SAN: Bone Boost - Bone and Joint Support



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As I mentioned about two weeks ago my mother was having oral surgery. They are graphing bone to her lower jaw to provide a base for some bridge work. The general discussion of this can be found here:

She had the procedure on Friday the 25th and is recovering well.

In my research for support supplements I came across SAN: Bone Boost - Bone and Joint Support. I contacted the SAN Board Rep Tiny Man to inquire into the effectiveness of their product in this application. Much to my surprise and appreciation he went above and beyond my expectations. He and SAN has taken the initiative to sponsor my mother in her recovery by providing complementary product.

In the mail today I received 3 bottles of SAN: Bone Boost - Bone and Joint Support

In addition to that I presently have her using ON 100% Egg Protein and will be adding ON 100% Casein Protein when it arrives in the mail.

Her post surgery recovery is going very well, even better than she had anticipated. Based on the feedback from her doctor and his observations during the procedure her prognosis was a 50/50 chance that the graph would take. So it is without saying that all the supplement support that she can get is much needed.

She is scheduled to return for a follow up this Friday to further assess her progress. I will update as progress and information is available

I wanted to take the time to express my sincerest appreciation and thank Tiny Man and SAN for their generosity and support at this time.

Thank You.


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Great to know SAN is helping out.

I wish your mother a speedy recovery!

Tiny Man


I am glad to hear that your mother's operation went well - and with some luck, hopefully that bone graph will take (does the surgery need to be repeated if it does not?). Definitely, please let us know as it progresses, and I wish your mother all the best in recovery. I'm just about to head out the door for another late night at school (why this has to be so short!), but please do keep me updated.

Best of luck,


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Will know more about the prognosis and go forward after her follow-up consultation. I will certainly report progress and I will keep you updated as new information becomes available.

Thanks again for your care and support.

Tiny Man


Just wondering - how is your mother doing? She went in about 2 weeks ago, right? Hope everything is going well, and the Bone Boost has been working out for her.


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Just wondering - how is your mother doing? She went in about 2 weeks ago, right? Hope everything is going well, and the Bone Boost has been working out for her.
Based on phone conversation with my mom her follow up consultation and prognosis were good. There was no infection, inflamation or otherwise symptoms of issue. So the healing process is underway. In a real world situation there is little data for them to actually quantify bone growth and or graphing other than X-Rays. I inquired as to any MRI pre, MRI post and MRI post recovery. She said they made no indication that they intended to evaluate beyond what they have. Ultimately it is still a 'Go'/'No-Go' 50/50 situation with an outcome that only time will tell.

Saw my mother on Sunday past (SuperBowl) for dinner. She has been consuming several protein servings throughout the day. There was great local healing which allowed for her to beging to 'knaw' at soft food. Had I not known she had surgery I would not have known.

Gave her the Bone Boost Sunday. She has been taking it regularly as directed for one week now. As stated above, without high tech baseline data there is really no way to quantify any actual rate or degree of bone regrowth or graphing. Based on the Bone Boost ingredient profile there certainly is every indication that Bone Boost with potentiate her recovery.

All is well and progressing as we hoped. I will report more when there is more.


Tiny Man


I know what you mean about not having hard data. It will be difficult to actually quantify results; the most we'll probably have for now is recovery vs. typical recovery times/rates. It is good to hear that she has not been having complications (infection, etc.) - hopefully by now, she is through the worst of it. Being able to get down some of the softer foods at this point is definitely a good sign. I know when I wasn't able to eat solid foods it was pretty miserable ;). One of the things you don't appreciate until you can't have, I guess!

Best of luck,


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Gosh it has been a while.

Mom's recovery has gone smoothly. I am sure that Bone Boost contributed well to here recovery. As stated before it is not something one can quantify.

It will be several more weeks before the true test will be done...getting the bridge work done. I think she has it planned for early June.

My mother has expressed here gratitude on multiple occasions and I wanted you to know how much we both appreciate your support at this time.

Thanks again to Tiny Man and to San for the support and generosity.

Tiny Man

Hey B,

Good to hear about your mother - I assume at this point, there were no complications. Lets hope the bridge work also goes smoothly, I'm not sure how complex a process that is. I think early June I may be out of the country by that point for a couple weeks, but I hope to hear when I get back. Please send your mother my regards :).

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