Quick Sarms cycle and pct question


New member
I thought I had all the research I needed until I came along this forum and plenty of helpful people pointed me in the right direction. I know I should've done these things before my cycle but I want to make sure I know what im doing for my post cycle which will start in 1 and a half weeks. I ran a solo LGD 4033 cycle.

Question is, I have Nolvadex, a test booster, and arimidex for my pct. How much Nolva and arimidex should I take for pct? Do I even need to bother taking the test booster at all? I hear some people like taking the test booster with a smaller amount of nolva when it comes to sarms.

The Sarm cycle question is why do some people suggest running LGD with GW? Is this just for more of a recomp effect or is there more to this than I think? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Clomid at the standard dosing of 50/50/25/25 would be better for restarting your LH, but Nolva at the standard dosing of 20/20/10/10 acts more of a estrogen blocker and as a result your natural test goes up, but Clomid does it better. Save your test booster for if you have any libido issues during your cycle or on your PCT, but its not gonna do anything more than that for you. Don't use your arimidex on cycle unless you're prone to estrogen side effects, like sensitive nipples, dry skin, mood swings, etc. you can use it during your PCT, but only EOD (every other day) or E2D (every two days), you don't wanna risk crashing your estrogen.

Combining GW with LGD will help stave off any fat you put on during your cycle, LGD is great for bulking but try not to go too crazy with the food or your put on some fat, but that's why people stack it with GW. Your Diet and workout routine will determine your results LGD and GW will just make it easier to bulk but stay somewhat lean.
Clomid at the standard dosing of 50/50/25/25 would be better for restarting your LH, but Nolva at the standard dosing of 20/20/10/10 acts more of a estrogen blocker and as a result your natural test goes up, but Clomid does it better. Save your test booster for if you have any libido issues during your cycle or on your PCT, but its not gonna do anything more than that for you. Don't use your arimidex on cycle unless you're prone to estrogen side effects, like sensitive nipples, dry skin, mood swings, etc. you can use it during your PCT, but only EOD (every other day) or E2D (every two days), you don't wanna risk crashing your estrogen.

Combining GW with LGD will help stave off any fat you put on during your cycle, LGD is great for bulking but try not to go too crazy with the food or your put on some fat, but that's why people stack it with GW. Your Diet and workout routine will determine your results LGD and GW will just make it easier to bulk but stay somewhat lean.

Thank you bro, I appreciate the response. So clomid would work better? If so I'll get that when my nolva runs out. Do I use the same standard dosage for arimidex for every other day or do I run a smaller amount?
The thing with arimidex is that its just a blocker and once you stop taking it, your aromatase enzyme is free to convert androgens (testosterone) into estrogen again, but it is the safer bet when compared to Aromasin. 50mg to 75mg of arimidex should be fine, but only if you're experiencing estrogen based side effects. So if you are you would have to take it all through your cycle and your pct or until your testosterone and estrogen reach their normal levels, is it fine to take during your cycle anyway... maybe. Without blood work to know where your estrogen is really at its hard to say, so be aware of your body everyday during your cycle.

on the other hand...

A low does of 12.5mg EOD or E2D of Aromasin aka Exemestane during your PCT if side effects do come up, would do better since it destroys estrogen, BUT you gotta be careful, cause too much of that WILL crush your estrogen. You cant go wrong with either but Aromasin can clear up estrogen side effects quicker since it destroys it roughly 90% of your estrogen in the first dose. But again without blood work to know where your estrogen it could do more harm than good.

some helpful info, sarms don't convert in estrogen, but your body may convert the excess free testosterone in your blood into estrogen or dht, the stuff to make you go bald.
The thing with arimidex is that its just a blocker and once you stop taking it, your aromatase enzyme is free to convert androgens (testosterone) into estrogen again, but it is the safer bet when compared to Aromasin. 50mg to 75mg of arimidex should be fine, but only if you're experiencing estrogen based side effects. So if you are you would have to take it all through your cycle and your pct or until your testosterone and estrogen reach their normal levels, is it fine to take during your cycle anyway... maybe. Without blood work to know where your estrogen is really at its hard to say, so be aware of your body everyday during your cycle.

on the other hand...

A low does of 12.5mg EOD or E2D of Aromasin aka Exemestane during your PCT if side effects do come up, would do better since it destroys estrogen, BUT you gotta be careful, cause too much of that WILL crush your estrogen. You cant go wrong with either but Aromasin can clear up estrogen side effects quicker since it destroys it roughly 90% of your estrogen in the first dose. But again without blood work to know where your estrogen it could do more harm than good.

some helpful info, sarms don't convert in estrogen, but your body may convert the excess free testosterone in your blood into estrogen or dht, the stuff to make you go bald.

I've heard that the pct raise in normal testosterone can cause a raise in estrogen and that's why you'd want to use an AI, is that true?
I've heard that the pct raise in normal testosterone can cause a raise in estrogen and that's why you'd want to use an AI, is that true?

I was wondering the same thing. LGD may cause some suppression so not likely to have an estrogens issue during cycle. However, during PCT, doesn't the clomid will cause test to overshoot beyond normal. Then once you come off the clomid, test will drop (hopefully to baseline) but won't you have high estrogen? Is is better to taper down to 12.5 on the clomid?
Yes, while on Clomid your body will create estrogen in an attempt to balance the body, but don't forget YOU NEED ESTROGEN... just not to much lol.

When I did my first cycle a year ago I got my blood work to know where my baseline test and estrogen were. So when pct came I had aromasin on hand, but I never used it. After another round of bloodwork midway in my pct, yes estrogen was high but not dangerously high. A week after my pct I was balancing out and I kept 8 out of my 9 pounds.

But if you're going into this with no blood work period during your cycle, play it safe and do 12.5mg or 6.5mg of aromasin EOD or 50mg to 75mg of arim EOD throughout your whole pct. But do some homework with the side effects of low or high estrogen so you know what to look for in case estrogen is getting way out of hand. But i believe you should be fine... unless you're adding in a bunch of suppressive compounds, but you should be good.
Yes, while on Clomid your body will create estrogen in an attempt to balance the body, but don't forget YOU NEED ESTROGEN... just not to much lol.

When I did my first cycle a year ago I got my blood work to know where my baseline test and estrogen were. So when pct came I had aromasin on hand, but I never used it. After another round of bloodwork midway in my pct, yes estrogen was high but not dangerously high. A week after my pct I was balancing out and I kept 8 out of my 9 pounds.

But if you're going into this with no blood work period during your cycle, play it safe and do 12.5mg or 6.5mg of aromasin EOD or 50mg to 75mg of arim EOD throughout your whole pct. But do some homework with the side effects of low or high estrogen so you know what to look for in case estrogen is getting way out of hand. But i believe you should be fine... unless you're adding in a bunch of suppressive compounds, but you should be good.

I appreciate the info thank you, but why are you saying 50-75mg of arimidex? I thought the dosage was around 0.5mg-1mg?
Do you have the liquid or the pill form? In pill form depending on brand, their serving dosages range from 25mg to as high as 100mg, but the liquid dosages are in the 0.5mg to 1mg dosages depending on the dropper. I don't know the ratio between the liquid and pill forms, i just know the standard dosages lol
Do you have the liquid or the pill form? In pill form depending on brand, their serving dosages range from 25mg to as high as 100mg, but the liquid dosages are in the 0.5mg to 1mg dosages depending on the dropper. I don't know the ratio between the liquid and pill forms, i just know the standard dosages lol

Oh okay I have the liquid I'll try 0.5 every other 2 days and see how it is at first