Pull-ups on a barbell in squat stands


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just don't be dumb about it and have the barbell roll off into your throat, but generally speaking this method is used to train people in a million xfit gyms around the world.
As long as the squat stands are reasonably stable and you keep your movements fluid/avoid jerking.

You might be able to pile some weight plates and/or sandbags around the bases of the stands to help keep them planted as well.

I do them fine on the yoke I have in my garage sometimes, but I have that thing weighted down with 400lbs - plus it already weights something like 165 empty.
Can you attach or weld a pull-up bar to the rack? Something like this...

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one injury is all you need to ruin your life. Que the Mexico City video of the lady killing herself by using equipment in an incorrect manner.
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