Question about Test, Mast, Var and DHB?


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I’m putting together my next cycle, the base will be 400mg Test C a week for 12+ weeks. I was planning on doing the same amount of Mast E but I’m starting the cycle with Var and will finish with DHB, since they are DHT’s should I keep the Mast lower than the Test or keep at the same amount as the Test?


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Id keep mast the same as test, maybe even higher. How long you gonna run the dhb?


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Depends on if you are a shredder or already bald I suppose.
I never had issues, I ran it 1 time before (a long time ago) without shredding, my dad is 60 and been blasting and cruising for the last 30 yrs and have a full set of hair so I’m not too worried about that.


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I never had issues, I ran it 1 time before (a long time ago) without shredding, my dad is 60 and been blasting and cruising for the last 30 yrs and have a full set of hair so I’m not too worried about that.
Sounds like you will probably be fine!


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So, should I keep the Mast same as Test, even though I’m running other DHT’s?
Is that what you like to do? I only tried mast once at only half the test dose (400 t, 200 m) and didn’t like it. Was giving some gnarly weird acne and the edge of anxiety. I switched the mast for 200mg DHB the last few weeks and felt fine then.


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Is that what you like to do? I only tried mast once at only half the test dose (400 t, 200 m) and didn’t like it. Was giving some gnarly weird acne and the edge of anxiety. I switched the mast for 200mg DHB the last few weeks and felt fine then.
Last time I ran it I did same dose as Test but I only ran those 2 and nothing else, this time I’m adding stuff so that’s why I was thinking that it might be better to run it lower, plus I never ran those other 2, well, I tried some low quality Var but this time I will have real Var so it’ll be my first with real Var. And yes, I did feel good on the cycle I did with Test&Mast, but it was 14 yrs ago so...

Btw, how did you feel on DHB? How was strength?


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Personally, the only obvious issue Id see with mast plus var is the possible impact on hair. Ive stacked multiple dht's and had no overt negatives (didnt negatively impact gainz, or libido, etc). I mean, what difference would there be increasing the mast and dropping the var? My point is that combining dht's is not necessarily asking for issues, esp when the combined dose could be run solely as mast (know what Im getting at?) The other thing is, yes dht's share some characteristics, but they are still unique in other respects.

I tend to always run mast at least the same as test, if not higher. Again, I have never seen negatives appear with increased doses.


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Last time I ran it I did same dose as Test but I only ran those 2 and nothing else, this time I’m adding stuff so that’s why I was thinking that it might be better to run it lower, plus I never ran those other 2, well, I tried some low quality Var but this time I will have real Var so it’ll be my first with real Var. And yes, I did feel good on the cycle I did with Test&Mast, but it was 14 yrs ago so...

Btw, how did you feel on DHB? How was strength?
Only used it a couple weeks to keep total mg up to finish the run, so not long enough to gauge it at all. But other than needing to do tissue work at injection sites to get the deposits broken up, I had no issues with it.

I was strongest/biggest I have ever been, so it didn’t hurt anything lol


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Personally, the only obvious issue Id see with mast plus var is the possible impact on hair. Ive stacked multiple dht's and had no overt negatives (didnt negatively impact gainz, or libido, etc). I mean, what difference would there be increasing the mast and dropping the var? My point is that combining dht's is not necessarily asking for issues, esp when the combined dose could be run solely as mast (know what Im getting at?) The other thing is, yes dht's share some characteristics, but they are still unique in other respects.

I tend to always run mast at least the same as test, if not higher. Again, I have never seen negatives appear with increased doses.
Cool, I’ll run Test&Mast the same then, thanks!
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