question for knowledgeable lg staff


  • Established

I wanted to ask a question regarding ph lg sciences line. Well, i got my trifecta kit ready and also got a natadrol set of 2 bottles. Now im planning to run either one (havent decided yet) so here are my questions:

1. Is it bad to use otc antihistamine while on cycle?? The reason is that ive got some allergies due to my dusty job, so i take otc claritine which active is "loratadine 10mg"
I take 1 pill every other day and that keeps me off of any allergies. So will it be dangerous to do a cycle with this??

2. Im looking to lean and dry up, which ph would do better job at it, trifecta or natadrol??



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  • RockStar

I wanted to ask a question regarding ph lg sciences line. Well, i got my trifecta kit ready and also got a natadrol set of 2 bottles. Now im planning to run either one (havent decided yet) so here are my questions:

1. Is it bad to use otc antihistamine while on cycle?? The reason is that ive got some allergies due to my dusty job, so i take otc claritine which active is "loratadine 10mg"
I take 1 pill every other day and that keeps me off of any allergies. So will it be dangerous to do a cycle with this??

2. Im looking to lean and dry up, which ph would do better job at it, trifecta or natadrol??

I also take allergie meds during the summer, I never had an issue, but..Im not a doctor either..he would be the best person to ask about that..
Trifecta can go both ways, and Ive said this a 1000 times., your diet will dictate which way you go. Now Natadrol has been working freaking wonders for me, I'm re comping big time, very noticeable, even by my wife so many comments to date!.. I'm running Natadrol for 6-8 weeks, I'm thinking about adding in some Masterdrol for the last 3-4 weeks...

So if your diet is down, then flip a coin, Natadrol is a Natty product, but a androgen also so thats the positive!, Trifecta kit are PH's.. I have ran both to date..if your not wanting to mess with PH's then Natadrol is the Best, hands down product out there to take. If you want a very mild cycle then hands down trifecta, gains/strength will be more on the trifecta just based on the stack..., hell we just had one run this on a cut, dropped 25+ pounds and over 5% BF!


  • Established
I also take allergie meds during the summer, I never had an issue, but..Im not a doctor either..he would be the best person to ask about that..
Trifecta can go both ways, and Ive said this a 1000 times., your diet will dictate which way you go. Now Natadrol has been working freaking wonders for me, I'm re comping big time, very noticeable, even by my wife so many comments to date!.. I'm running Natadrol for 6-8 weeks, I'm thinking about adding in some Masterdrol for the last 3-4 weeks...

So if your diet is down, then flip a coin, Natadrol is a Natty product, but a androgen also so thats the positive!, Trifecta kit are PH's.. I have ran both to date..if your not wanting to mess with PH's then Natadrol is the Best, hands down product out there to take. If you want a very mild cycle then hands down trifecta, gains/strength will be more on the trifecta just based on the stack..., hell we just had one run this on a cut, dropped 25+ pounds and over 5% BF!
Thanks for the reply. I just wont ask a doctor cause they dont know shizzle!! Seriously, last time i ask a doctor about bcaa's and their effects on liver stress, that mother...... blamed them on my high alt/ast levels when i ended up finding out that it was a short megadose of tylenol due to a cold that actually was the culprit to these values. Ended up normal on later tests but doctors will give you claims so dumb like "high protein will kill ya" etc.

THat's why i rather ask for anecdotal feedback from actual users and reps. To me is better to know you have already used allergy meds and run your lg stack and didnt feel anything wrong, that at least lets me know that i should not worry cause i consider myself a healthy individual. Besides, i was asking for actual overthe counter brand name claritin for allergies. That's what i been using lately to keep my nose from being runny and messing up with my concentration in the gym. I dont even take it daily, i take it every other day and it keeps me in check.

Is cold in here lately and that messes with me a bit. But just had to hear some anecdotal feedback first.
Im almost ready to run my stack and my finances are allowing me now to have a good environment for growth dietwise. So that's why i asked, just to be extra sure.

will it be ok to run 4 wks natadrol solo then switch to trifecta stack from weeks 5-8 and quit the natadrol, then 4 wks pct for a total 12 wk protocol??

Would i be ok with a 4 wks pct consisting of :

1cap t911 am
1 cap t911 afternoon
2 caps formadrol xtreme before bed??

or would i require a serm for this protocol i have in mind???

thanks and sorry for the long post.


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