready to start taking an Agmatine XT capsule myself starting this weekend with each dosage.


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I tried the combo with a small coffee yesterday afternoon and loved it. I didn't try it with Amentoflavone yet as I really needed the calm focus for some work issues. It seemed to increase the focus and motivation (without increasing anxiety) even more. I also took a third dose before bed. Seemed to take me a little longer to fall asleep (maybe 30 minutes) but that was more than offset by a great night's sleep with only a couple brief wake-ups (versus my usual 4 or 5).


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I haven’t taken that close to bed but I’ve had zero sleep issues and if anything deeper sleep and more dreams.


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I tried the combo with a small coffee yesterday afternoon and loved it. I didn't try it with Amentoflavone yet as I really needed the calm focus for some work issues. It seemed to increase the focus and motivation (without increasing anxiety) even more. I also took a third dose before bed. Seemed to take me a little longer to fall asleep (maybe 30 minutes) but that was more than offset by a great night's sleep with only a couple brief wake-ups (versus my usual 4 or 5).
im morning coffee drinker 3x a week .. will try that as well.

overall seems like one of the best focus/relaxation supplement ..


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Small update:

This stuff is strong for me.

If I do 2 caps per day I separate doses 5-6 hours get great energy, mood, and motivation.

If I have a super busy day 3 caps spread by 4-5 hours is insane. If I take any dose under 5 hours from the last I get a huge energy boost with the second and third dose. The kind of it’s uncomfortable to not be doing something levels of motivation and energy. Not necessarily physical energy (I can just sit zoned in), but definitely helps more with a physical push than most things I’ve tried.

The kicker is that it doesn’t hurt my sleep at all. I haven’t taken it super close to bed, but even if I’m still feeling it I don’t have issues sleeping and sleep has been deeper. Level of dreaming is insane. I took a couple naps this week and dreams were also crazy and it didn’t affect my ability to take a nap.

Some other effects, but I’d like to wait a little to confirm.


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I’m going to stack this with sns Hup and Sabroxy xt
Should be a nice focus stack for work!!
yes i stated that stack .. hup is one of my fav and would be nice with poly imo too .. sabroxy on top is nice .. but ima test the 2 together first.


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When will it hit the EU market?
We have had quite a few customers order it from us and we ship to Europe.

Predator and Unreal Supps will most likely have orders going out this week that include a small number of units. It's pretty common for international retailers to only order a few bottles of something on first orders just to make sure it sells.


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Just a short update. I've recently tried stacking it with Amentoflavone. That combination is great for really improving my mood. However, both times it was a little too stimulating for me. So, I went back to taking it with Agmatine. Today I tried it alone but with 2 capsule doses (two times today; so, 400 mg total). I didn't get the increase in mood but the focus was really on point. I was expecting it to be more stimulating but instead I felt extremely calm (really stabilized the usual ups and downs in my mood). I'll probably stick with that dose for the rest of the work week.


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Started mine today along with the Huperzine XT. I can't say I noticed too much but since it stormed most of the day I got to play on my PS5 which is something I almost never do. Ended up playing Grand Theft Auto V for about 3 hours while my wife was in her she shed painting some furniture. After that I completed a couple of hours of work related online training (Fire fighting and Helicopter/underwater survival training). I definitely think those helped keep me focused as I usually get bored very easily and if my wife wouldn't have told me I would have played the video game even longer. (I am not a gamer type at all but I did enjoy my Atari as a kid when I was allowed to play it). I'm definitely looking foward to this during my upcoming work hitch!


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Started mine today along with the Huperzine XT. I can't say I noticed too much but since it stormed most of the day I got to play on my PS5 which is something I almost never do. Ended up playing Grand Theft Auto V for about 3 hours while my wife was in her she shed painting some furniture. After that I completed a couple of hours of work related online training (Fire fighting and Helicopter/underwater survival training). I definitely think those helped keep me focused as I usually get bored very easily and if my wife wouldn't have told me I would have played the video game even longer. (I am not a gamer type at all but I did enjoy my Atari as a kid when I was allowed to play it). I'm definitely looking foward to this during my upcoming work hitch!
I don't particularly feel it kick in, but like you mentioned, I just feel much more zoned in and focused on what I'm doing; which is great for me because that's exactly what I need it for.


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Just thought I'd drop in for an update. I've just been taking 200 mg every night (right before bed) for about a week and the sleep has been great. I only wake up once around 2-3 am and fall back asleep shortly after. Only other thing I've taken during that time was kanna in the morning.


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on 3 caps im liking it .. well maybe no i dont like it .. gets me too focused and work hard at work lol
im sure boss likes it that im taking it.

1 cap in morning btwn 7-8am
2 caps in evening around 4-5pm.

great focus and great sleep .. i tried with my thc gummy and was on cloud 9 lol


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Honestly for better or worse I can’t really take 3 caps per day unless I’m playing planning to be super busy. I get pretty massive energy boosts. I guess if you like to be zooming all day, I’m way too chill for that unless I really need it.

1-2 caps per day though is a good spot for me. Energy, mood, and focus with one in the morning then popping another later in the day if I feel I need another boost.

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