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Dont know why COP died out .. but i always loved it and seemed to have worked
Because of the name people tend to confuse it for a type of creatine and not realize how great it is for endurance.
Dont know why COP died out .. but i always loved it and seemed to have worked
COP has kind of fallen off peoples radars lately, but it's still something i play around with.
HUGE love for COP right here. It fell off my radar as well a number of years back for no other reason than I was chasing the latest like most people do. About 3 months ago I picked some up again and man, I forgot how great this stuff is for pumps and to power through any lactic acid pains. My routine is largely volume based now and I've been powering through plateaus.
Nice, super stoked to see this being talked about again. I think people would be really surprised how well it works. It might be the sexy new thing, but there is no doubting the benefits.
I had a question about Glycerol in general and was looking for some insight.
I read that the Glycerol is indeed a sugar alcohol also known as Glycerine. I've found myself to be extremely sensitive(digestion) to Glycerine when found in foods. Typically its listed as vegetable glycerine but sometimes just glycerine. As someone who gets bad stomach issues from food based glycerine, is it possible this may give me the same upset stomach issues?
Thank you
Are any of these pump ingredients(glycerpump,Vaso6,S7) going to be redundant or synergistic with daily low dose tadalafil?
I ordered Glycerpump and overnight the capsules got very soft. I assume moisture is the culprit. Is the glycerol now ineffective?!? Thanks.
I ordered Glycerpump and overnight the capsules got very soft. I assume moisture is the culprit. Is the glycerol now ineffective?!? Thanks.
Good to know. Thanks!No this is perfectly normal and just the glycerol. No worries just take as usual.
@sns8778 any chance we will ever see this available again? Did come across one site saying they still have stock but not sure how much
I wanted to let everyone know that we just received GlycerPump capsules back in stock.
I also created some discounted multi-packs for it:
GlycerPump - 3 Bottle Multi-Pack (save 5.00)
GlycerPump - 6 Bottle Multi-Pack (save 19.95)
GlycerPump - 12 Bottle Multi-Pack (save 49.89)
So glad you got this back in, greatly appreciated. Top tier endurance and pump supplement; cant wait to use this stacked with superswole and x gels . Be ordering some soon