Running Super Mandro and Andro the giant!


Whats up guys!
Ill be ordering super mandro and andro the giant this week but before I order i want to make sure i don't need any thing else.
This will be my first cycle.
Here is what I'm thinking.

Super Mandro- 3 caps daily for 30days- go longer?
Andro the giant-3 caps daily for 30 days- go longer?
AI Cycle Support-1 scoop daily
Taurine- (if needed)

Clomid or nova, not sure which one is would be better. Thoughts on dosage and for how long?
AI cycle support - 1 scoop daily
PES erase- 2-3 cap daily
Some natural test booster? ideas? not a fan of DAA as it gave me bad cluster headaches.

How does this look? Need anything else?
Other option is to just drop mandro and andro the giant and run lgd.
Run those same dosages for 8 weeks of your budget can allow for it. Also have an AI on hand, letrone should serve you just fine, but it wouldn't hurt to have exemestane on hand either. Just in case your get any high estro sides you want to be prepared. Run clomid 50/50/25/25. Viron and/or follidrone in pct for libido and a natty anabolic to preserve gains.
I think that covers everything. Good luck, what are your stats and goals for the cycle?
Looking to put as much size on as possible. Will be eating like a horse and training even harder. Really want to bring my legs,back and chest up. Looking to do a log when I start. You think it would be wise to run mandro and andro the giant instead of lgd?
Running the same cycle right now. I'd say go 8 weeks. Tomorrow is the end of week 3 for me and I'm just now starting to feel it. I also started running an AI at week 2 to control estrogen. Probably not necessary but it was recommended to me and I haven't had any estrogen related sides.

Good luck!
Run 8 weeks of the 2 if you can swing it op :) 4 weeks will still produce nice gains but 8 will definitely be better. you will be in for quite the treat. Add some viron to pct with your serm and some reduce xt for Cort control. Other than that it looks good. Keep us updated!
Will do! Thoughts on clomid or nova?
Run cycle support with both ph cycle and pct?
What about erase? Just with pct or both pct and cycle?
Cycle support on cycle, erase during pct, nolva or clomid will be fine-either one will do the trick.
Sweet! I have the option of getting bloods done before and after, it'll cost me a little but not sure if it's worth it.
On a side note, when I log it, I plan on doing a dexa-scan before and after to check muscle mass, fat %, water, and bone density. Should be interesting!
Bloods are always good so you can see where your at and make sure you recover fully but it's up to you :) the dexa-scan will be great to see progress
Subbed. I'm planning this same stack. Although I'm considering running 2 bottles of each a month for two months total. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Would there be any benefit over just one bottle month?

I was going to run it with letrone and keep exemistane on hand, or since I'll be doing such a high dose of 4 andro should I just go with exemistane? And of course I was gonna do Nolva and rebirth in an 8 week pct, along with long jack and bulbine.
Subbed. I'm planning this same stack. Although I'm considering running 2 bottles of each a month for two months total. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Would there be any benefit over just one bottle month?

I was going to run it with letrone and keep exemistane on hand, or since I'll be doing such a high dose of 4 andro should I just go with exemistane? And of course I was gonna do Nolva and rebirth in an 8 week pct, along with long jack and bulbine.

People certainly can run at dosages that high but most don't need to. Starting at 330 and ramping up from there for 6-8 weeks is prudent unless you're experienced with pro-hormones.

Never a bad idea to have a heavy duty AI on hand like Exemestane, but I am fully confident that Letrone will have you covered. Plus you'll notice nice appetite increase and other anabolic properties to boot.
Yep start at the 330 and feel it out-you can definitely run it around 600mg daily but just see how you feel and bump accordingly. Pct looks fine. Maybe add some reduce xt. Other than that it looks good
If you're looking to add size and if you're new to ph then 330 is more than enough. I just recently finished my cycle and I can tell 330 was more than enough. But after around 6 weeks the size gain stops
They would both yield good results tbh.I personally noticed more from 1&4 Andro but everyone is different. Whatever you go with just run opposite next run :) win win.
Sounds good, thanks!
One other question I have is do you guys think I would be fine with just super mandro
Ai cycle support

And pct just with rebirth?
I would have a SERM on hand but to be honest I can't find any solid sources that have good reviews or reviews on their nova or clomid. The last think I want is to rely on something and have it be bunk.
Sounds good, thanks!
One other question I have is do you guys think I would be fine with just super mandro
Ai cycle support

And pct just with rebirth?
I would have a SERM on hand but to be honest I can't find any solid sources that have good reviews or reviews on their nova or clomid. The last think I want is to rely on something and have it be bunk.
I recently ran 1 Andro with no cycle support and Rebirth and Viron for PCT. no issues whatsoever for me. The anecdotal evidence of a good recovery was there. Libido jumped back up very fast as well as mood and appetite. Kept all 4 lbs gained over 4 weeks and continued to lean out while scale stayed the same. I also agree with the 1/4 Andro combo or else 1 Andro solo.
Hmm I wonder if I could get away with 1&4 andro with rebirth for pct
And obviously a SERM. Again not sure if I trust research Chems.
Hmm I wonder if I could get away with 1&4 andro with rebirth for pct
And obviously a SERM. Again not sure if I trust research Chems.

I'll let you know in 4 weeks if rebirth is a strong enough OTC serm for a 1 & 4 cycle :)

If you look hard enough you can find legit reviews on RC sources.
I'll let you know in 4 weeks if rebirth is a strong enough OTC serm for a 1 & 4 cycle :)

If you look hard enough you can find legit reviews on RC sources.

Nice man. How was your 4 week run?
Nice man. How was your 4 week run?

Oops my statement was a little confusing. I extended my cycle to 8 weeks so I have 4 weeks left. Will be starting rebirth in 4 weeks :) but so far it is going good. Took like 3 weeks for me to start feeling it
Oops my statement was a little confusing. I extended my cycle to 8 weeks so I have 4 weeks left. Will be starting rebirth in 4 weeks :) but so far it is going good. Took like 3 weeks for me to start feeling it

Lol no worries. Glad you're enjoying it. An 8 week run should be great