smoothie king!


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how the heck do they make those awesome smoothies. i make my own weight gainer and its delicious but no comparison to smoothie kings "the hulk". does anybody know how they make em?
I worked at smoothie king for about a month. Ill try to remember the hulk recipe.

We used different sized scoopers to portion everything, but I dont remember the sizes for each scoop.

Anyway, it was something like this for 20oz strawberry hulk:

1 Scoop of banana
2 scoops strawberries (the kind thats in syrup, you can get them in a bucket in the frozen food section next to the normal stawberries)
1.5 scoops Hagen Daz butter peacan ice cream
1 scoop muscle milk weight gainer
2 teaspoon egg protein powder
1 tablespoon soy protein powder
2 squirts honey
2 tablespoon turbinado (raw sugar)
a little scoop of powdered milk
50cc scoop of the complex carb powder we had
a little bit of vanilla extract
a little wheat germ


Its got a lot of **** in it, but I agree, they taste amazing.

None of the smoothies there are actually that good for you. The only real fruit we used was bananas, and everything else was either the kind of fruit you buy in a jar soaked in sugary syrup, or sugary juice concentrates.

If you wanna know any more recipes, let me know. Ill see if I can remember.
bottom line.... butter pecan hagen daz!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i used to go to smoothie king back in phoenix, large 12$ strawberry hulk was a must every morning. i make my own smoothies now with just frozen strawberries, oats, dryers butter pecan(cause its half the price of HD) and it tastes pretty close, but when i splurge and throw in hagen daz, tastes the same!
Oh and i forgot to add, the first thing we do is pump a bunch of water into the blender, so maybe add like 1/2 cup water to the hulk recipe. We also added ice before blending. Maybe a cup or so.

@ Notecard:
High Protein Pineapple... please tell me how you guys make them.

This ones pretty simple

-3/4 cup water (not sure on this, might be more or less, just an estimate)
-50cc scoop vanilla whey protein
-couple scoops of almonds
-2 ladle fulls of canned pineapples (the kind in syrup)
-2 tbsp turbinado (raw sugar)
-scoop of special protein blend that had nutrients added
that helps alot bro!!! this is my shake and ill tell u why i dont like it: milk, vanilla ice cream, oatmeal oats, strawberries, banana, 2 raw eggs, ice, yogurt and one scoop of whey protein. ppl have said to try frozen yogurt to make the shake thick. my problem is its tooo liquidy and the portions settle out after about 5 min of sitting still so i gotta drink it fast. smoothie king, i can sip on it for 20 min and its very thick and i love it and i dunno how to make it like that. ima try that butter pecan ice cream with frozen yogurt and see how that does....any suggestions how to make it thick and not watery
that helps alot bro!!! this is my shake and ill tell u why i dont like it: milk, vanilla ice cream, oatmeal oats, strawberries, banana, 2 raw eggs, ice, yogurt and one scoop of whey protein. ppl have said to try frozen yogurt to make the shake thick. my problem is its tooo liquidy and the portions settle out after about 5 min of sitting still so i gotta drink it fast. smoothie king, i can sip on it for 20 min and its very thick and i love it and i dunno how to make it like that. ima try that butter pecan ice cream with frozen yogurt and see how that does....any suggestions how to make it thick and not watery

I think the main thing is to use a good bit of ice, and dont use a lot of liquid. All the milk is powdered, and the fruit concentrates are pretty strong so you dont have to use a lot. Also, they were super powerful blenders, & probably cost $500 a piece, which is a big factor in getting the ingredients to blend thick and smooth.
i tried the butter pecan ice cream and it started to taste like the hulk smoothie but still way too liquidy. and after a while the shake starts to separate and settle out so i have to drink it within 5 sucks lol but it still is very good
I love the Chocolate Hulk!
One of my favorites but damn the carbs & cals.
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I work at smoothie king so i'm not supposed to do this but the recipe for the strawberry hulk(20 oz.) is two ladels of strawberry a scoop of banana(about one single banana) A squirt of vanilla extract a squirt of wheat germ as far as the powders go everything is measured by about a table spoon one spoon of milk powder one spoon of sugar soy protein complex carbs three scoops of vanilla weight gain and egg protein two dishers of butter pecan ice cream and a cup of ice but by the time you bought all that it would probably be cheaper to just go buy the smoothie
Bolanrox said:
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I work at smoothie king so i'm not supposed to do this but the recipe for the strawberry hulk(20 oz.) is two ladels of strawberry a scoop of banana(about one single banana) A squirt of vanilla extract a squirt of wheat germ as far as the powders go everything is measured by about a table spoon one spoon of milk powder one spoon of sugar soy protein complex carbs three scoops of vanilla weight gain and egg protein two dishers of butter pecan ice cream and a cup of ice but by the time you bought all that it would probably be cheaper to just go buy the smoothie


As long as you don't get crazy.
Chocolate Hulk is my favorite!
R1balla said:
for sure. i use it in my home shakes

Already had my morning hulk....
I really like their High Protein Almond Mocha smoothie. Always grab one of those on long drives.
Sipping on a hulk now.
Butt load of sugar and other $hit, that's what public wants, right?...Just look at all those fat a$$es with pint size smoothies/sodas stuffing their faces...oh yeah!!!
There is a reason they look the way they look.
Those Hulk smoothies are amazing but here's a great recipe for a smoothie.

1 Scoop of MGN Protein Powider
1/2 Can of Agave Nectar
1 cup of berries
1/4 cup almond milk
1/2 cup of oats

Pure Heaven in a glass!
I'll take a Hulk Smoothie instead. ;)
What about a regular plain ole strawberry smoothie? I love those smoothies and I can't find anywhere on how to make them.
I love Smoothie King! I have to eat here at least once a week and treat myself. My only problem with Smoothie King
is their prices! I mean it is 4.98 for a small smoothie. What in the hell are these people smoking I mean really? That's
awful for sure. I can't believe it is so much for a smoothie for real. But other than that the place is great!
Yeah, I used to frequent smoothie king years ago before my switch to a healthier lifestyle. The prices do suck, but that' swhy I prefer to just stick with making them at home and using my own choice of protein powder. That way i know the quality is good.