Quest for Success vol#2 - Pumpin to the Ahhhnold



MST Reppin Hard!
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I'm so confused.
What i'm saying is that right now I could imgaine that the football players would look at me as a piece of freshman meat looking to make the team as a special teamer or something.... a few months I plan to have drooling cheerleader's playing the backseat to only (my girlfriend obviously) and the coaching squad's who would clearly want me as a starter ;)


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What i'm saying is that right now I could imgaine that the football players would look at me as a piece of freshman meat looking to make the team as a special teamer or something.... a few months I plan to have drooling cheerleader's playing the backseat to only (my girlfriend obviously) and the coaching squad's who would clearly want me as a starter ;)
AH ok, so NOT like Deliverance, gotcha.


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I just laughed very hard. Thanks Deucy and Christine. I needed that, I'm very stressed over an exam and needed a quick break. I literally lost it for a while due to stress.


MST Reppin Hard!
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I just laughed very hard. Thanks Deucy and Christine. I needed that, I'm very stressed over an exam and needed a quick break. I literally lost it for a while due to stress.
Well then the mission has been a success ;)


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In class now, running on four hours of sleep. I had to drink coffee today, and I avoid coffee at all costs. I'm going to be a zombie for this test.


MST Reppin Hard!
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In class now, running on four hours of sleep. I had to drink coffee today, and I avoid coffee at all costs. I'm going to be a zombie for this test.
I thought that was the definition of college? :biglaugh:

Im sure you'll do great bro!


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These times I wish I was filthy rich, so that I could at least have sleep to look forward to after class. But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I can't just win the lottery for no reason even though I never buy a ticket.

It could happen.


MST Reppin Hard!
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ahhh being rich is for sissies's never gotten anyone any REAL life experience ;)


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True that, true that. What was I thinking? Thanks for beating some sense into me. I'm still tired though. I passed out and ditched my last class. My girlfriend came home for lunch as startled the shiiiiiiiit out of me. She is like a ninja I tell you. But, at least she hugged me for a while while I slept. Good times. Now off to BJJ and I'm still very tired.


MST Reppin Hard!
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have a good session brotha! I will be posting my workout for today in a minute as soon as I shoot an email to the big boss about the logging experience!


MST Reppin Hard!
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Thursday February 19, 2009 - Back to the mix!

Met up with my AFL2 hopeful this morning and went through a weight session geared towards increasing speed *even though he is already lightning quick* and muscle. It was a good session and could have only been better if we were blessed with more time to work with. We are meeting again tomorrow night so i'm sure we will have a good session then also. There is NO doubt in my mind that he will be picked up by a team on the coming tryout's he has scheduled.

The Basics!
Push Jerk's
2 sets x 6 reps x 85lbs
2 sets x 6 reps x (2) 16kg kettlebells
Hi-Box StepUp
4 sets x 12 reps *6ea. leg* x (2) 16kg kettlebells
SnatchGrip Deadlifts
4 sets x 6 reps x 140lbs
Glute/Ham Raises
3 sets x 3 reps x BW
One Legged Box Squats
4 sets x 12 reps *6ea. leg* x BW

I was covered in sweat and wishing we had more time to play with once this session was complete. The overall development that my "pupil" has shown in just a few weeks has been phenomenal. I am also astonished by the amount of work I have been able to put on myself recently and continue to demand more and get results. I have started to notice small cuts here and there on my body (mostly shoulders and legs so far) and i'm sure that more are on their way. I haven't done any weighing or anything of that nature just yet....but I will soon.

I will also be ending this log soon. I know it says until the arnold and all...but seeing as how i'm no longer attending the arnold...I don't feel like this specific log is a necessity right now. I do, however plan to start another log immediately afterwards that I will post a link here so you can sub to.


MST Reppin Hard!
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Congrats on the success of your program
Oh it hasn't gotten there yet...but progress is definitely occuring. The success isn't far behind....just gotta keep bangin away at it :)


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Awesome stuff Chuck, those cuts you're noticing on your legs and shoulders start on the outside and work there way in. Keep at it man.


MST Reppin Hard!
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Awesome stuff Chuck, those cuts you're noticing on your legs and shoulders start on the outside and work there way in. Keep at it man.
Thanks buddy! The sad part is that they are cuts that I had already gotten a few months ago and then with my father and with the few hundred extra cheats because of it...and because of my gf being pregnant and stuff....they are cuts I lost. I'm just glad to be showing them again and i'm really excited to keep pushing forward! not for a cosmetic reason...but from the standpoint of an athlete!


MST Reppin Hard!
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Friday February 20, 2009 - Short...CIRCUIT.

Had another great session tonight with some circuit work. I've been really loving that kind of work and am going to stick with it for the most part through the next week or so until the move into the new place. At that time I partially lose the ability to workout as much....or with as much apparatus at least because of moving into a real small place. I am trying to squeeze as much in as possible...and I figure that when I leave this home and have to wait for my modem to get setup over there, that is when I will also end this log. The move is set for the end of the month (28th) this log has just about another week or so until I phase into a different one...which I will link to here.

Circuits are my SHIIIIIZZZZZZ

Circuit #1 - 4 rotations of circuit, 30 seconds rest between rotations
Power Snatch with Stomp
100lbs x 3 reps
Donkey Kicks
BW x 3 reps
ScoopBack MedBall Toss
4kg x 3 reps

Circuit #2 - 4 rotations of circuit, 30 seconds rest between rotations
Pause/Rep Squats
150lbs x 3 reps
Donkey Kicks
BW x 3 reps
Vertical kick MedBall Throw
4kg x 3 reps

Circuit #3 - 4 rotations of circuit, 30 seconds rest between rotations
Power Clean with Stomp
115lbs x 3 reps
Donkey Kicks
BW x 3 reps
ScoopBack MedBall Toss
4kg x 3 reps

Russian Jump Splits
1 set x 6 reps x BW
1 set x 6 reps x 4kg Medball overhead
1 set x 6 reps x 4kg Medball Twist during motion
Glute/Ham Extension
3 Sets x 3 Reps x BW

Really great session tonight. I was sweating profusely by the time we were done and I can really start to feel my strength coming back to form. My Donkey Kicks feel intense and I can feel the Power Snatches straight from my ankles, through my core, and all into my shoulders. REAL full body work right there! I am enjoying these workouts a great deal!

Tomorrow night I think we are going to be focusing on upper body again since it's been I think about 5-6 days since we've worked it out. Mostly still compound movements with maybe some cardio based work like medball tosses outside or something. It isn't long before I begin my AFL2 candidtate on some KB's every 5th day or so....but I will let him perfect his form with the bar before I overwhelm the kid ;)


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I might have to steal some of these workouts deucy. Dem be gud stuf!

I got my brother in the gym finally. Last night he did a circuit of Bent Over Row, Squat, and Bench all to his 20 rep max, followed by a quarter mile sprint.

He was pretty destroyed by the end of the first circuit, but the 4th one... man he was really donezo. Lol.


MST Reppin Hard!
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hahaha sounds like a circuit that would surely destroy most people....more power to him!

I'm really enjoying my setup right now and I am going to stick with it. Some people may think it's too low in weight or reps even...but for my goals and with my style of training and intensity fits just fine. I am upping weight most every workout and staying with similar routines. Even if it's only's progress. I'm not looking to shatter any world records here ;)

The main focus of any program should be form anyway. I know a lot of people that are pushing more weight than me....but doing it so incorrectly that they will have back problems when they are 35. not my goal.


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Exactly, man do what you need to do. As long as you FEEL it, then do it.

It's annoying when people impose their game plan on you lol. Just make sure you are working yourself hard.


MST Reppin Hard!
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I am...and like, 25 seconds I start the next session :bruce3:


MST Reppin Hard!
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Saturday February 21, 2009 - Workin it out!

Today was a nice session for me. Not too wild...but a solid session that helped work on mobility as well as strength. I would have went at it a lot harder, but only sleeping 5 hours last night mixed with cleaning out and re-boxing an entire basement today to prep for our move meant not killing myself tonight.

Highlight of the day was my post workout meal. 1 cup of Kefir with a whole Mango chopped up inside. It was AWESOME!!

Doin that thang!
Hurdle Drills for Mobility
6 sets x 24 reps
Bear Crawls
6 sets x 10 yards
Spider Lunge
5 sets x 10 yards
Donkey Kicks
1 set of 12 reps
2 set of 10 reps *warmup*
Flat BB Bench Press
115lbs x 6 reps
125lbs x 6 reps
135lbs x 6 reps
155lbs x 6 reps
Floor DB Flyes
3 sets x 6 reps x 40lb DB's
Unilateral Leg Work
Rx1 (left leg) - 60 seconds
Rx1 (right leg) - 60 seconds
Rx2 (left leg) - 60 seconds
Rx2 (right leg) - 60 seconds
Rx3 (left leg) - 60 seconds
Rx3 (right leg) - 60 seconds
Resistance Band Capsule Work
Medium resistance x 8 reps x 15 sets

All in All it was a really good session. Wasn't as explosive and hyped up as some of the others this past week or two...but a good session nonetheless. Tomorrow is supposed to be an off i'm assuming that i'll end up doing something anyway:)


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That would be awesome!! Wait! what are you doing awake this late..hmmm!!! Your facebook says you are asleep!


MST Reppin Hard!
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Sunday February 22, 2009 - Circuit Blasting

Rocked out another solid circuit night tonight which I am riding into a much needed day off....or maybe a bodyweight day followed THEN by a day off. I have gone for I believe 8 straight a break is in order...sadly. I had my AFL2 guy shoot some video tonight so that I could get it up here for everyone. Don't mind my lack of depth on the legs are still sore from the last few days so I was kind of cheating, haha.

Circuits are my SHIIIIIZZZZZZ

Circuit #1 - 4 rotations of circuit, 30 seconds rest between rotations
Split Jerks
115lbs x 4 reps
Donkey Kicks
BW x 3 reps
Vertical Front MedBall Toss
4kg x 3 reps
YouTube - split jerk

Circuit #2 - 4 rotations of circuit, 30 seconds rest between rotations
Dead Stop Squats
150lbs x 4 reps
Donkey Kicks
BW x 3 reps
ScoopBack MedBall Throw
4kg x 3 reps
YouTube - Squat Circuit

Circuit #3 - 4 rotations of circuit, 30 seconds rest between rotations
Russian Split Jumps
115lbs x 4 reps
Donkey Kicks
BW x 3 reps
Vertical Back MedBall Toss
4kg x 3 reps

Ham Splits
BW x 15 sec. x 3 sets
Muscle Snatch
Bar x 6 reps x 4 sets
Unilateral Leg Work
Rx1 (left leg) - 60 seconds
Rx1 (right leg) - 60 seconds
Rx2 (left leg) - 60 seconds
Rx2 (right leg) - 60 seconds
Rx3 (left leg) - 60 seconds
Rx3 (right leg) - 60 seconds

Really good workout tonight even though I struggled getting my intensity up. I was already kind of tired from a lack of sleep for 3 straight nights now...and I had a long ass day and then followed by me legs still being beat up from a lot of consecutive full body work. I am making sure to take off from "weights" for at least 2 full days...even if I do some bodyweight stuff....there will be no weight's until at least Wednesday!


MST Reppin Hard!
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*give the vids like ten mintues....they are still processing*


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CTDeuce, I dub thee, Mr. Intensity. Those circuits are crazy!


MST Reppin Hard!
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haha thank you Steve+C :)

I figured I would show a little bit of a preview of how the next few months *hopefully* are going to look. If I can get an outdoor setup at my new place, I can still do everything that we do in my livingroom now.


MST Reppin Hard!
  • Established
Just a quick update....took yesterday off instead of doing bodyweight stuff so that I could get some packing done and i'm taking today off for the same reason. We start moving into our new place as soon as possibly I really need to get this done! Of course with the move...comes the loss of the internet for a few days so that will suck.

Also when I am safely and securely into the new house is when I will begin the new log. I haven't thought of a snappy title if anyone has anything...feel free to shoot it out there :biglaugh:. I would say I have until Saturday on this log before I end it out.

Tomorrow morning is our Ultrasound Appointment to find out what the Gender's are of our twins!! :biglaugh:


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Just a quick update....took yesterday off instead of doing bodyweight stuff so that I could get some packing done and i'm taking today off for the same reason. We start moving into our new place as soon as possibly I really need to get this done! Of course with the move...comes the loss of the internet for a few days so that will suck.

Also when I am safely and securely into the new house is when I will begin the new log. I haven't thought of a snappy title if anyone has anything...feel free to shoot it out there :biglaugh:. I would say I have until Saturday on this log before I end it out.

Tomorrow morning is our Ultrasound Appointment to find out what the Gender's are of our twins!! :biglaugh:
Deuces Double Trouble anticipation of the little

I can't wait to hear the news!!


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For some reason youtube doesnt have that clip...but it's absolutely hilarious!
Bah, don't you know that watching clips of shows online is EXACTLY the same as stealing the box set from Best least that's what they want you to think.

Far be it for me to say that online video clips/music stimulates interest in and purchase of movies/music. Blasphemy :squintfinger:

/end rant

So did you workout today Chuck?


MST Reppin Hard!
  • Established
No actually. I took today as my 2nd day off in the last 10 days to go ahead and rest up some muscle for one more day. I was dying to go today though...and I am very eager to have a good session tomorrow night!! I am uncertain yet if I will do circuit work or focus primarily with compound movements for full body and put a few extra lbs on the bar.....but it'll be something awesome either way!

Tomorrow morning I find out the gender of the I have a feeling that will fuel tomorrow's session for sure. I want to be in much better shape for their arrival and even though this might sound kind of funny....knowing the gender kind of makes it more "real" to me. Kind of like....well I know they are in there right now...but I don't know anything about them. Now I will know at least what I can shop for and what kind of names to look at ;).

Right now my top boy choice is - Liam Charles
Right now my top girl choice is - Isla Kimberly

I haven't given TOO much thought into that area just yet....but that's what I have with initial thought :)


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You better come and tell me as soon as you know!!! You know I'm waiting anxiously!


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I'm excited too. I think I will feel bad when I have my first born, because I know I'm going to want a boy. But, I think maybe I shouldn't want anything except for a healthy baby.


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MST Reppin Hard!
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So my stupid internet service kicked out because im moving this sunday! I am currently at the library making this update real fast before heading out. The news is....


I am super pumped....even though I think I would have been super pumped either way. 2 boys was the only option we didn't think had much of a I was very unprepared when they told us, haha. I will post pics of the ultrasound once I have internet again. They are supposed to come to the new place on the 6th to hook it up so we'll see I guess.

I suppose this log is officially over. I will in fact still be working out and keeping stats....but I have no way to update until at least the 6th so I may as well just end it now. As soon as I have a new log setup, I will post the link here!

Thank you all for following :)

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