Ready4War Super Tabs info Pre-Workout High Energy/Permance

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
Ready4War - Super Tabs

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Energy | Mental Focus | Training Intensity | Testosterone Enhancement | Sex Drive |
Endurance | Nitric Oxide | Thermogenic

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And yes I know this says "Permance" typing too fast and for some reason you can't edit thread titles as a sponsor...Performance.
I like the idea of tabs now since it eliminates the need for artificial flavoring/coloring. This one is driven by prop blends but I'd like to give this a try. I'm looking for a new preworkout to replace my current one.
I like the idea of tabs now since it eliminates the need for artificial flavoring/coloring. This one is driven by prop blends but I'd like to give this a try. I'm looking for a new preworkout to replace my current one.

Yeah, nothing I can say about prob blends, this is a very effective product. When it was in capsule form it was very good also. There are reviews on the capsule form on NP. A prob blend is the only way to make sure no one else is doing what GET DIESEL is doing...actually never-mind, NP removed the product reviews. I have them saved tho., Ill post them later, cant add photos right now for some reason unless they are exactly 800x800 which is annoying.
I like the idea of tabs now since it eliminates the need for artificial flavoring/coloring. This one is driven by prop blends but I'd like to give this a try. I'm looking for a new preworkout to replace my current one.

yeah no colors, no flavors, also no creatine for people who want to control their creatine dose. 10 yrs ago tabs were popular, but this product will bring it back
to capsule/tab pre-workouts. Also no mixing. Ready4War is taking people by surprise by how potent it is. Energy and intensity for literally hours (4+ hours) and I'd strongest stim product avail even back when 1, 3DI was in preworkouts. I've never come across a person on earth who needs full dose of 4-5 tabs.
I love the idea of tablet, I think I drink about a gallon of water a day just to get some of my supplement in !
ahawk01 Let me know how you like the Ready4War tablets I took (2) Tablets today before afternoon cardio, I was sweating like a beast and went 10 minutes longer on the Elliptical than I had planned !! I use it pre-workout all the time, this is the first time I have taken 2 pre-cardio!!
Hey Chuck Diesel can you give an approximate on the amount of caffeine per cap? I have a bottle of Read4WR on the way.

I am not sure of the Caffeine Content, But I am sure you will LOVE IT !!
Hey Chuck Diesel can you give an approximate on the amount of caffeine per cap? I have a bottle of Read4WR on the way.

No but its not a lot. You cant judge this product by caffeine. Each tab has about 45mg but it is a very strong formula.
Any chance of ready4war powder coming back?? Been using a 1/2 scoop of JP8x with dieselade bcaas to get me through my work day.
Any chance of ready4war powder coming back?? Been using a 1/2 scoop of JP8x with dieselade bcaas to get me through my work day.

We will see if we can get Chuck Diesel to answer this.......... Thanks for using Get Diesel Products !!