Recomendation for Cutting



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Im looking for something to take to cut. I took M1D with i-gh-1 for 4 weeks and gained about 3 lbs from 170-173 and my bench max is now 205. Im looking for something to cut and drop some of the belly fat I have while adding a more muscle. Im looking for recommendations.

I was thinking about buying the MMV2 and pSARM combination on lgsciences website.

let me know what you guys think


AI Sports Fitness Expert
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Well first you need to make sure your diet is sound if you want to lose BF and gain LBM you have to make sure your diet is spot on first.

Then supplements I would say that Yes MMV2 would be a good choice for a little recomp and retention of LBM I would also suggest the Slin for better Carb usage and shuttle to muscle cells instead of fat. And Also of course you need your BC+EAA.

So my opinion is to stack the MMV2 with the Slin and BC+EAA for your cutting diet.


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  • RockStar
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I agree fully, I was gunna recommend MMv2, Lipotropic Protein and BC+EAA. However, if your cut includes carbohydrates and isnt a ketogenic diet then certainly throw slin in before your carb meals.


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I agree fully, I was gunna recommend MMv2, Lipotropic Protein and BC+EAA. However, if your cut includes carbohydrates and isnt a ketogenic diet then certainly throw slin in before your carb meals.
Slin would most certainly make a nice addition! One of our best products IMO.


  • Established
Im on a low carb diet, majority of what I eat is protein.

Also, are there any side effects like hair loss associated with MMV2, I used M1D and had good results im just wandering if I can expect the same thing with MMV2 or even better??


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Im on a low carb diet, majority of what I eat is protein.

Also, are there any side effects like hair loss associated with MMV2, I used M1D and had good results im just wandering if I can expect the same thing with MMV2 or even better??
If you are prone to MPB, then you might see a tad bit of shedding with MMv2. Also, it is almost impossible to add muscle while losing fat. Pick one or the other IMO. If you need any help for cycle suggestions after you figure all of this out, just let us know! Good luck bro!


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  • RockStar
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Im on a low carb diet, majority of what I eat is protein.

Also, are there any side effects like hair loss associated with MMV2, I used M1D and had good results im just wandering if I can expect the same thing with MMV2 or even better??
Dont expect the mass gains while on a cut, but do know that for most of us, when we cut our bodies actually do look more muscular and appear to be larger. I know when I get leaner and lose a few lbs my peers always say how I look bigger and least more muscular, bodybuilding is all about an illusion.

Now with that said, while on MMv2 I would expect you could obtain new lean muscle mass while losing bodyfat. This is generally known as a recomp.

With a low carb, alkaline diet there is no doubt in my mind people are now able to do what was once thought to be impossible and that is to gain new lean mass while losing fat.

Look into Dave Pulumbos diet, that stacked with a solid PH like MMv2 and perhaps a good amino acid supp like our BC+EAA will do wonders for your physique.


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Dont expect the mass gains while on a cut, but do know that for most of us, when we cut our bodies actually do look more muscular and appear to be larger. I know when I get leaner and lose a few lbs my peers always say how I look bigger and least more muscular, bodybuilding is all about an illusion.

Now with that said, while on MMv2 I would expect you could obtain new lean muscle mass while losing bodyfat. This is generally known as a recomp.

With a low carb, alkaline diet there is no doubt in my mind people are now able to do what was once thought to be impossible and that is to gain new lean mass while losing fat.

Look into Dave Pulumbos diet, that stacked with a solid PH like MMv2 and perhaps a good amino acid supp like our BC+EAA will do wonders for your physique.
LOL I know what you mean. A while back before I started the bulk, I lost about 7-8lbs. Everyone at work all of a sudden started calling me "big guy". LOL!


AI Sports Fitness Expert
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Have you got you diet figured out if so please post it so we can take a look and help you with the suggestions for supps you should be taking.

The MMV2 shouldnt have a huge effect on you its a mild PH while on a cut you may see a few lean mass gains but more than likely it will help you retain the muscle you have which is very important while cutting.

Also if you get a chance post your training up too i would like to take a look at it. I worked with Dave 2 summers ago and I have kind of come up with a great way to train while on a keto diet.

If you arent totally keto I would suggest either go keto or go carb cycle staying low carb I have found with myself and other clients of mine you are more prone to wasting muscle mass.

Just my 2 cents


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AS I have always believed and seen with my own 4 eyes lol diet is key, as bodybuilders we are professional dieters.

Hey Buff can you please enlighten us on how to train on a keto cut as it gets hellacious, and grueling with no pump!!!


AI Sports Fitness Expert
  • Established
Sorry I missed this I have been busy I just moved so things have been crazy as of late.

I will post reply to your post later on today Apowerz

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