Pyramiding Ostarine dosages from a mini cut to mini bulk in 1 cycle


Hey yall,

I recently have been blessed with being a father and needless to say my time at the gym has been floored to the ground. With full upper body and lower body workouts once a week each, with an hour of cardio before both of those training sessions, my body has been somewhat maintaining with the help of Mk2866.

Weeks before my baby momma gave birth i foresaw this coming and really wanted to take advantage of mk2866's muscle wasting prevention capabilities. I started doeting hard and doing ablot of mpre cardio and i went from 198lbs to 188lbs in a couple weeks safely while also trainging in somewhat of a recomp stage.Now that my kid is here and im not able to hit the gym as much, i had a theory:
What about pyramiding my mk2866 dosages for their best results? Im currently on week 2 of 18mg daily, im still eating clean and looling good, at the start of week 5 i was thinking of bumping up to 20-21mg for 4 weeks while increasing both my lifting and my calories and carb intake, and at the start of week 9 i was thinking of bumping up to 25mg for 4 weeks finishing of my 12 week cycle, doing somewhat of a mini bulk really ramping up my food intake.

The point of this is i was wondering what peoples thoights are of pyramiding ostarine. Can these dosages really do any significance in 4 week periods?
What’s your prior cycle experience?

Ostarine is probably only useful for a woman to bulk or a true newbie. It’s just weak as hell. Tapering up your dose with food slowly isn’t a bad way to try to keep making gains at all, but if you aren’t using testosterone with this I would cut the cycle by week 8 tops. Lethargy will be coming soon as your natural production shuts down.
I second everything Hyde said. Osta works pretty well for me when trying to save muscle on a cut, but I couldn't really gain muscle when I tried to do a recomp with it. I went as high as 25 mg / day and I'm not sure if I see a difference in 15 - 25 mg. Maybe a little bit more strenght while on calorie deficit with the higher dosing.

I would also recommend some kind of test base like Hyde said especially if going for longer run. My T levels were 216 (under reference area) after 6 weeks of Osta only at 15 mg. I bounced back with Tamoxifen.
Also something that comes to mind is that I have allways made the best gains after my cuts and this hasn't changed after incorporating Osta in my cuts. About 1-3 months following immediately the periods of calorie deficit seems to be the best times to make lean gains for me. My body is in responsive state I guess with heightened nutrition utilization after being in a deficit and my metabolism keeps increasing as I increase calorie intake so no fat gain even though eating at surplus and weight goes up.

So IF your body reacts the same way and you don't want to include a test base product, then you could do exactly like you laid out, but stop taking Osta after 8 weeks and the last 4 weeks would be pct + mini bulk. A thought..
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Ive ran 4 osta cycles my first at 20mg for 8weeks the others all at 25mg for 10weeks. Each time reallt benefiting, ive always made significant gains on osta. Ran lgd twice at 12mg for 8weeks. Both times REALLY gained muscle as well as fat, love lgd, not a fan of how badly it shut me down though which is why i prefer ostarine. 6 months on 6 months off mk677 3 times. After each of the osta and lgd cycles my pct was always with clomid just to be safe.
Ive never expierienced any lethargy of any kind even whipe running mk677 at 25mg for months. Im just naturally a very energentic person.

My hope was starting at a low dose and steadily increasing the dosage would allow me a longer cycle at a less harmful approach rather than going 12 weeks at 25mg daily. Im sure my natural test will start to surpress really low once i get around week 5 when i first bump it up, but with a solid natural test booster on cycle (any suggestions are appreciated ive had bad experiences in the past with them) and a solid clomid pct I would think i should be able to run a longer cycle say 11-12 weeks
CEL M-Test seems to be the most recommended test booster, but I don't think a test booster would do much if anything while being suppressed by Osta. I would personally save it for pct if a test booster would be used. How about 4-andro/dermacrime/dhea/epiandro instead of a test booster?
Ive ran 4 osta cycles my first at 20mg for 8weeks the others all at 25mg for 10weeks. Each time reallt benefiting, ive always made significant gains on osta. Ran lgd twice at 12mg for 8weeks. Both times REALLY gained muscle as well as fat, love lgd, not a fan of how badly it shut me down though which is why i prefer ostarine. 6 months on 6 months off mk677 3 times. After each of the osta and lgd cycles my pct was always with clomid just to be safe.
Ive never expierienced any lethargy of any kind even whipe running mk677 at 25mg for months. Im just naturally a very energentic person.

My hope was starting at a low dose and steadily increasing the dosage would allow me a longer cycle at a less harmful approach rather than going 12 weeks at 25mg daily. Im sure my natural test will start to surpress really low once i get around week 5 when i first bump it up, but with a solid natural test booster on cycle (any suggestions are appreciated ive had bad experiences in the past with them) and a solid clomid pct I would think i should be able to run a longer cycle say 11-12 weeks

Test boosters won’t maintain your levels while using SARMs. If you are happy with your energy and libido then it’s a non-issue probably, but you may indeed want to taper dose up just to offset the anabolism of your declining test levels.

The difference in muscle building potential between the various levels of Ostarine you have discussed will be largely negligible though, from my personal experience with Ostarine (15-30mg doesn’t really look any different for me). In a similar fashion, I doubt toxicity would be substantially different.

Have you ever gotten bloodwork on or at the very end of your cycles? That is the only way to even see if toxicity is even a relevant factor here for you to begin with.
Considering the input above I'm considering a backup plan,
It sounds as though my idea of a longer cycle by pyramiding the dosages isnt worth my time.
If I were to continue running osta at 18mg for another 2 weeks (6 weeks in total) and using that low dosage to the best of my ability to preserve muscle with my limited training and limited caloric intake, my test suppression shouldnt be that bad (considering I've always reacted well to the osta I've gotten using the same supplier and my dose is low). After a 4 week break and upping my calories, but not too crazy, what would be some thoughts of starting another 8 week cycle starting at 25mg from first day to last.

My thought process here is that since a ran a shorter cycle at a lower dosage I wouldnt need that much time for my natural test to come back up and could be ready for another cycle in a shorter time period as opposed to had I ran an 8 week cycle at a higher dosage.

Thanks for the input fellas
Have you ever gotten bloodwork on or at the very end of your cycles? That is the only way to even see if toxicity is even a relevant factor here for you to begin with.

I've never had bloods done because I've never really had a warning sign to do so as simple as that sounds. The most worrisome I've ever been was hair loss while running adrenosterone which I was not a fan of, and most certainly low test during my pct of my LGD cycles, but I've always seemed to bounce back pretty well with Clomid
I've never had bloods done because I've never really had a warning sign to do so as simple as that sounds. The most worrisome I've ever been was hair loss while running adrenosterone which I was not a fan of, and most certainly low test during my pct of my LGD cycles, but I've always seemed to bounce back pretty well with Clomid

So you have no idea if this is affecting your liver or cholesterol significantly or not. That would guide my decision as to how often I wanted to be using this stuff. If you are on it most of the time and your cholesterol is shot, that’s gonna cost you down the road.

I would get a CMP+lipid panel at the end of your 6 week cut and see how things look - worse it is, more time off I would consider. If things are in range even after 6 weeks on Osta then it’s probably fine to go back on sooner.