Question about blood work results



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Hey guys so I'm still pretty new here, I lurk mostly, but maybe some of you will recognize me. I'm 21 y/o, been training natural for 5 years, and I'm thinking of starting my first cycle soon. So I just got blood work done for the first time to see what my natural levels are normally before I start anything hormonal and I just had a few questions. Below are my results, with reference ranges in the parenthesis.


Total Test: 801 (348-1197)
LH: 5.5 (1.7-8.6)
FSH: 1.9 (1.5-12.4)
Estradiol: 40 (8-43)
RBC: 5.69 (4.10-5.60)

I included my red blood cell count, because it flagged my results as high. It appears to be just barely over the normal amount so I'm not too concerned with it, but still I found it odd that it would be high. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing. My main question would be in regards to my estrodiol and FSH. Although both are within the normal reference range, I thought 40 was a bit high for my estrogen (would this mean I am gyno prone?) and 1.9 seemed a bit low for my FSH. Are these results pretty typical of a natural, or are there areas I should address such as diet or whatever to bring my estrogen down and FSH up?

On a side note, I was kind of excited to see that my test was 801. I know it's not over the top high normal, but I kind of expected it to be lower because I naturally have a lower libido. Does total test of 801 mean I have good muscle building potential? Lol. Apologies in advance if that seems like a stupid question.


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You're 21, I would wait another few years, you still have a ton of growing to do. 801 is good, try lowering your e2 into the lower 20's, my libido soars around 25


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You're 21, I would wait another few years, you still have a ton of growing to do. 801 is good, try lowering your e2 into the lower 20's, my libido soars around 25
Thanks for the response, I wasn't aware lowering estrogen could increase libido I was always under the impression that some estrogen is good for it, and that crashing your e2 would kill your libido.


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Thanks for the response, I wasn't aware lowering estrogen could increase libido I was always under the impression that some estrogen is good for it, and that crashing your e2 would kill your libido.
You are correct, crashing does kill libido. It took a long time to figure out what is good for me. Gradually bring it down to see where your best number is.


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You are correct, crashing does kill libido. It took a long time to figure out what is good for me. Gradually bring it down to see where your best number is.
Thanks, I will look into ways of bringing estrogen down, besides the obvious use of an AI which I have no business taking if I'm not on cycle.


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Thanks, I will look into ways of bringing estrogen down, besides the obvious use of an AI which I have no business taking if I'm not on cycle.
Other things to have checked is your shbg, if that's high then you may have low free test


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Other things to have checked is your shbg, if that's high then you may have low free test
Right, the basic hormone panel didn't cover that. I'd have to look into it and see how much it would be. Also you really think I have a lot more room to grow naturally? I'm 5'6 160lbs about 14-15% bf.


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Right, the basic hormone panel didn't cover that. I'd have to look into it and see how much it would be. Also you really think I have a lot more room to grow naturally? I'm 5'6 160lbs about 14-15% bf.
Absolutely yes, I'm 5'6 as well and before I touched gear I topped out at 175 ish at 12 percent bf naturally. I ate like a champ, 4000 to 5000 calories a day. I Started using gear at the age of 29. I powerlifted for years before getting into body building. I'm 45 now and I'm on trt and take a natural anabolic FD2, try FD2 and a ton of food, you'll thank me.


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Absolutely yes, I'm 5'6 as well and before I touched gear I topped out at 175 ish at 12 percent bf naturally. I ate like a champ, 4000 to 5000 calories a day. I Started using gear at the age of 29. I powerlifted for years before getting into body building. I'm 45 now and I'm on trt and take a natural anabolic FD2, try FD2 and a ton of food, you'll thank me.
By FD2, you mean follidrone 2 right? And that's good to hear. That gives me hope lol. Only other thing that concerns me is that I have a small ish bone structure. Not sure how big of a factor that is when it comes to natural limitations, but if you are a naturally stocky guy, you could have more natural potential for muscle growth, no?


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By FD2, you mean follidrone 2 right? And that's good to hear. That gives me hope lol. Only other thing that concerns me is that I have a small ish bone structure. Not sure how big of a factor that is when it comes to natural limitations, but if you are a naturally stocky guy, you could have more natural potential for muscle growth, no?
Calories, heavy weights with the occasional break and some really good supplements will take you a long way naturally. I wish I had brunbel and black lion research around when I started in the 80's. Get yourself a 12 week natty stack and go for it.


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Calories, heavy weights with the occasional break and some really good supplements will take you a long way naturally. I wish I had brunbel and black lion research around when I started in the 80's. Get yourself a 12 week natty stack and go for it.
I'll have to do some more research and look into it as I'm pretty skeptical of most supplements lol thanks for all your input!


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Right, the basic hormone panel didn't cover that. I'd have to look into it and see how much it would be. Also you really think I have a lot more room to grow naturally? I'm 5'6 160lbs about 14-15% bf.
You have a TON of room to grow naturally bro.. a TON. Your RBC count is fine btw.


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Damn all of these "calculate your natural potential" websites must be lying to me then. I guess they should be taken with a grain of salt

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